09/26/2007 13:37 #41340
Work is dull at the momentCategory: feh
09/25/2007 15:34 #41324
Pumpkin foolishnessCategory: holiday
09/21/2007 15:11 #41237
I GOT THE DAMN JOB!!!!!!!!Category: work
Check it out, peaches!!!!!
Take your cable problems and give em to somebody else. Animal issues, I'm all over.
09/20/2007 13:49 #41215
Sad Macs and other strange thingsCategory: potpourri
Hope it isn't an omen, but on the way to work, I made a stop and got back in the car and my Ipod greeted me with the sad mac face. I got applecare on it, but that can color the rest of the journey. I'm not a big John Mayer fan but he was writing (ghostwriting) a column for Esquire about how Ipods are truly sentient beings.
I thought there was some truth to that as on Monday, the ipod filled the car with some gloomy stuff and how yesterday it was cranking anthems on the way to Zoo interview number 2. Today, a little Wilco on the way to Weggies. As soon as I got out, it swirled the digital drain pipe. Guess I get to go see the "Geniuses" tomorrow before work.
Terrible to have to rely on those Silvery circle like thingys for musical entertainment.
Zoo went pretty well yesterday. Talked for an hour and half. Just have to wait for the interviewers to compare notes to see on who they prefer. I looked sharp and unlike my estrip party appearances was good and quickwitted. So, we'll see. Interesting that TW had a interview for me this morning and I'm apparently not good enough to help run a call center. Not that I was terribly interested in that anyway. With Chang's burning down, another good Chinese takeout place went down in this plaza and we are chock full of people who buy stuff, without any insight into what they are buying. Wish I could go into a place and ask "got any deals?" The only thing more amazing than the uninformed purchasing is the amount of people who pound on the door after hours wanting to get issues addressed. That makes me wonder if these same chuckleheads pound on the mall door after 9 when Auntie Anne's has stopped cranking out pretzels.
In other news, I'm playing bus stop dad again for my younger two kids. A friend of mine brings her two kids down the same bus stop and I think she is getting taken advantage of by her neighbors. The school the kids all go to is over on Minnesota and the kids start at age 3. Two of this woman's neighbors send their three year olds down with her instead of stepping up and acting as adults. It's an adjustment for all parties involved, but because of the disruption of the other kids, she's wondering about how well her own child is coping with the new school experience. I tried to tell her that it looks like her daughter is adjusting okay, but that is tough for her to see since somebody else's problem kid is dumped on her door. I'm not sure what to do about that, but I think that if you are getting a kid through the educational system, it's on you, not a well-meaning neighbor to see to the kid's introduction to school. I hurt myself professionally for a few years on my guys behalf and would make that choice again in a heartbeat. I know what career goals can mean, but shit you got a kid to think about in all respects ya'know?
I'm looking forward to seeing if my Buffalo Bills Moonlighting translates into admission to the outdoor hockey game. Good Football seats won't necessarily translate into decent hockey viewing, but the event itself seems like a fun spectacle to be a part of, especially with no risk of football being played after the Bills regular season ends.
Got a ticket for Neil Young in Toronto so I guess that makes me happy.
09/18/2007 07:01 #41172
Election DayCategory: politics
I don't wax on politics too much, because it is almost too troublesome these days. The will of the people demanded change in Congress and we got folks too spineless to change anything. Nobody has much nerve. I've been paying a little attention to the county executive race to see what is going to happen in our post-Giambra world. The two leading democrats are behaving like a couple of 2nd graders (and I do apologize to any second graders cuz you deserve better). Paul Clark and Jim Keane are sniping at each other at such a clip it is truly impossible to know what either one stands for. This is particularly disappointing in the case of Keane. I worked on his 1986 congressional campaign when he nearly beat Jack Kemp and he talked in specifics. This election is sadly another story. When the voice of reason, the sense of accomplishment, the moral compass comes from Jimmy Griffin, you know something is fucked up about the process. I'd like Keane and Clark to actually say what they would do in office instead of trying to out-"Swift boat" each other.
David Rivera is running for something (I'm not sure what), but his campaign thought it was a good idea to stuff my mailbox with 9 different postcards in a two day period. You would have thought there would have been some substance to the mailings and you would have been disappointed. Apparently, the printers and direct mailers will profit from the campaign. The rest of us just have to wait to see who bubbles to the top of the infighting.
It's a process that has become very bloated. You really have to dig to find of stands on things, especially in primaries where candidates are saying whatever to get past the primary hurdle. I guess hoping for a "Joel broke this, but this is how I'm going to fix it" is too much to ask for.
Hope springs eternal I guess. Despite the direct mail excess, I'm going to vote anyway. Do likewise folks.
well. i'm going to find out in a few weeks if they even import pumpkins in this country. if not i'll be carving out some butternut squash or something!
haha! love these!
Whole pumpkins last a really long time. Its the carved ones that dont make it much more than a week. Although, I heard slathering the cut parts with vasoline help keep the moisture in and hence reduce rot time.
LOL @ pumpkin mania. :)
hilarious pics
yeah someone at work was like "i got my pumpkins this weekend" as if it was like a "thank god I got that done in time, now I can check it off the list" kind of thing.
But, um, don't they... ROT... in a month? it's not even october!