I never have any paper money on me anymore. Just always use a debit card. If I have $20 in my pocket, it's a rare thing. But, last week someone paid me for some work in cash.
If I got a check for $500, it would have been totally unremarkable. Just put it in the bank and not thought about it, but seeing all these 20's, 50's and 100's is kind of shocking. I don't think I've ever carried this much cash in my pocket at once.
I went and deposited it this morning, I was so tempted with thoughts of going wild, out to dinner, out shopping, etc, etc. Or go buy drugs or hookers. It also made me feel like I'd done something wrong and was going to get arrested. Weird psychological reaction to cash. Glad it's out of my pocket. Now it'll go towards the gas bill, rent, and food like it needs to so I don't end up homeless :)
Whoa, that is giving my media studies school flashbacks.