Being a tiny part of a big event can be exciting and even though Monday Night Football is on cable now, it hasn't lost any of its circus like nature. I was sort of dreading working it since a lot of visiting fans get stuck in the end zones and you know what that usually means.
Even the drive to the stadium took on a different feel. I got in early and was glad I did. Coming up Abbott Rd, ESPN had set up the ESPN experience so there were people spilling out of that tent onto the street. Crossing Southwestern Blvd to the actual stadium area, vendors doubled their usual number. The lots were full. The Bills have a big "thing" in their fieldhouse, but moved it outside for ESPN's benefit.
It was kind of fun to watch the preparations inside. ESPN's pregame crew was at the end zone opposite me for which I was grateful. THE espn talent was going to draw a crowd. The show Pardon the Interruption was done closer to where I usually hang. I've seen a number of live tv shows so that wasn't a big deal, although it was fun to watch all the buffalo sports reporters all staighten up a little bit as the ESPN guys walked past. Guess the Buffalo dudes were thinking they might get discovered if they look good.
The game itself, you all know about. Fans can be such assholes to each other. A woman in Dallas gear ran headlong into a guy getting directions from me, splashing us both with overpriced Bud Light. Instead of any apologies, all she could mutter was "Where the fuck is this seat?" Without missing a beat, I replied with "Right fucking down there." Last I saw of here. Now, Cowboy fans in this area, are like NY Yankee fans. They just appear. Last Night, that seemed to bring out the worst in some residents of Bills Nation. I turned my back for a second and a Dallas rooter got a beer tossed on him by a cowardly Bills goof. I had to kwell two different testosterone injected arguments, including one between two guys dressed up like Hulk Hogan.
It meant a lot of extra trips up and down my 39 steps so my knees aren't speaking to me today. I knew it was going to be a little weird as I checked in for work. There is an employee gate where anybody working the game shows up to. On one wall, there is a poster of MYP's from last week's game. They take the pictures from the ID badges and my badge pic stinks, but there I was on display. A photo worthy of the most fashionable mugshot.
So, from the fireworks to the GOfast guy landing his jetpack on the field to the hoopla with ESPN and that floating field camera of theirs, quite a night and a surreal way to end a weekend.
I spent Friday through Sunday in Fishkill and Cold Spring, NY. My younger sister got married at a spa/club/Resort called the Garrison. My guys and I logged a lot of Route 17 miles. The New Paltz signs made me think of
(e:fellyconnelly) and
(e:lauren). Forgot my laptop, it was refreshing and a little disorienting to have that sense of disconnect. The ceremony and reception were nice. My folks threw a party at the Cold Spring Depot restaurant that night to cap off festivities.
Good Suit picture of me to follow. Have a good Tuesday everybody. I'm taking today off.
Haha! Oh Tyra how I love your gigantic forehead! And I do believe Kieffer is being super awesome behind bars right now.