So I call the doctor yesterday and got his helper because he was busy. I said, I don't want to just wait for Jan 9th to get a colonoscopy and asked if they could do any other tests bfore. I asked if it would be possible to get a blood test or stool test to see if something else is up. At least a freaking blood test. The last one I took was in like 2000. Anyways, so they say they could fit me in at 6am for colonoscopy. I declined first of all because I would have had to be ready at like 5am at Millard Fillmore suburban and second of all because I wasn't calling for a rush colonoscopy. I just think maybe they should check some other stuff first.
I am really so sick of the whole process. What does it take to find a doctor with a few minutes who thinks of a the whole picture? I would pay lots of money at this point. I think I am going to just take (e:jenks)'s advice and just go to the emergency room. I think I am going to go today after I finish with some important stuff for work. If I go there I will blog the whole experience.
ok i didn't mean to be bitchy,. I'm just saying if it is really miserable i would take it!
whoa mike that was bitchy and unexpected...kinda funny. Why 6am for a colonoscopy? IT seems to me like no doctor would prefer to do this at such a time, but I guess not. Why not go for it? Take it...haha!
why don;'t you just suck it up and do the 6 am colonoscopy instead of waiting if it is really that bad.
Paul, when I was in pain I had to buy books on anatomy and physical therapy and figure it all out for myself. Maybe you should just study up on internal medicine and then get a sharp knife.
god damn it
I have never, ever, ever, not once heard about someone having a positive experience with a doctor in this town.
The guy Jim saw when he was having debilitating joint pain told him he couldn't do anything until it got so bad they needed to operate.
I have seen about four doctors and each of them was a fucking idiot for a variety of reasons.
And this crap?
Not to mention it is impossible to get an appointment with anyone. No one is taking new patients. AH!
Okay, I have decided I am not going to go to the emergency room. I am just going to wait until 1/9 and medicate myself in whatever ways I deem appropriate to deal with it until then.
Thanks jenks.
(i sent you an email)