The movie had its moments........
I get abnormal strength what with adrenaline and all but Why do "Zombies" (who really are normal people with a virus) develop the ability to climb walls?..........
And.......... real people in makeup are a thousand times scarier than any computer-generated creature.............
And........how are they all still wearing clothes?
And....................... Why is Will Smith so freakin' dreamy?
Consider this while I attempt night two of the Tree Skirt.
Exactly why are you making a tree skirt. Have trees around your house suddenly reached out and eaten the forbidden apple or something, that they now need a skirt to hide their trunks? Or do you have a client who wanted to torture you and gave you the address of a certain tree instead of waist-measurements? Are you making the skirt for the largest tree in Buffalo - on N.Pearl? I shudder to think about your client then...
I finished reading the book a couple weeks ago. It was a really cool story, very well done. I just know when I go to see the movie on Friday they're going to butcher it.