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12/11/2007 21:23 #42480

I Am Legend

The movie had its moments........


I get abnormal strength what with adrenaline and all but Why do "Zombies" (who really are normal people with a virus) develop the ability to climb walls?..........

And.......... real people in makeup are a thousand times scarier than any computer-generated creature............. are they all still wearing clothes?

And....................... Why is Will Smith so freakin' dreamy?

Consider this while I attempt night two of the Tree Skirt.

tinypliny - 12/11/07 23:37
Exactly why are you making a tree skirt. Have trees around your house suddenly reached out and eaten the forbidden apple or something, that they now need a skirt to hide their trunks? Or do you have a client who wanted to torture you and gave you the address of a certain tree instead of waist-measurements? Are you making the skirt for the largest tree in Buffalo - on N.Pearl? I shudder to think about your client then...
mrdeadlier - 12/11/07 23:34
I finished reading the book a couple weeks ago. It was a really cool story, very well done. I just know when I go to see the movie on Friday they're going to butcher it.

12/10/2007 20:13 #42462

Math Time
I am making a tree skirt.

To make a pattern I measured the diameter (which is not the same as the radius) of the area under the tree , then the diameter of the hole for the stump.

I looked up the formula for circumference ( which is not spelled circumferance), and figured out the circumference for each circle.

Then I divided each number by eight (I will have eight slices on my skirt).

Now I have to create the actual pattern for a single slice........ I do not have a compass.......

My brain is worn out........

tinypliny - 12/11/07 18:49
You are awesome. I am still in awe of the liquid candy. Thank you! :)
libertad - 12/10/07 23:02
I never thought about how much math you need to know for what you do.
twisted - 12/10/07 22:38
You can tie a string around a pencil, then center the other end of the string at your radius length. Hold the center and draw your circle. Cut it out and fold it into 8ths for your slice pattern. You will have to add seam allowances and all the other logistical stuff. Funny how much of sewing is really about math?

Or just buy a pizza and use that for a pattern.

12/07/2007 19:53 #42428

This is how I want you to look the next time I see you...... which is in like 45 minutes....... so get knitting............
paul - 12/07/07 21:00
Who is that?
mike - 12/07/07 20:08
damn, that man stole my look!

11/30/2007 13:16 #42343


tinypliny - 12/01/07 20:53
kookcity2000 - 12/01/07 00:05
rock that widowpeak
lilho - 11/30/07 19:34
what is this? i love it.
metalpeter - 11/30/07 18:00
The shirt in itself isn't that bad really. But the mask or face paint that matches is so over the top that it makes the sweeter look over the top to. Is it just me or does it match the same colors as the thing hanging from the white horse in the picture above.
carolinian - 11/30/07 15:10
Must be from a lesser known episode of Star Trek where they beam down to the GAP Homeworld.
leetee - 11/30/07 14:35
LOVE your Halloween costume this year, (e:Mike)... very over the top.
zobar - 11/30/07 13:49

- Z
jim - 11/30/07 13:41
the hell?
jim - 11/30/07 13:41
mrmike - 11/30/07 13:32
Holy Huxtable!!

11/29/2007 12:56 #42331

I was bored so I decided to take the (E:Harmony) Personality, according to the results I am not a very fun person..... Apparently I am distant, moody, demanding, hard-nosed, judgemental, skeptical.......really?
Mike, how accurate is the following statement?

"You also have some limits when it comes to being with people. Sure some people need to be with others all the time and seem to get recharged by helping out most anyone else. But that's not you. You know that you do best if you spend a fair amount of time on your own. Not that you are a loner, just that time spent by yourself is not wasted at all with you. You've come to understand that if you don't take good care of yourself, eventually you'll be not good to anyone, including yourself or others."

That's right all you freeloaders, whiners, anyone in need who hasn"t done anything for me lately.......don't come knockin' round this door.....

metalpeter - 11/30/07 17:58
I don't know you well enough to know if that is really true, but it doesn't sound true, but I know you from here and parties and that is for most people different then how they are outside and in the world. If you want to have some fun you can take all kinds of tests at yes I did go there for the tests mainly and have a few blogs up there and have not met anyone through the site. But some of the tests are fun and I think you can see what other peoples results are but not to each question just what the test measured.
mike - 11/29/07 17:54
haha that is crazy but you do like your alone time ....and we haven't made any new friends since like 1997 really sooooo i'd say if alone time includes me and you time which really it does cuz we're like one person, doesn't it? then yeah totally haha
hodown - 11/29/07 13:56
Wait who gets rechraged by helping out everyone? I find it's draining giving of yourself which in turn means you need alone time to recharge. Figures a christian dating site would advocate being selfless..
jason - 11/29/07 13:24
I don't know you very well, but I don't think I've ever gotten that kind of impression. Effervescent is probably a more apt description.
james - 11/29/07 13:20
I liked the personality tests on

You can also see who most closely matches your answers. It is an amusing distraction when bored at work...