NEWSFLASH: The New York Times Serves Piping Hot Bile For Morning Reading
Why they will never learn their lesson, I do not know.
NYT has been guilty practitioners of partisan yellow journalism for decades. This is merely another example of a 100% unsubstantiated story based on "anonymous sources" with the utterly transparent intent to cause harm to John McCain's candidacy and to demoralize political enemies. Let me repeat it again - THERE IS NO JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY ANYMORE! Under any definition of ethical journalism or journalistic integrity, the NYT has once again failed the American people. I won't be holding my breath for an attack on Obama that will never happen, by the way, and I have news for you - it ain't because he's clean as a whistle.
How many times have I written political blog entries telling you - my readers past, present, future, occasional, etc. - that liberal Democrats are not and never will be as good at the political game as the GOP are?
I see this article as an incredibly short sighted gambit that was going to blow up in their own faces the minute it was published. Journalists at the NYT are blinded by their partisanship and have convinced themselves that their partisanship is not in fact a detriment to their profession but an enhancement, which in any rational persons estimation is laughable. Its obvious why this has been condoned over the years, but the real interesting part of it all is how ideological partisanship has transformed the culture of the newsroom. The lengths to which these people go to justify their unprofessional behavior are interesting to watch. At times its like watching an accused criminal squirming in a chair at a police station while the detectives ask him uncomfortable questions. Other times the complaints are simply ignored, as if they owe no explanation to anyone.
Journalists, YOU ARE WRONG and your profession is dying because of your lack of ethics and your inability to restrain yourselves when a juicy rumor comes around. Aren't you the same idiots that believed Bill Burkett in 2004 and ran with it because it was, as they say, sympathetic to the cause?
Journalists believe that anonymous reporting is essential to their work because otherwise they would not be able to report stories that are of vital importance to the American people. This is marble mouthed idiocy that I simply cannot tolerate as a person who refuses to allow an insult to his (and by extension, your) intelligence go unnoticed. That is merely an attempt to justify a complete lack of journalistic integrity, pure and simple.
The bottom line is this. Can you trust a paper that as standard operating procedure prints controversial and accusatory articles, knowing that they are unwilling to publicly substantiate what it is that their printing?
This is classic journalistic muckraking, but the joke isn't on John McCain.
Why They Got It Wrong - 2008's Biggest Political Miscalculation Thus Far
The title of this journal entry is provocative but is ultimately true. I truly believe that the NYT has made a colossal mistake that may end up costing the Democrats far more than it will cost the GOP. Read on to find out why.
The essence of the gambit the NYT has played is this. Who do conservatives hate more - McCain or the New York Times? The liberals making the decisions at the Times have severely miscalculated how efficiently their own behavior galvanizes conservatives across America.
Trust me on this - I know these people like I know every inch of my glorious naked body. Conservatives will never believe anything that the New York Times prints and will never hold up an article from the NYT as evidence that John McCain is the GOP version of Bill Clinton. Siding with print from the New York Times is simply not part of the equation and never will be. The NYT has made an assumption about how readers perceive them that is ultimately inaccurate. They have undermined themselves in a most stunning fashion.
NYT has risked waking the GOP up merely because they wanted to play what will widely be perceived as a transparently dirty trick. I am not saying that conservatives will be in lockstep with McCain, but they certainly will not allow a sworn political enemy like the NYT to slander McCain. This sort of thing is going to affect how many GOP voters come out in November, I guarantee it. It just won't be in the way the NYT were hoping for. Things just got more interesting. Is it possible that this year the candidates will be civil but the press will not?
"Paranoia is so intense that six stray cats -including two pregnant females - were beaten to death with sticks by teachers at a Beijing kindergarten, who feared they might pass illnesses to the children." I bet that was memorable for the kids. That'll teach them to listen to their teacher.
First of all Paul does make a great point that we in the USA do the same thing sort of. We round up animals and give them 3 weeks and if they don't get picked up they are killed.
But there is a difference we don't have the government telling us how bad these animals are and how they will kill our kids. We also don't do that to peoples pets. The government is getting people to get rid of there pets and why? Well for the same reason ever place that gets an olympics does something like this. They Want to clean up the city for the people who are coming to the country for the first time. Granted you want your city to be at its best but it should be how it really is. If I go to China I want to see the games but I want to see the real china and maybe go find some adult fun someplace to, I don't want everything all cleaned up an AMericanised or europised. I remember something like this made the news with the sydney games, it had something to do with aborginal people being moved. I understand you don't want SARS to break out, but I have never seen wild chinesse cats that roam the streets and it would be cool to see them.
self-aware or not, animals definitely suffer if you make them.
Seriously, pigs definitely are as smart as dogs. Even my pet tortoise comes to me when I call it because he knows when I call there is food. Same with mice?
I hear what you're saying paul and can't say I totally disagree, but cats and dogs are self-aware while I don't feel the animals we eat here are..if I call my dog he'll come to me but a chicken probably not so much!
Wow, my hatred for cats is so great I really don't care.
You realize in America we take all the stray cats that get brought to the pound and kill them too. Same with the animal control people, they round up and kill the animals or sell them to industry for animal testing.
I could never understand why some animals were treated so differently than others and why it outrages people so much when its a cat or a dog but not when its a chicken or a veal calf. You also have to consider that in many parts of china, cats are food animals
Barely anyone one cares how chickens are treated to make our eggs, or milk cows are treated not to mention all the animals that are outright killed for their meat or as pests such as rats.
Is it any more morally objectionable rounding up and killing these cats, than it is have a legally sanctioned animal testing policy in America.
I would much rather be beaten to death than be subjected to chemical tests.
I just don't see it as that outrageous when you look at in the the general sense of how humans treat animals.
yeah... I don't really like cats- but that's awful.
Reminds me of this one: :::link:::
"Indian authorities to poison 100,000 stray dogs
Slaughter aimed at combating rabies; activists decry plan"
If only cats had a one child policy they wouldn't have this problem.