Jim's Journal
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01/22/2008 16:38 #42987
What is my dad getting up to???Category: family
01/21/2008 19:37 #42979
Week in review...Category: photos
Teach your kid to respect women or we'll send him to Guantanamo Bay!

Setting up new computer this weekend:

We went to (e:Janelle) and (e:Drew) 's for an afternoon of fun on MLK day.
I won Balderdash (like always!)

Drew won Apples to Apples:

And after Drew and Janelle's soiree we went out to Left Bank for dinner (it's (e:James) and my 3 year anniversary today)


Setting up new computer this weekend:

We went to (e:Janelle) and (e:Drew) 's for an afternoon of fun on MLK day.
I won Balderdash (like always!)

Drew won Apples to Apples:

And after Drew and Janelle's soiree we went out to Left Bank for dinner (it's (e:James) and my 3 year anniversary today)

ladycroft - 01/22/08 13:26
happy anniversary!
(jenks-balderdash is a super fun game of words and definitions!)
happy anniversary!
(jenks-balderdash is a super fun game of words and definitions!)
jason - 01/22/08 13:06
Hahaha. I love those signs. You know, all boys are pre-programmed to be little monstrous violent thugs who need government re-programming in order to know the difference between right and wrong.
Hahaha. I love those signs. You know, all boys are pre-programmed to be little monstrous violent thugs who need government re-programming in order to know the difference between right and wrong.
jenks - 01/21/08 21:19
happy anniversary! don't you just love left bank?
and, what's balderdash about?
happy anniversary! don't you just love left bank?
and, what's balderdash about?
james - 01/21/08 20:35
He's watching
He's waiting
He'll listen
Is this a promo poster for the Halloween prequel?
He's watching
He's waiting
He'll listen
Is this a promo poster for the Halloween prequel?
mrmike - 01/21/08 20:34
Happy anniversary, heard about the gaming fun too late to participate...or was that the plan all along?
Happy anniversary, heard about the gaming fun too late to participate...or was that the plan all along?
drew - 01/21/08 20:25
Happy anniversary. I will win Balderdash next time.
Happy anniversary. I will win Balderdash next time.
mike - 01/21/08 20:08
Happy Anniversary! Did you guys meet at a Martin Luther King Day parade/party?
Happy Anniversary! Did you guys meet at a Martin Luther King Day parade/party?
01/20/2008 18:27 #42964
Desktop BackgroundsCategory: art
01/19/2008 21:24 #42958
Saturday Night
james - 01/20/08 09:58
drew - 01/20/08 07:14
That is what Janelle and I are going to do on Monday. Anybody else with a day off that likes board games, come on over!
That is what Janelle and I are going to do on Monday. Anybody else with a day off that likes board games, come on over!
jenks - 01/19/08 22:58
how funny... we were just nerding out last night and totally wanting to have game night.
I hate risk, but i love clue.
how funny... we were just nerding out last night and totally wanting to have game night.
I hate risk, but i love clue.
01/19/2008 00:16 #42947
M and M SlogansCategory: estrip
Help me pick out what to have written on the official (e:strip) M&M's that I plan to order in time for the next party.
Here was my first thought:

But, unfortunately they do not allow swearing.
Rules: we can have two different slogans, and each one can have two lines of 8 characters each, and they must be G-rated.
Another try:

Here was my first thought:

But, unfortunately they do not allow swearing.
Rules: we can have two different slogans, and each one can have two lines of 8 characters each, and they must be G-rated.

Another try:

metalpeter - 01/19/08 16:38
I did have one idea that might work but not sure again that 8 letter thing makes a lot of stuff not work. Maybe you could base what you wanted them to say on what the party was. I do think that staying with some form of (e:strip) is a good idea, wish I was more help.
I did have one idea that might work but not sure again that 8 letter thing makes a lot of stuff not work. Maybe you could base what you wanted them to say on what the party was. I do think that staying with some form of (e:strip) is a good idea, wish I was more help.
jim - 01/19/08 13:21
Community is slightly too long, and unfortunately we can't do user names because we only get 4 lines total.
Community is slightly too long, and unfortunately we can't do user names because we only get 4 lines total.
metalpeter - 01/19/08 10:46
Does Internet Community when I spell it out it looks to long but when I counted it out it worked. Not to throw more things at you but to bad you couldn't get all the (e:peeps) names on one (some are two long) but maybe all the ones of peoples names who fit. Here are two more Ideas since what ever party it is will be at (e:pmt)'s that might be and Idea or maybe "The 24" or maybe even (e:Linwood) again these are just a few ideas maybe some other people will have some good ones.
Does Internet Community when I spell it out it looks to long but when I counted it out it worked. Not to throw more things at you but to bad you couldn't get all the (e:peeps) names on one (some are two long) but maybe all the ones of peoples names who fit. Here are two more Ideas since what ever party it is will be at (e:pmt)'s that might be and Idea or maybe "The 24" or maybe even (e:Linwood) again these are just a few ideas maybe some other people will have some good ones.
jim - 01/19/08 09:13
I was going to get the standard 5-color mix, but there are a bunch of different possibilities.
I was going to get the standard 5-color mix, but there are a bunch of different possibilities.
fellyconnelly - 01/19/08 07:42
how about using the word BUM instead?
And can't you choose which colors to use also?
how about using the word BUM instead?
And can't you choose which colors to use also?
I think it's funny because (e:jim)'s dad is Al Gore.
- Z
I can't tell if it is funny because they got the Charlie's Angels pose wrong or if it is funny because they intentionally got the Charlie's Angels pose wrong to hilarious effect.