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01/13/2008 21:37 #42874

My whining, complaining, bitchy...
Category: health
Intestines... I know that you are probably so tired about hearing about this as I am tired of living it, but I figure it will be good to look back on the whole experience someday.

I thought it was all better. Well, not all better but seriously from the scope on wed to sat I was doing so good. I took my medicine with every meal and I ate exactly what i was supposed to. I was even abe to go out all afternoon on saturday with no real problems. Then starting last night at like 11PM it all started getting achey again. My intestine started getting all achy and spastic and painful. I didn't eat anything weird and I know what is in all my food as I cook everything now- at every meal.

I haven't had any dairy since the scope to see if that made a difference and I thought maybe it did. I hadn't eaten any wheat either - that is until yesterday afternoon when I had two slices of wheat bread. Maybe that was it.

I really need to get tested for food allergies just to make sure I don't eat anything I am allergic to with my already stressed system. It makes me so sad to think it will not get better. In fact, when I was in line at the coop buying some soy yogurt and ocean perch I almost started crying because I thought - now food is ruined for me and some sad 80s song was playing. The one social, kind of nice thing I liked to do besides compute was eat and it is all ruined. Living with Crohns is seriously going to kill me mentally if not physically.

I was also freaked out by a white guy dressed as an muslim with desert head garb thing and all. Call me ethnocentric but he was white as white bread, with a black dude and looked weird to me. It was just a strange combo and apparently my medicine makes me moody.

Just imagine this guy but a white looking white bread guy inside.

As soon as I found that pic above, I found this one, which explains it so much better

If this continues I am seriously going to need some sort of anti-depressant, pain medication myself.
iriesara - 01/14/08 18:47
Hang in there Paul. As you learn to live with it, it will be more managable. You're in my thoughts & heart.

01/12/2008 22:13 #42862

Cleaning out the kitchen
Category: food
Now that I cook every meal in the kitchen I figured I better clean it out a bunch. I threw out all the old disposable plastic tupperware which I am convinced is cancerous and replaced it glass in a similar fashion to throwing out all the teflon (e:paul,39134) a few months ago and replacing it with stainless steel.

These are the lids, the actual containers didn't fit in the pic.

Here are the new ones.

I even threw out all my candy supply.

Yes, even the candy canes.

I ate clams and pills for dinner. I am feeling so much better.


3 pills are asacol but the rest is all spirulina, fish oil, friednly bacteria dn a mashmellow root which really seems to help.

There is no snow anywhere - how crazy is that?

This dude at the Galleria needs help.

Damn, this tower is ugly. I know I have already talked about it ten times but the rust drips just take it to the next level.

We drove down Dodge street today as directed by my brother's GPS a few weeks ago and saw this building - what was it? It is on Dodge, in the east side right near the 33.


The pigeons really like McDonalds on elmwood near the Regal. I like to call it Mc Shooters.


Back in 1997 - on elmwood near great arrow, the only time I was hit by another car. It was my fault, the other driver was black - the firemen who worked there screamed at him and took me inside to rest. I tried to explain. Racism at its finest.
jim - 01/13/08 18:19
Here's some more photos of the German Roman Catholic Orphan Home: :::link:::

jim - 01/13/08 17:34
That's an orphanage on Dodge street: :::link:::
james - 01/13/08 16:51
As someone who has drank spirulina many, many times I will confirm what Jason wrote and say you are a smart cat for taking pills.

Dodge looks like a quirky street, I will have to drive down it.
paul - 01/13/08 16:42
I have no idea but I figure a disposable, plastic container made in china can't be good news, besides they all break down over time so I think it is a better solution to spend a but more on ones that last. I think I spent $50 to replace them all with glass and now they should last a lifetime.
libertad - 01/13/08 16:39
Those food containers you got look really nice. Do you think that those containers cause cancer even if you don't put them in the microwave?
empireoflight - 01/13/08 15:13
How can you throw out razzles?
fellyconnelly - 01/13/08 12:58
i'm SO glad you are feeling better... it makes me so happy to see lighthearted posts from you again..

and that apartment tower IS ugly... i shudder to think of it...
leetee - 01/13/08 10:47
Glad to read you are feeling a bit better. I have every confidence you will manage this and it will be empowering! :O)

Even though there have been times you have posted pictures of food i find icky looking (i am SO NOT a seafood lover... *shudder*), i am happy to see you have posted pictures of your food. Sadly, for me, the pills look the most appetizing...
jenks - 01/13/08 10:14
paul I'm so glad to see you're taking this all in stride, and better yet- starting to feel better.
You're a champ. You'll totally beat this.
jason - 01/13/08 04:35
The sense of humor, with the pills on the dish, is really fantastic. I saw on Travel Channel Spirulina being made, and holy shit, be glad you're taking it in pill form, unless you like drinking something that looks like sewer sludge. Glad to hear you're feeling a tick better.
paul - 01/12/08 22:40
I heard that too. Matthew said it was closing and that it was for sale. It would make a great club - if only I had that kind of money.
libertad - 01/12/08 22:28
I heard you liked being taken into the fire station.

01/12/2008 14:05 #42854

I started working at age 12
Category: work
I stopped by my mother's house today to drop off some artichockes as they are too high fiber for my low residue diet. She had some old papers for my and I seriously have worked my whole life.

My father was particularly good (pronounced - god damnit paul get a job) at making me have a strong work ethic. Same with (e:hodown)'s mom and her. And I guess both of us have stable long term jobs, so maybe it pays off. However, the point of this is that I have worked pretty much non-stop since 1989 - almost 20 years ago - when I started my first paper route. Yes, there were a couple months here and there when I was between jobs but all in all, I worked every year I could and that is insane.

mrdeadlier - 01/12/08 16:19
And yeah, Elsie Jepsen signed mine too!
mrdeadlier - 01/12/08 16:18
I started working at age 14 (1989 as well, ironically enough). Fantasy Island, making change in the arcade they had (have?) there... So yeah, retirement (23 years, 3 mos) can't come soon enough. Not that I'm counting down or anything.
ladycroft - 01/12/08 15:00
me too, ha! i totally remember that NYS special "I'm not 16 yet but my parents say I'm allowed to work" permit. I had my first full-time summer job at age 15 at Fort Niagara!

01/11/2008 22:46 #42847

Searching Craigslist
Category: web
I found this guys website flyer on craigslist and I seriously cannot believe that anyone would do a website for $100. Not as in $100/hour but just $100. For how much work? Is that like slave wages - I man honestly you could make more as a cashier on hourly payments when it comes down to it. Or maybe I am just overestimating quality into it. I guess maybe it is just a CMS but it sounds like s/he customizes to their needs.

metalpeter - 01/12/08 13:29
Here is my guess this guy has come up with a way to make a lot of money in volume. If you need a website set up then you give him a quick $100. But if you don't know how to make a website then you also wouldn't know how to keep it up and maintain it and all of that. So then you want to change something or there is a problem he comes over and does something that to him is simple and takes only a few minutes then he gets $100. I'm guessing it is all about volume and knows that by charging a flat rate he or she will get a lot of it. I also wonder if it is kinda a under the table thing to, or if it is just a way to make money on the side. Or maybe the guy doesn't have a degree he just knows things from doing them.
paul - 01/11/08 22:55
Maybe it a 10 year old? or just someone with no self worth?
james - 01/11/08 22:50
Is the catch that he has to use the same font as the title of a "Goosebumps" novel?
jim - 01/11/08 22:49
That is crazy. I am sure it is just a template with the smallest of tweaks done per individual. You can't even do custom stuff for $1,000 and do a good job of it as I've discovered.

01/10/2008 23:59 #42830

Tastey food - I tried
Category: crohns
i had a good day at work today. With everyone gone I got so much work done, lol.

I hated being at the hospital


This is the you have crohns face

For breakfast I ate these pill with an egg, a banana and some apple sauce

So I am trying to make my low residue, low fiber diet taste good

For lunch I had my favorite, Dr. Praeger's potato coated, gluten free fish sticks


For dinner I ate potatoes with squids and asparagus. Notice the lack of potato skin. For some reason asparagus is on the low residue diet list. It must be low fiber. Everything is boiled to death, don't worry.
james - 01/11/08 12:31
That food looks super tasty.
iriesara - 01/11/08 11:31
Oh Paul your Crohn's face makes me want to cry! & give you a big HUG! love you little brother. email me.
fellyconnelly - 01/11/08 09:45
yum..... ? i think the pills looked the tastiest... sorry man...