Too many years doing systems, networking, and server administration for Windows has left me scarred. I left that whole mess many years ago, but it seems the corporate standard is still Windows XP, and as a web programmer these last 4 or so years, I still have to test stuff in IE.
My method to keep everything free of viruses and yet not have to run anti-virus software is to install a clean copy of XP, make three clones (one to keep pristine to regenerate from and one for IE6 and one for IE7), and then destroy the working clones every month or so to make sure nothing goes wrong with them.
I'm having to recreate my base XP image tonight though, since I'm moving from one VM system to another. I can't believe I'm still dealing with this old friend of mine. It's a bit nostalgic to go through the setup process again.
On the plus side, every year that goes by and Vista takes over, that's a nail in the coffin for IE6, and more I feel free to say: 'oh... well I've used Vista, but I don't know how to fix it/upgrade it/install it/troubleshoot it, sorry!'. I'm figuring around 2011 I can stop supporting XP/IE6. That means that XP will have been in use by me for about 10 years. That's sooo much longer then I'd ever thought possible.
Technological growth is still quick, but certain technologies are slowing down. Desktop computers and operating systems won't really advance by leaps and bounds any more. Most of the low hanging fruit is gone.
Sure, I'll update my hardware often (I'm already a bit crazy about being limited to 2gb of RAM), but the OS just matters less and less. As much as I love my Mac it is mostly because I feel like it stays out of my way and becomes more invisible all the time.
I would really like to work in an IE 6 free environment. It is just such crap. I don't understand how people don't get that. Even IE 7 is crap when you really look at it. Blah.