Setting up new computer this weekend:

We went to (e:Janelle) and (e:Drew) 's for an afternoon of fun on MLK day.
I won Balderdash (like always!)

Drew won Apples to Apples:

And after Drew and Janelle's soiree we went out to Left Bank for dinner (it's (e:James) and my 3 year anniversary today)

happy anniversary!
(jenks-balderdash is a super fun game of words and definitions!)
Hahaha. I love those signs. You know, all boys are pre-programmed to be little monstrous violent thugs who need government re-programming in order to know the difference between right and wrong.
happy anniversary! don't you just love left bank?
and, what's balderdash about?
He's watching
He's waiting
He'll listen
Is this a promo poster for the Halloween prequel?
Happy anniversary, heard about the gaming fun too late to participate...or was that the plan all along?
Happy anniversary. I will win Balderdash next time.
Happy Anniversary! Did you guys meet at a Martin Luther King Day parade/party?