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11/23/2007 23:38 #42266

Thanksgiving Highlights
Category: holidays
A few fun highlights of the holiday...

1. Being at my family's home without (e:drew) so I can be as loud and obnoxious with my family as I want to be without offending or embarassing the husband.

2. Not having to do anything.

3. Great time with family on Thanksgiving Day and decorating the Xmas tree on the day after.

4. I sleep really well. It's so dark and quiet where my parents live...unlike where I live...where Ricky is always outside hollering during the hours through which most people sleep.

A few un-fun highlights of the holiday....

1. The silence that followed my statement of, " Next year at Thanksgiving..." Oh, yeah, there's won't be a next year.

2. The last year decorating the Xmas tree at my family's home. Next year, there won't be a childhood home anymore...

3. The sideways figure eight pattern the turbo prop made while it was in process of landing Good god, I thought we were going to crash! I think everyone on the plane thought we were going to crash. And I have to ride the same plane back to Detroit! Don't ride turbo prop planes...seriously, it's miserable. I don't know how I'm going to convince myself to get back on one to fly back to Detroit.

Reading the posts, it sounds like everyone had a great holiday! Cheers to all!
imk2 - 11/24/07 14:22
just because they're getting divorced doesnt mean that they cant do holidays together. my ex and i did holidays/birthdays for most of the years after we split. they dont have to do exactly what is expected form divorced couples, they can go against the current and for the sake of the family, commit to spending the holidays and important family dates together. i bet they would actually enjoy it more than they do now. it would give them time to heal, move on and get over many of the things that are causing them to dislike each other now. they actually could bring any significant others that they may acquire between now and next year to the family events, which can have very positive effects for all parties involved. (i've actually done that as well and have found it to be pretty painless and rather nice, although my present significant other is completely opposed to this idea, and this really, really saddens and hurts me)
janelle - 11/24/07 10:56
It will probably be sold as part of the divorce settlement and then my parents will join the flocks of old people who own condominiums... I'm not sure I"m ready for's like some signal that they're growing old... the next stop after condominium is assisted living...sigh...
fellyconnelly - 11/24/07 08:52
awww sadness! is it being sold?
paul - 11/24/07 01:04
What happend to your parents house?
drew - 11/24/07 00:41
miss you. See you soon.

11/17/2007 12:20 #42172

Happy Birthday
Category: eating out
My mom will be in town for her birthday and I usually like to take her out for dinner...any suggestions for a moderately priced nice place to take a mom for a birthday dinner?!
lauren - 11/18/07 21:53
Hey Janelle...thanks so much for feeding our children while we were away!! Just wanted to let you know, if you don't mind, whenever you are in the neighborhood you can just drop the keys off... push them under the door if we aren't home...or we can come get them tomorrow...we just got back and are too tired to come get them right now...we don't really need them so there is no rush...and thanks again!
mrmike - 11/17/07 17:07
Sharing the Left Bank love. Marco's on Niagara fits that pricing too
jim - 11/17/07 15:56
Left Bank is around $15 - $20 for a dinner entrée, but the portions are huge. I always end up bringing left overs home and having an awesome lunch the next day, so that sort of balances things out a bit.

I guess that isn't moderately priced though. The menu is on the website so you can check and see if it's in the right ballpark.
imk2 - 11/17/07 15:37
but hutch's is my favorite restaurant. if i were going to treat someone to dinner, that is where i would take them. if you do go there, have the fruit cup for desert. it is the most delicious thing EVER!
imk2 - 11/17/07 15:35
although i wouldn't consider left bank moderately priced. it's more on my high end. pano's is moderately priced, and i must say, their food is not so bad, considering the price.
ladycroft - 11/17/07 12:55
i'll second left bank. it's fantastic. no worries about walking there.
drew - 11/17/07 12:36
and its in walking distance (although it would mean walking your family into the west side.
jim - 11/17/07 12:27
Left Bank, awesome French food (not fancy fancy french just really good french food) :::link:::

11/16/2007 12:24 #42162

Life in cubicle land
Category: work
It seems I've become a bit of a joke around the office. Everyone likes to make fun of my headphones that I wear at my desk so I can quietly listen to my music.

It makes me annoyed. I wouldn't feel compelled to wear my headphones constantly if they hadn't moved me from my office into a cubicle.

I listen to my music on headphones because....

I'm pretty sure that no one else wants to rock out with me to the christian praise music that I listen to (I do listen to more than that btw).
I don't want to listen to the music that the people play in the offices behind me....80s cheesemetal and some jazzy bluesy clarinet crap
I don't want to listen to one of the women in an office behind me cackle-laugh all day long.
I don't want to isten to the same woman bitch about her supervisor and co-workers loudly all day long to any one who will listen.
I don't want to listen to the guy in adjoined cubicle harangue and berate his fiancee like a child.
I also don't want to listen to the same guy talk about sports ad nauseum on the phone.

So say what you want...but I'm a lot happier with my head phones on.
drew - 11/16/07 17:04
If I listened to the music that Janelle listened to (and I don't) or I listened to "power ballads," (no again) I would for CERTAIN wear headphones, unless they interfered with the method of suicide that I was using, as a punishment for catching myself listening to said music.

And that, in my book, is part of the fun of talking about music--making fun of other's bad choices. It must, however, be done in fun. Call me an idiot for liking Pink, but don' call me an a-hole.
imk2 - 11/16/07 16:44
I'm not sure where all your hostility is coming from (e:scott)? there is no reason to be calling people assholes.
metalpeter - 11/16/07 16:07
First of all "Every Rose Has It's Thorn" is an awesome just because it was out around my 2nd year of high school doesn't mean it isn't good anymore. Yes the same guy who likes Metallica, Hatebreed, coldplay, The Shiela Divine (man I miss that band), Sevendust and lots of other forms of rock does like a good power ballad. That being said the earphones sound like a good way to drown out the office. But I don't know if that is a good idea really doesn't that just make an isolated cubicle more isolated. You can put the volume so only you can hear it. That James Blunt parody is good, i did hear another one that wasn't that, that I can't remember.
ladycroft - 11/16/07 15:32
i'm going to share something with you that (e:libertad) sent me when my 'office' was sharing a kitchenette with 2 other people.

may i suggest, just for this one song, you unplug the headphones ;)

james - 11/16/07 14:50
Now, I will not berate the man who enjoys listening to power ballads. Like that god damn 'every rose has its' frickin 'thorn' song. If they want to slow headbang at their desk all day to it, more power to them. But when they play it outloud for all to suffer to, that is a different story.

So, I really can't understand why your co workers are being horrendous butt holes when you have done them the courtesy of sparing them from music they may not like (if they are listening to cheesemetal and fake jazz clarinet, their taste is below consideration).

But, that is office life.
jbeatty - 11/16/07 14:25
Might I also add ignore assholes that put down your music choice.
scott - 11/16/07 13:41
No one wants a job in a cubicle. Those of us who work in them do so because we got a powerful need to eat food once in a while. Food costs money. To get money, we need these things called "jobs".

Unfortunately, most jobs that pay enough money to live on involve cubicles these days.

Thing is, a good set of earphones can make that cube life a bit more bearable. So, I say go on with your terrible Christian crap-music listening self!

Ignore your idiot co-workers, and ignore the comments of pretentious a-holes who put down your cubicle job, too!
jbeatty - 11/16/07 13:04
I could never work in a cubicle filled office. I would end up killing someone for sure. I used to work in a shop that was adjacent to an office like that. The people that worked there were the most miserable human beings I have ever known.

11/14/2007 18:27 #42122

Office Parties
Category: work
(e:changeisgood)'s mention of office parties was an unpleasant walk down the memory lane of my previous job. My previous job was in and of itself stressfull. I oversaw a lot of staff and clients and I was on call 24-7. To add to the joy of working there, we had mandatory office parties.

When I was a mere program manager, I was simply mandated to attend the office parties and mandated to pressure, twist arm, and make threats of various natures to get my staff to attend. I had to tell my staff who worked two jobs, went to school and had spouses and children that they must attend the party. Management is throwing a party for the staff, and darn't,they will show up with gratitude and appreciate it!

When I became program director, it got even better. I was mandated to mandate my program managers to attend and to pressure/bully their staff in attending. I also had to cook for the events and buy gifts for the chinese auction. Ok, so I hate the name Chinese auction, that alone pissed me off. I tried to get people to call it a ticket auction, but it never caught on...and I have to cook? What?

I'm a great cook. I love to cook. But I get stressed out cooking for work events. You know that people are judging your food, judging you and no one wants to be left with a bowlful of whatever they brought as indication that their food sucked. For one event, I made my sticky caramel rolls...usually very yummy. In my haste, I did something wrong half way through. I stomped my feet, pouted and started over. Then when I was rolling out the dough, I couldn't get it to roll out right...Drew walked into the kitchen to find me pounding the ball of dough on the counter with tears streaming down my face in complete frustration. I did manage to finish them, but they turned out crappy and no one ate them. So from then on, I refused to cook for events.

jenks - 11/14/07 20:50
Did anyone see The Office last week? Jim decided that mandatory once-a-week birthday parties are ridiculous and tried to have a "birthday month" party- celebrate all the birthdays at once- and people mutinied.

Every time I watch that show I laugh, and cringe.

Our work christmas party is like the highlight of the year.

Which is ridiculous.

Because it's not that fun.

And it's from like 6 - 8 on a wednesday night.

But the girls wearing freaking strapless ball gowns and get all decked out.
metalpeter - 11/14/07 19:25
I think that what you are talking about is wrong cause it is a mandatory thing. What some companies don't get is that if you like your bosses and they are good and you get along with people then the parties can be good. But what those places don't understand is that they are idiots to make something like that manditory. Since they are that dumb then there are other problems that would make people not want to work with management. See if Management was good here is what they would do.
Send out a memo or posting or spread it by word of mouth that there will be a party and that anyone who wants to should sign up. Lets face it if Tina and Tammy hate each other then they should have the option of not going.

I think what your company needed was someone like a Jahovoa Witness to say. I don't do parties and if you don't like it to bad. Oh and by the way I all ready talked to my lawyer and if any thing at all looks like a tiny bit of fall out from not going to the party, you will be sued and I will be paid for staying home, so don't even think about it.

I have known a few people that called in sick on those days. But that wasn't mandatory. Where I have worked it has all ways been vouluntary and that is the way it should be.
jbeatty - 11/14/07 18:47
I recall one Christmas party we had at the managers favorite bar. It turned out to be a towny bar in the middle of nowhere. Anyway we were served lobster tails that were way past their prime, I assume he got a deal. People were skipping over the lobster and asking for seconds on potatoes. I almost burst out laughing when the owner came into the "dining room" to ask "aren't those lobster tails are as sweet as candy?"
mike - 11/14/07 18:38
i'm sorry you have had such office party drama, I hope you don't run into any office parties any time soon. At eckerd our work parties are a little different and a little crazier than the average I would guess. One ended in video footage of naked coworkers playing beer pong? Appropriate ? no? Hilarious? yes
james - 11/14/07 18:38
I am so sorry you had to go through that. I always hate office parties. Work is work I refuse to be compelled to enjoy any part of it when asked.

But being forced to muscle people in? To have to cook a ton of food for people? What a horrible thing to do.

I hope this job has less mandatory fun.

11/11/2007 16:52 #42080

Category: travel
Toront was one of the reasons I agreed to move to Buffalo and it certainly fulfilled all of my expectations.
Friday night we stayed at the Doubletree Hotel where we were greeted with warm gooey cookies. What a welcome! We also took advantage of the indoor pool and shoved small children aside to ride the water slide which did not measure up to the expectations (e:drew) had fed me. But that's not why we visited Toronto.
First stop of the day, Chinatown:


More specifically, Bright Pearl Restaurant for Dim Sum. It was my first dim sum experience and in my haste I settled for steamed dumplings when I should have held out for more fried dough concoctions such as the fried dough stuffed with red bean paste pictured on the bottom. Drew had the fried squid on the right and we both had the sticky rice with pork wrapped in a leaf on the left.


We wandered around looking for lucky cats to add to the lucky cat collection, but no luck...


but we did enjoy the sights....


And I also found my favorite fruit from south asia...rambutan....


We visited the largest mall in the area. I'm not a shopper but it was an incredible view of consumerist culture....


We stopped by India Land to celebrate Diwali. India land was only two blocks long, not much to see, and the celebrations weren't hopping when we got there, so off to other things...

We wandered around some more. Drew had an improv workshop and by the end I was exhausted and ready to go home.


(e:Leetee) asked for impressions from a first time visitor. The public transportation system was incredible. The city was clean. People were really polite and really helpful. There was a whole range of accents outside of what I think of as the Canadian accent so I was a little intrigued. I didn't see a lot of historical sights, buildings, homes, streets, everything looked really modern, but maybe I didn't see those areas. Restaurants were everywhere. I swear I saw a sushi restaurant on every corner. I thought that was kind of funny. It seemed more expensive than Chicago, but less expensive than New York. So even though I really liked it, we probably won't be living in Toronto any time soon. But all in all, can't wait to visit again.

leetee - 11/14/07 19:54
thanks for sharing what you thought of Toronto. I love hearing the perspective of someone who is new to the city. It's my favorite city above all i have been to, or lived in including London and Leeds in England, Halifax, Vancouver, NYC... so many others. As a travel show in Australia once said, "it's like New York City run by the Swiss."

I certainly don't think of historical achitecture when i think of Toronto... the city centre isn't historical the way it is here in Buffalo. Major growth in the city was modern. Quite a few neighbourhoods are historical, outside the core, which is mostly where you were and they tend to be residential.

Montreal tends to be more historical.. as does Quebec City, but don't go unless you like to be mistreated! OK, i am so biased, i hate hate hate Montreal... so totally don't take my word for it, i guess.

It is an expensive city to live in... and a lot of people commute... or have totally fab jobs and rent a closet to sleep in.

Your post makes me want to go... been too long since we have visited. I wonder what is happening at the ROM... and if the construction is done yet!?!
metalpeter - 11/12/07 17:52
Sounds like a good time. Depending on what part of Toronto you are in it seems to me that there are also a lot of Coffee Places.
jbeatty - 11/11/07 20:31
Oh! btw A Chau market on naigara street sells fresh Rambutans!!!
mrmike - 11/11/07 20:20
Their Chinatown is a lot of fun. The kensington market district reminds me of what Elmwood wants to be. Never had an issue getting around there.
jbeatty - 11/11/07 17:36
I have never been to Chinatown there, it looks neat. I would have to say I wasn't as impressed with the Toronto public transport as much as I am with Montreal's.