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01/01/2008 04:36 #42702
Happy New Years!!!12/31/2007 12:06 #42692
Windows Tech Support?Category: work
Does anyone know someone who can do Windows and network troubleshooting for small businesses? I have a couple clients that I'd like to help by finding someone else for because I am a web developer and don't really have time to stay current on Windows stuff when I have so much Web/Unix server work to do. They need someone who can install stuff and fix problems as they come up (15-20 hours a month).
12/30/2007 16:11 #42685
Omaha SteaksCategory: this american life
James and I received a giant styrofoam cooler full of Omaha Steak products for Christmas. Included are about a dozen or so 5oz steaks, and a couple small cheesecakes, hot dog packs, and another dozen hamburger patties, plus various vegetable packages. Basically it fills up our freezer.
The thing is, it is not so delicious as you'd think. The steaks are fine and tender and all, but they aren't anything you couldn't pay a bit extra for at the local butcher's, and get three times as much per dollar spent. The food is basically just so middle of the road and inoffensive that to me, it is not a premium product. I think the whole package that was sent to us probably cost at least $300.
UPDATE : I am of course grateful for the gift and only complaining about Omaha Steaks in general, not about getting them for gift in specific.

The thing is, it is not so delicious as you'd think. The steaks are fine and tender and all, but they aren't anything you couldn't pay a bit extra for at the local butcher's, and get three times as much per dollar spent. The food is basically just so middle of the road and inoffensive that to me, it is not a premium product. I think the whole package that was sent to us probably cost at least $300.
UPDATE : I am of course grateful for the gift and only complaining about Omaha Steaks in general, not about getting them for gift in specific.

drew - 12/31/07 10:33
James, there are many ways to spend money to get a fat ass. Omaha steaks is only one way to go, but you could also buy 300 tacos at taco bell, and they would get the job done as well.
James, there are many ways to spend money to get a fat ass. Omaha steaks is only one way to go, but you could also buy 300 tacos at taco bell, and they would get the job done as well.
jim - 12/31/07 09:03
Moaning is what estrip is for!
I am just saying that they're overpriced and probably an ecological disaster.
Moaning is what estrip is for!
I am just saying that they're overpriced and probably an ecological disaster.
jason - 12/31/07 08:53
Yo, I'll take some steaks!
Yo, I'll take some steaks!
brit - 12/30/07 22:53
I cannot fathom moaning about someone buying me a 300 dollar box of steaks....
I cannot fathom moaning about someone buying me a 300 dollar box of steaks....
lilho - 12/30/07 22:46
good paul i wont send you anymore.
good paul i wont send you anymore.
paul - 12/30/07 19:07
Ya, I am not a big fan of most of it. I especially didn't like the bacon wrapped steaks because I would never use nitrate bacon for that. The one thing I really did like were the mashed potato balls. They were delicious and I would like a box of them now.
Ya, I am not a big fan of most of it. I especially didn't like the bacon wrapped steaks because I would never use nitrate bacon for that. The one thing I really did like were the mashed potato balls. They were delicious and I would like a box of them now.
james - 12/30/07 17:02
The stuffed sole was so disgusting.
When I opened the plastic container in the cardboard box in the styrofoam cooler inside the giant fucking carbon footprint I thought I had accidentally opened up a lemon pastry of some sort.
Nope, that was frozen lemon butter which coated the thing like a cocoon. I followed the cooking directions to behold a tiny speck of fish wrapped around a lot of flavorless stuffing swimming in a sea of butter. Yuck.
So if you want to spend a lot of money on getting a giant ass, Omaha Steaks is the place to go.
(note: I am deeply grateful for the present.)
The stuffed sole was so disgusting.
When I opened the plastic container in the cardboard box in the styrofoam cooler inside the giant fucking carbon footprint I thought I had accidentally opened up a lemon pastry of some sort.
Nope, that was frozen lemon butter which coated the thing like a cocoon. I followed the cooking directions to behold a tiny speck of fish wrapped around a lot of flavorless stuffing swimming in a sea of butter. Yuck.
So if you want to spend a lot of money on getting a giant ass, Omaha Steaks is the place to go.
(note: I am deeply grateful for the present.)
jim - 12/30/07 16:29
Yeah, we had the whole kitchen full of dry ice smoke. That was the best part. Is it possible to buy dry ice around here? In Salt Lake growing up grocery stores usually kept some for sale, but I don't think I've ever seen any for sale in Buffalo.
Yeah, we had the whole kitchen full of dry ice smoke. That was the best part. Is it possible to buy dry ice around here? In Salt Lake growing up grocery stores usually kept some for sale, but I don't think I've ever seen any for sale in Buffalo.
jenks - 12/30/07 16:26
but does it still come packed in dry ice? I think the entertainment value in that is worth the extra cost. ;)
but does it still come packed in dry ice? I think the entertainment value in that is worth the extra cost. ;)
12/29/2007 14:44 #42677
Christmas PresentsCategory: books
12/27/2007 15:56 #42663
4 Hours to Highlight a BoxCategory: programming
Well this took a lot longer then I thought but it's reusable at least.
paul - 12/27/07 16:36
I've heard good things about "Nate's Computer & Typewriter" out of Niagara falls, NY. They do small biz winblows networking. :::link:::