Safron vs Athiests
Safron vs Catholics
Jim's Journal
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12/02/2007 21:02 #42364
Two VideosCategory: culture
11/28/2007 10:52 #42317
Five Stages of ChristmasCategory: holidays
Five Stages of Grief Christmas
Stage 1: Holiday Cheer.
Stage 2: Grumbling.
Stage 3: Heavy Drinking.
Stage 4: Blood EVERYWHERE.
Stage 5: Acceptance.
Stage 1: Holiday Cheer.
Stage 2: Grumbling.
Stage 3: Heavy Drinking.
Stage 4: Blood EVERYWHERE.
Stage 5: Acceptance.
james - 11/29/07 00:16
I have only three stages
drink, drank, drunk
it is the only way to navigate this god damned holiday. *spit*
I have only three stages
drink, drank, drunk
it is the only way to navigate this god damned holiday. *spit*
tinypliny - 11/28/07 23:52
Stage 4 is where you murder people? I don't get it. :?
Stage 4 is where you murder people? I don't get it. :?
carolinian - 11/28/07 14:00
1. Disgust at ever earlier decorations (Aug-Oct.)
2. Indifference (Nov.)
3. Fearing the double whammy where everything's closed and there's nothing on TV but christmas specials (Early Dec.)
4. Buy a video game that I can realistically play for the next 24 hours (x-mas eve).
5. Lock myself away in my apartment for the next 24 hours and have no contact with the outside world (Dec. 25)
6. Reflect on having succesfully passed yet another test of my faith (Dec. 26)
Contrary to popular legend, I've never actually had Chinese on Christmas (although it's on my to-do list).
1. Disgust at ever earlier decorations (Aug-Oct.)
2. Indifference (Nov.)
3. Fearing the double whammy where everything's closed and there's nothing on TV but christmas specials (Early Dec.)
4. Buy a video game that I can realistically play for the next 24 hours (x-mas eve).
5. Lock myself away in my apartment for the next 24 hours and have no contact with the outside world (Dec. 25)
6. Reflect on having succesfully passed yet another test of my faith (Dec. 26)
Contrary to popular legend, I've never actually had Chinese on Christmas (although it's on my to-do list).
drew - 11/28/07 11:18
I think for me, it goes:
Grumbling, blood, drinking, acceptance, cheer.
But you definitely nailed the 5 stages.
I think for me, it goes:
Grumbling, blood, drinking, acceptance, cheer.
But you definitely nailed the 5 stages.
jim - 11/28/07 10:53
And now, back to work.
And now, back to work.
11/27/2007 18:20 #42306
The Golden CompassCategory: culture
The Golden Compass is coming out soon, and I can't wait to see it. Anyone up for going as an (e:strip) gang? Just watch out for those atheistic overtones, you might want to keep small children away lest they be corrupted.
fellyconnelly - 11/27/07 23:04
i watched the preview without sound and it still looks pretty nifty.
side note: armored polar bears reminds me of an old rumpleminz advertizement with a really hot chick riding a polarbear and they were both in a drunken rage.....
anyway this movie looks pretty neat!
i watched the preview without sound and it still looks pretty nifty.
side note: armored polar bears reminds me of an old rumpleminz advertizement with a really hot chick riding a polarbear and they were both in a drunken rage.....
anyway this movie looks pretty neat!
jim - 11/27/07 21:32
I added a preview for the movie inline to my post.
I added a preview for the movie inline to my post.
james - 11/27/07 21:05
It is fantastic Janelle. A fantasy retelling of Paradise Lost... WITH ARMORED POLAR BEARS!!!!
It is fantastic Janelle. A fantasy retelling of Paradise Lost... WITH ARMORED POLAR BEARS!!!!
janelle - 11/27/07 18:28
I want to be corrupted! I am definitely interested in seeing the movie. I've read a little about it so it's piqued my curiousity.
I want to be corrupted! I am definitely interested in seeing the movie. I've read a little about it so it's piqued my curiousity.
11/26/2007 22:31 #42297
E:Strip Holiday DinnerCategory: estrip
Welcome to this week's reminder post for the (E:Strip) Holiday Dinner, to be held on December 13th ( a Thursday), at 24 Linwood. Graciously hosted by (e:Matthew), (e:Paul), and (e:Terry).
If you can come, please bring a dish, leave a comment with what you'd like to volunteer to make or buy. There is still plenty of time to decide, I'll post every 4 or 5 days between now and the week of the party just to keep things moving.
Hope to see you all there!
If you can come, please bring a dish, leave a comment with what you'd like to volunteer to make or buy. There is still plenty of time to decide, I'll post every 4 or 5 days between now and the week of the party just to keep things moving.
Hope to see you all there!
tinypliny - 11/28/07 21:15
I know estrippers are adventurous. Hehehehe :)
I know estrippers are adventurous. Hehehehe :)
tinypliny - 11/28/07 21:13
If I make it, most probably it will be an ultra spicy evil potato street food which originated from the salt marshes of West India and got modified by the North.
If I make it, most probably it will be an ultra spicy evil potato street food which originated from the salt marshes of West India and got modified by the North.
tinypliny - 11/28/07 21:10
ooops sorry, for a moment there, I thought this was (e:Matthew)'s journal. I talked to Matthew, Terry and (e:Flaccidness) about it today. It's about a 50-50 chance for me.
ooops sorry, for a moment there, I thought this was (e:Matthew)'s journal. I talked to Matthew, Terry and (e:Flaccidness) about it today. It's about a 50-50 chance for me.
fellyconnelly - 11/27/07 23:06
you can make ME a frozen dander smoothie james
you can make ME a frozen dander smoothie james
james - 11/27/07 21:04
drat! I make a lovely frozen dander smoothie!
drat! I make a lovely frozen dander smoothie!
mike - 11/27/07 20:37
(e:james) just so you know, oddly enough (e:paul) isn't allergic to cat dander when baked in cookies or tossed in a salad as long as the dander is fresh that is. Frozen dander he is always allergic too!
(e:james) just so you know, oddly enough (e:paul) isn't allergic to cat dander when baked in cookies or tossed in a salad as long as the dander is fresh that is. Frozen dander he is always allergic too!
matthew - 11/27/07 19:39
Oh oh oh! I'll bring the house! ...and the furniture. :) But seriously, let me know when you have a general headcount so i can arrange tables and chairs. Hope a bunch of you (e:strip)pers can make it! (and because someone asked earlier) Children are always welcome at our house.
Oh oh oh! I'll bring the house! ...and the furniture. :) But seriously, let me know when you have a general headcount so i can arrange tables and chairs. Hope a bunch of you (e:strip)pers can make it! (and because someone asked earlier) Children are always welcome at our house.
james - 11/26/07 23:25
I was going to make something with cat dander, but Paul is allergic!
I was going to make something with cat dander, but Paul is allergic!
11/26/2007 18:31 #42290
Worried FaceLet's see if anyone shows up to my Ruby Meetup!

jim - 11/26/07 21:45
12 people came, so I am pretty happy. Next one is in early January. :)
12 people came, so I am pretty happy. Next one is in early January. :)
james - 11/26/07 20:35
Hope the meeting is going well.
ANd Tiny, you are the best stalker. If you ever want a lock of hair or an article of clothing let me know and I will sneak it out to you.
Hope the meeting is going well.
ANd Tiny, you are the best stalker. If you ever want a lock of hair or an article of clothing let me know and I will sneak it out to you.
tinypliny - 11/26/07 18:59
It's a good sign you are somewhat smiling through your worries?
It's a good sign you are somewhat smiling through your worries?
- in limited-to-stalkers-only enthusiastic voice*
I love this man
Until next time, go to hell. HAAAA HAAA!