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12/11/2007 14:12 #42474

harassment training
Category: work
I can't believe I have to sit through another respect in the workplace training. I understand why they have to do this but I think I have sat through about 10 of these in my life.

The part that surprises me the most is that they have FAQ that says the first thing you should do when you receive an offensive email is "Delete the email and reply to the person that you don't enjoy getting this type of email."

That is so stupid. Promptly, delete all evidence :p

metalpeter - 12/11/07 19:46
First of all those trainings are often complete Bull shit. The reason being is that yes it is good to know what to do if someone says if you blow me I'll get you hired or to say if you don't have sex with me you won't get a raise. But after that it doesn't do much. There is a a difference between flirting and joking around and causing someone to be uncomfortable. The thing about it that most people talk more stuff then what the regulations say. The important thing to remember is it has to be unwanted. In other words the cute girl comes up and asks me so how is it hanging and spanks me than that is fine and I go "it isn't any more" then that is fine. But the girl I don't like goes "she touched you and said you are perfect but I wouldn't do you if you paid me" "So I say I wouldn't do you if you paid me either" and it is serious not joking around then that would be a problem. I understand that the people who give it don't want any grey area but the truth is there is a lot of grey area and that can be kinda fun, as long as that line doesn't get crossed but you also have to know where every ones line is. But they don't tell you that in that flawed training.
tinypliny - 12/11/07 18:06
Hmmm...I had an 8-hour long orientation session earlier this year, so I didn't have to re-take it this semester. But I did hear that they give out great lunches. Is that true? What did you get for lunch?
jason - 12/11/07 16:33
Oh man, Paul. I would hate that shit too.
drew - 12/11/07 15:48
I (the evil middle-class-educated-white-straight-Christian-male) gave a diversity training session for a camp I used to work for. I think they picked me because everyone else was afraid to do it. Amazingly, it went well.
scott - 12/11/07 14:43
I've never been trained to harass someone sexually. I always thought that was something a-holes did naturally.
janelle - 12/11/07 14:28
I had an in-house male sexual harrassment trainer for my training here. It was very even handed. Although, your comment reminds that in some city, I think Denver, a council man protested a diversity training video where the individual doing all the racist/sexist/sexually harrassing remarks was a white blue-collar man. I watched a clip on CNN. It was really bad and failed to acknowledge that people of all sorts of races, ethnicities, nationalities, genders, sexual orientation etc... can engage in racist/sexist/sexually harrassing behavior.
paul - 12/11/07 14:20
Sidenote: Has anyone ever had a male sexual harssment trainer? I have never had a non-african-american-woman sexual harassment trainer. Coincidence?

12/10/2007 21:17 #42464

Baby Fern
Category: friends
Everyone keeps asking (e:enknot) for pics of baby Fern but he keeps forgetting to post new ones - so today I got some at lunch. She is so cute!!

Here she is with (e:enknot)

And here she is with Jon who also is an (e:peep) but hasn't written in his journal yet.

(e:enknot) got the corned beef focaccia at Spot that I was talking about the other day.

lilho - 12/12/07 13:26
i want that baby!
kara - 12/12/07 08:42
Cute overload.
tinypliny - 12/11/07 18:02
She has to be the prettiest little baby on the entire planet!! :)
scott - 12/11/07 12:30
Daaamn, T can make a pretty baby.

Nice work. Well formed, looks smart. She has good fashion sense, too. (Although I cannot vouch for the unsavory characters she was eating lunch with!)
hodown - 12/11/07 10:14
I can't handle the cuteness of the baby. Soo adorable!
theecarey - 12/11/07 01:12
awe what a little cutie. I was wondering if there were any pics of her around. :)

12/10/2007 10:06 #42455

This one is for e:brit - Anderson Cooper
Category: celebrities
I know you love him.

carolinian - 12/10/07 23:27
What a coincidence. (e:inscrutable) was reading "Horton Hatches an Egg" to me tonight. Cause elephants are faithful 100%.
mike - 12/10/07 23:17
i heart elephants
brit - 12/10/07 17:22
I love him I love the elephant, I love the fact he is loving the elephant. God he's hot. Thanks (e:paul), you know how to make a girl smile! x

ooohhh, but watch anderson and the elephant clip on youtube...the elephant is just about to break that other guys arm!
mrdeadlier - 12/10/07 12:55
Come on, who *doesn't* love Anderson Cooper? Anyone who wears gray that well is to be commended. Plus he's got a last name for a first name. Well played!
leetee - 12/10/07 10:29
ooo... elephants!
ladycroft - 12/10/07 10:23
oooh, is that jeff corwin??

12/09/2007 16:32 #42448

The Visco 9"
Category: sleep
Times have changed. The saleswoman didn't even bat an eyelash that three adult males were shopping for a king size mattress together. The other couple in the store were clearly lesbians and the same thing. I was thinking that maybe the mattress industry has always had the secret in side scoop into people lives and so nothing is new. It is kind of hard to pretend you aren't sleeping together when you are testing out a bed together.


We ended up going with some king size, visco memory form get up for ~$2000 with everything including tax, damn tax is expensive. It is called the Sealy Posturepedic TrueForm Visco 9"

I wish I had something to do with the Visco 9" in the title, but I don't - lol.

It seems like it has the potential to make sleeping nicer or worse. I really can't tell. Luckily, t gives us a 90 day return policy for trade in if we hate it. I think we will like it. They deliver it tomorrow and it better change my life considering it costs as much as a car I would have bought 5 years ago.

trisha - 12/10/07 14:43
i agree w/'s like the bed might swallow you one night. but yeah, it seems the 30s are all about spending your dough on furniture, and giving away all the old crap to your little cousins or whoever just moving out. and at that age, i was like 'awesome, thanks!' and i'd go pick it up in my $1000 car. haha.... those were the days.
mike - 12/09/07 23:16
i don't like the ones that like form to your body. They freak me out for some reason!

12/09/2007 10:04 #42445

Free Rice for Poor People
Category: food
I don't understand how this can possibly be real but I saw it on omg blog and then decied it was worth posting here. gives free rice to the United Nations feed the hungry campaign or something liek that if you win the word games on the site. I guess the advertisers donate grains of rice based on the number of correct vocabulry questions you answer.


I also foudn this video on omg blog - I guess it isn't just limited to that one beauty queen, it hit Kelly Pickler too

lilho - 12/09/07 13:59
she is so dumb. she needs to be slapped and then taught how to read.