I forget the name of this beach, on Anegada. Maybe Loblolly bay.

Lobsters! (Caribbean lobsters don't have the big claws like Maine lobsters)

I forget what island that is, but I liked the clouds.

The view from Biras Creek resort. (we only had lunch there; it's like $900/night. But gorgeous.)

Looking the other direction from Biras Creek.

a very cute little dog named Brie.

Approaching Anegada. (Anegada is one of the (if not THE) only island in the Virgin islands that is not volcanic [I guess it's a coral atoll?], so it's highest point is about 5' above sea level.)

Brie fetching her frisbee.

More Anegada.

On the ferry to Anegada. I took this for the T-shirt. It says "Racing at Bitter End: it ain't over til the cooler's empty!"

For josh: this boat is called Chowderhead (prob doesn't zoom in enough to show it, but I promise!)

iPod vending machine in the atlanta airport (did I already post this? sorry)

These tiny little miniature horses at the first harbor

By the ferry dock on St. Thomas

At Bitter End Yacht Club (on Virgin Gorda), with Saba Rock in the distance.

Necker Island (Richard Branson's (of Virgin Atlantic) private island)

Action shot! (the starboard [right] side of the deck is actually underwater)

Postcard shot- a beach at BEYC.

The V-berth. In the very bow of the boat. Where John, the captain, "slept" at night. (that little blue ironing-board looking thing folds down)

Another action shot. We were hauling ass. :)

My first time fishing.

The squirrel fish I caught! (we threw him back and he swam away just fine.)

John kissing my parrotfish goodbye.

At the award banquet, we won the "when pigs fly" award (for thinking a boat that big could sail in to anegada (the water is only like 5' deep). My dad was trying to see if the pig would really fly.

My dad playing foosball, I think for the first time in his life.

The Baths (this huge crazy (popular, touristy) natural rock formation on Virgin Gorda)

The Baths again

More Baths
I looked at some of the pictures and they are pretty good. I have to go back with either internet explorer or when firefox wants to work I keep getting scprt error messages. Then the slide show also started working funny. I'm sure it is my computer and nothing with the site. I do understand why you put them all up there on not on estrip. Estrip is great and all but it isn't a picture site and so you need a picture site for those. I'm not bashing (e:strip) but you wouldn't blog on a oicture sitecause that isn't waht it is made for.
ha, yeah, there will be no bikini shots.
I have a flickr account but it has no pix in it.
Here are the rest of my vacation pix, though-
thanks for asking. :)
There where Bikini shots? Great pictures I love the white sand beaches or any of the beaches. I do have one question do you have a picture page like flickr or any other site where we can see more pictures.
Where did all the bikini pictures go?