Jim's Journal
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11/07/2007 22:55 #42038
Nooooooo!!!!!11/07/2007 15:04 #42028
I'm so proud of my little programmer!
james - 11/08/07 11:21
Holy crap what are you crazy ass guys talking about?
My hymen is just slightly perforated at this point, don't just slam it in. I am fragile and delicate.
Holy crap what are you crazy ass guys talking about?
My hymen is just slightly perforated at this point, don't just slam it in. I am fragile and delicate.
fellyconnelly - 11/08/07 10:00
ummm... wow.
thank god lauren just rambles on in 'feminist' rather than 'programmer'!
but seriously you guys are cute
ummm... wow.
thank god lauren just rambles on in 'feminist' rather than 'programmer'!
but seriously you guys are cute
carolinian - 11/07/07 18:39
// In Objective-C + Cocoa
[carolinian setDelegate:inscrutable];
if([inscrutable respondsToSelector:@selector(significantOther:doesProgramming:lateAtNight:withDork)])
NSLog(@"Uh-oh. If we're both that dorky, who'll teach the kids to play catch?");
NSLog(@"Good. One of us has to be the sane one in this relationship.");
// In Objective-C + Cocoa
[carolinian setDelegate:inscrutable];
if([inscrutable respondsToSelector:@selector(significantOther:doesProgramming:lateAtNight:withDork)])
NSLog(@"Uh-oh. If we're both that dorky, who'll teach the kids to play catch?");
NSLog(@"Good. One of us has to be the sane one in this relationship.");
paul - 11/07/07 16:44
//The semicolon is for javascript.
paul.isJealous = 1;
if(paul.isJealous == 1){
alert("Why can't Terry be like James");
//The semicolon is for javascript.
paul.isJealous = 1;
if(paul.isJealous == 1){
alert("Why can't Terry be like James");
james - 11/07/07 15:34
jason - 11/07/07 15:33
Haha. Oh man. Next thing he'll be wearing the DOS shirt, you know, C:\DOS, C:\DOS\RUN, etc etc
Haha. Oh man. Next thing he'll be wearing the DOS shirt, you know, C:\DOS, C:\DOS\RUN, etc etc
11/06/2007 21:04 #42016
Not Another Teen MovieCategory: culture
This is not a cheer-ocracy, I am the cheer-tator, I will make the cheer-cisions around here, and I will deal with the cheer-onsequences.
metalpeter - 11/07/07 18:13
I admit you could tell me that "" was from any movie and I wouldn't be able to remember it. Yeah bring it on was awesome. Of all the spoof movies besides the scream movies maybe that was the best of them. The fact that they got the guy who was really in Varesity (you know what I mean) Blues was amazing. Or how about when the two token black guys get upset cause they are at the same party, then you have the forgein exchange student who walks around naked. I really need to re watch that movie again. Recently they re released it on DVD.
I admit you could tell me that "" was from any movie and I wouldn't be able to remember it. Yeah bring it on was awesome. Of all the spoof movies besides the scream movies maybe that was the best of them. The fact that they got the guy who was really in Varesity (you know what I mean) Blues was amazing. Or how about when the two token black guys get upset cause they are at the same party, then you have the forgein exchange student who walks around naked. I really need to re watch that movie again. Recently they re released it on DVD.
flacidness - 11/07/07 15:14
I loved that part of the movie
I loved that part of the movie
mike - 11/06/07 22:03
is that not another teen movie? It sounds familiar from Bring It On? well maybe just the cheerocracy part, maybe not another teen movie took it to the next step
is that not another teen movie? It sounds familiar from Bring It On? well maybe just the cheerocracy part, maybe not another teen movie took it to the next step
11/06/2007 10:07 #42002
Microsoft Ruby .NETCategory: programming
Microsoft is creating a Ruby implementation for .NET -- I'm sure they will call it something ridiculous like Microsoft Ruby .NET Enterprise Extended Edition 2008. And charge a kajillion dollars for it. Awesome. Or that other thing, not awesome.
jim - 11/06/07 23:39
You can probably tell that I love it and can't shut up about it. It is good for many things and bad for a few. I am just chagrined to see Microsoft getting involved with it.
You can probably tell that I love it and can't shut up about it. It is good for many things and bad for a few. I am just chagrined to see Microsoft getting involved with it.
empireoflight - 11/06/07 22:28
I have heard pos/neg things about ruby; is it good?
I have heard pos/neg things about ruby; is it good?
carolinian - 11/06/07 10:18
Probably it would be more like "Microsoft Visual Ruby Studio .NET Enterprise Extended Edition 2008."
Probably it would be more like "Microsoft Visual Ruby Studio .NET Enterprise Extended Edition 2008."
11/06/2007 08:21 #41996
Early to WorkCategory: work
OK, I got to work at like 7am today, and no one is around but luckily nothing was locked up. Weird.
Catching up on email and the like right now, thinking of going and grabbing a coffee...
Spooky spooky, hope someone else shows up sooon.
Catching up on email and the like right now, thinking of going and grabbing a coffee...
Spooky spooky, hope someone else shows up sooon.
All better now.
that's sad. life without internet is sad.
May not have internet for days.
That is somewhat funny if you take it literally. Heheh