paul - 02/19/09 14:11 Apprently, this brings a lot of traffic to estrip. If you search for "rebeek voltron shoes" in quotes it comes up on the first page.
jenks - 12/22/07 18:52 did these come out today? apparently there was some line through the galleria and out the door when they opened at SIX AM this morning- for some special new sneaks.
Just found out I'm starting a long term part time contract after christmas, which will nicely complement the other contract I have at Roswell. This means a blessed end to the ragged edge of living week to week at the mercy of 'small' projects, that always get out of control. It also means that I can calm down and focus on two things instead of juggling a half dozen at any given time. This is really good news! Looking forward to 2008 :)
Happy Cookie Time!
jim - 12/21/07 10:20 More cookie lawsuit related links:
This guy thinks that they have a poor case but not outright laughable case: :::link:::
jim - 12/21/07 09:06 Using frosting to make smiley faces on a cookie? They are claiming that that is their invention? There are cookies like that all over the country, I remember having them as a little kid in Salt Lake City.
Look at these other cookies: :::link::: - the ones from the place that is getting sued. Sure, they look similar, but there is a reason, they're both based on the smily face: :::link::: which was created in 1963 and is in the public domain, and explicitly available for use by anyone. So that's where my cookie comes from, and your cookie too!
jim - 12/20/07 21:09 I'm sorry Drew, but those inferior cookies do NOT have chocolate hats. Clearly they are uninspired derivatives.
drew - 12/20/07 21:03 These look dangerously like a copyright infringement of Eat 'n Park's Smiley cookies. (Eat 'n Park is a local chain based in Pittsburgh, it's where I spent most of my high school years)
Apprently, this brings a lot of traffic to estrip. If you search for "rebeek voltron shoes" in quotes it comes up on the first page.
wow... just... wow..
I want them so bad.
did these come out today? apparently there was some line through the galleria and out the door when they opened at SIX AM this morning- for some special new sneaks.
i want those sneaks!
Did I mention?