I thought it was all better. Well, not all better but seriously from the scope on wed to sat I was doing so good. I took my medicine with every meal and I ate exactly what i was supposed to. I was even abe to go out all afternoon on saturday with no real problems. Then starting last night at like 11PM it all started getting achey again. My intestine started getting all achy and spastic and painful. I didn't eat anything weird and I know what is in all my food as I cook everything now- at every meal.
I haven't had any dairy since the scope to see if that made a difference and I thought maybe it did. I hadn't eaten any wheat either - that is until yesterday afternoon when I had two slices of wheat bread. Maybe that was it.
I really need to get tested for food allergies just to make sure I don't eat anything I am allergic to with my already stressed system. It makes me so sad to think it will not get better. In fact, when I was in line at the coop buying some soy yogurt and ocean perch I almost started crying because I thought - now food is ruined for me and some sad 80s song was playing. The one social, kind of nice thing I liked to do besides compute was eat and it is all ruined. Living with Crohns is seriously going to kill me mentally if not physically.
I was also freaked out by a white guy dressed as an muslim with desert head garb thing and all. Call me ethnocentric but he was white as white bread, with a black dude and looked weird to me. It was just a strange combo and apparently my medicine makes me moody.
Just imagine this guy but a white looking white bread guy inside.

As soon as I found that pic above, I found this one, which explains it so much better

If this continues I am seriously going to need some sort of anti-depressant, pain medication myself.
Hang in there Paul. As you learn to live with it, it will be more managable. You're in my thoughts & heart.