I have so much to say but every night when I go to blog, I instead program more on the new version of estrip. It looks essentially the same, but it is re-programmed from the ground up so that it is compatible with all the new code I am producing at Roswell - which means more updates and features for you guys.
Anyways, instead of boring you with those details I will share some pictures. I had lots of fun at the estrip dinner this evening. I hope everyone else did too! I know the waitress sure did, we gave her a great tip.
I loved this sign.

On Sunday, I went to the wedding of Kristina Kling and Rocky Costello at the Lancaster Country Club. I can't believe after 15 years they are finally getting married!
I actually got dress up!

(e:hodown) even put a flower in her hair

We had fun with the disposable camera from the table.

I don't understand this picture. I think Rocky and Kristina were sticking cake in each others face. I was rushing to get the picture and light got blurred but it looks like is that Kristina whipped out a laser sword.

I never thought I would see Rocky married

Here is the proof

it was nice to see (e:zizzler)

When I first met rocky 15 years ago he hated me, then we became pretty good friends. Now I actually see him more than Kristina.

After 100 years the bench met the garbage. It is the one thing no one took form our front lawn when put out.

Monday was fun, (e:james), (e:jim), (e:matthew), (e:terry) and I lounged around in the sun with basra

and ate pixie stix.

The Robber
We saw Avery Leeper (e:paul,32762) on Delaware by the jewish center - he is the guy who robbed our house last year. He told us the same sob story about having to get to his pregnant girlfriend in Medina or something. It amazes me when those crack heads don't have the creativity to change their story at all, even after a jail term. Come on, at least a slightly different story. I don't even have the pretension of being nice anymore and I hate when they try and pretend like they are some random street person I never saw before or that didn't already rob my house.
Calling 911
Then at night some guy collapsed outside our house. At first I wanted to go out but then I decided not to when I realized it was the drunken guy that is always wondering around on our street. Instead I watched for a minute when I noticed him rolling around in the oncoming traffic lane. He seemed to drunk to stand up. We decided to call 911 and believe it or not, in the heart of the city, the ambulance was there in 5 minutes flat. At that point he had wandered off down the street toward the park at North and Franklin.
The next morning I went and looked where he fell down and noticed this weird mix of stuff. Look at it. Later that day it was gone, he must have come back.

It scares me that there are such creepy characters around the neighbourhood. I met this relatively well dressed person just outside my building the other day. He showed me his driving license and told me that he needed exactly $3.70 or something to get a gallon of petrol, so that he could drive to Tonawanda or somewhere - where his wife and his sister were desperately waiting for him. I just gave him a look of incomprehension and a very foreign shrug. But I guess it was too late since I had already smiled and said hello or something. Reminds me that I should perhaps be extra careful about opening my big blabber mouth. :/
Hodown looks incredibly pretty with that flower. What a pity, I didn't walk down the street on the days you were playing on your lawn with the rocket hose!
BTW, you could pass off as the Beatles, all dressed up!