(e:LC) told me that she met a guy out there that is a carbon copy of me, except that he has a Scottish accent. I have to say I think that version of me would be way better! Now I want to learn how to speak with a Scottish accent - think about how utterly confused people would be in a loud bar. I think the potential for big fun to be had is enormous and for my friends I will do almost anything for a laugh.
(e:jason) and I managed to score tickets to the Ice Bowl on January 1. If you live in this city and don't know what I'm talking about - shame! Shaaaaaame. *shakes head* I'm excited about this because its a difficult ticket to have gotten, so this is a good opportunity to repay Dad for all those games he's brought us to over the years. Of course the question is - do you sleep or do you not bother and just head straight to tailgate?
The Sabres start their season tomorrow against the New York Islanders. I'm happy because now those miscellaneous nights where there is nothing to do, yet you don't feel like going out, are now going to be occupied by watching the greatest hockey team in the NHL. I don't want to hear any of that fucking bullshit about the Senators, (e:lizabeth)! The flag is going back up tonight - you'd be surprised how many people know where we live by reference of the flag alone.
I rarely comment about other peoples journals in my own journal, but I was thinking about a few things -
A) (e:jim)'s tech setup is confusing me. Are 4 external hard drives entirely necessary? Fucking hell man!
B) I now believe that a cheese assortment is now some sort of requirement if you want a second date with (e:hodown). Who fucking sends a lady a cheese assortment, anyway? Its not Christmas and its not time to be "getting our Pepperidge Farm on." You say to me, "Josh, c'mon, who doesn't like cheese?" I'd say, "most girls, as a gift after the first date." The fact that I could go on a cheese tangent like this based off of an innocuous photograph and a comment is a testament to her and her journal's greatness.
C) Where did (e:ktmuffin) go?
D) Where did (e:cindy) go? (girl I know you're out there)
Thinking about going to the Halloween party reminds me of one of the first (e:strip) parties I attended, where I was sitting on a couch with (e:terry) then all of the sudden geoffrey/jeffrey ran up to him and jammed his hand up his backside - I laughed so hard. Then (e:hodown) got really, really upset and was desperate for someone to kick him out, but nobody would. Eventually she had enough and if I remember correctly she did the dirty work herself. I refused to do the dirty work on the count that it wasn't my house and other people were closer to the owners than I was. I can't remember if that was the night that she had made sangria, but it seemed like people seemed to be drinking liquor that didn't belong to them... I think that was the night somebody drank (e:matt)'s special stash and I felt really bad for him. People were like, "wow, are you really a Republican?" And I'm like, "WTF am I supposed to look and sound like, Bela fucking Legosi? I VANT TO DRINK YOUR BLOOD!!" Slurpslurpslurp.
Bye for now -
Joshua's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/04/2007 20:37 #41499
Misc.10/02/2007 12:29 #41453
Whats it like to party with Josh?A handful of you have seen this picture but I'm still laughing at myself, so I thought I'd post it -

This is me about a week and a half ago. I went with my brother to a neighborhood home for a little birthday celebration. Notice the googly eyes? Fear not, I can focus on cleavage through the foggiest of booze-induced haze. I'm a guy, I'm a perv like anyone else... leave the drunk guy alone! I have no idea what I was pointing at, and I don't recall the picture being taken. The problem with all of this is that the party was thrown for, and attended mainly by, employee/employees of one of our local news stations. One of my best friends is the graphics guy there, so in case you ever see a weird picture on TV of a googly-eyed guy pointing at a superimposed news logo, clearly meant to signal some sort of technical difficulty.... at least y'all have some context now. Hurray!
Keep this picture vividly in your head, with my velvety baritone cooing "WHERE'S THE FUCKING WINE?" Now you know what to expect when I talk (e:jason) into attending the Halloween party. I'd like to meet the people that I haven't met.

This is me about a week and a half ago. I went with my brother to a neighborhood home for a little birthday celebration. Notice the googly eyes? Fear not, I can focus on cleavage through the foggiest of booze-induced haze. I'm a guy, I'm a perv like anyone else... leave the drunk guy alone! I have no idea what I was pointing at, and I don't recall the picture being taken. The problem with all of this is that the party was thrown for, and attended mainly by, employee/employees of one of our local news stations. One of my best friends is the graphics guy there, so in case you ever see a weird picture on TV of a googly-eyed guy pointing at a superimposed news logo, clearly meant to signal some sort of technical difficulty.... at least y'all have some context now. Hurray!
Keep this picture vividly in your head, with my velvety baritone cooing "WHERE'S THE FUCKING WINE?" Now you know what to expect when I talk (e:jason) into attending the Halloween party. I'd like to meet the people that I haven't met.
ladycroft - 10/03/07 02:41
see!!! i told you :)
see!!! i told you :)
joshua - 10/02/07 14:16
(e:janelle) - Its all about entertainment! I'll do just about anything for a laugh, but at this party I am pretty sure I was on autopilot. I mean really... who points at thin air?
(e:jenks) - Yeah, I know - I've been terrible but I'm determined to be at the party this time. Most of the beer that was there was domestic swill but the birthday boy's tenant brought down a 12-pack of some sort of Ithaca Brewing Co. variety - she said I could drink some so I did! Other than that, I think I drank about a bottle between the cabernet and pinot noir that was there. I do drink Labatt at home behind closed doors, so nobody knows and my reputation as a beer snob isn't sullied! We can't have that, you know.
(e:janelle) - Its all about entertainment! I'll do just about anything for a laugh, but at this party I am pretty sure I was on autopilot. I mean really... who points at thin air?
(e:jenks) - Yeah, I know - I've been terrible but I'm determined to be at the party this time. Most of the beer that was there was domestic swill but the birthday boy's tenant brought down a 12-pack of some sort of Ithaca Brewing Co. variety - she said I could drink some so I did! Other than that, I think I drank about a bottle between the cabernet and pinot noir that was there. I do drink Labatt at home behind closed doors, so nobody knows and my reputation as a beer snob isn't sullied! We can't have that, you know.
jenks - 10/02/07 13:09
haha... larsons at a party?! I'm not holding my breath!
(yeah, that's a dare!)
(and i'm guessing you're pointing at all those bottles to show how much you drank single-handedly.) (though I'm sure that's not it- those bottles are far too domestic. ;) )
(final parenthetical comment- I'm not sure I would even know that's you. Your hair is long... and you've lost weight, I'd reckon...)
haha... larsons at a party?! I'm not holding my breath!
(yeah, that's a dare!)
(and i'm guessing you're pointing at all those bottles to show how much you drank single-handedly.) (though I'm sure that's not it- those bottles are far too domestic. ;) )
(final parenthetical comment- I'm not sure I would even know that's you. Your hair is long... and you've lost weight, I'd reckon...)
09/19/2007 10:15 #41191
Don't taze me, bro!Ha. Sorry, but he got what he deserved.
joshua - 09/20/07 10:11
Haha (e:libertad) - only the furry uncouth ones! =P I don't wish anybody any personal harm - only politicians and professional/career harm!
Haha (e:libertad) - only the furry uncouth ones! =P I don't wish anybody any personal harm - only politicians and professional/career harm!
libertad - 09/19/07 21:53
I have not heard anything about this video besides what was written here.
I bet you want to taze liberals....don't you? ;)
I have not heard anything about this video besides what was written here.
I bet you want to taze liberals....don't you? ;)
jenks - 09/19/07 21:45
Hmm. Yeah. Mixed feelings on this one.
On the one hand, the kid looks like an obnoxious, attention-seeking little prick.
However, is asking Kerry if he was in Skull and Bones really worthy of arrest?
And I love the way they apparently get bored of the scene, and you hear Kerry try to continue his speech as if nothing is happening while this kid is screaming "help help, police brutality!"
Did he need to be tazed? Probably not.
Am I deeply outraged that he was? eh, not really.
Was it all a publicity stunt? eh, probably. (why does it sound like the kid is miked?)
Hmm. Yeah. Mixed feelings on this one.
On the one hand, the kid looks like an obnoxious, attention-seeking little prick.
However, is asking Kerry if he was in Skull and Bones really worthy of arrest?
And I love the way they apparently get bored of the scene, and you hear Kerry try to continue his speech as if nothing is happening while this kid is screaming "help help, police brutality!"
Did he need to be tazed? Probably not.
Am I deeply outraged that he was? eh, not really.
Was it all a publicity stunt? eh, probably. (why does it sound like the kid is miked?)
joshua - 09/19/07 19:39
An ill-mannered miscreant proceeded to get himself arrested, then got tasered as a result of vigorously resisting arrest. Oh, and by the way, it turns out that he's done this sort of stunt in the past - he's a professional insulter and media whore, depending on who you ask.
I'm kind of torn on whether or not it was excessive but the bottom line is that this guy is no victim, and if I am punching my ticket to Hell by being okay with the fact that he got zapped then so be it.
(e:mrmike) - even liberals are disgusted with John Kerry. His contribution to the national debate is hardly relevant anymore.
An ill-mannered miscreant proceeded to get himself arrested, then got tasered as a result of vigorously resisting arrest. Oh, and by the way, it turns out that he's done this sort of stunt in the past - he's a professional insulter and media whore, depending on who you ask.
I'm kind of torn on whether or not it was excessive but the bottom line is that this guy is no victim, and if I am punching my ticket to Hell by being okay with the fact that he got zapped then so be it.
(e:mrmike) - even liberals are disgusted with John Kerry. His contribution to the national debate is hardly relevant anymore.
jenks - 09/19/07 18:08
shite... i live under a rock, apparently... what are you talking about?
shite... i live under a rock, apparently... what are you talking about?
fellyconnelly - 09/19/07 17:04
He was being obnoxious about it, yes, but I know many obnoxious people and if i tried to go out and taser the shit out of them you know i'd be arrested.
He was being obnoxious about it, yes, but I know many obnoxious people and if i tried to go out and taser the shit out of them you know i'd be arrested.
mrmike - 09/19/07 15:04
Wasn't the Kerry Speech torture enough?
Wasn't the Kerry Speech torture enough?
james - 09/19/07 14:02
In a rare and special moment, I agree with Jason (kidding)
But man, he was getting rather obnoxious. It is surprising a spitball didn't hit him first.
In a rare and special moment, I agree with Jason (kidding)
But man, he was getting rather obnoxious. It is surprising a spitball didn't hit him first.
zobar - 09/19/07 12:42
Enormous amounts of media attention and the sympathy of the student body? Campus Safety overreacted but I wonder how many of his acquaintances are wishing they'd had the opportunity first.
- Z
Enormous amounts of media attention and the sympathy of the student body? Campus Safety overreacted but I wonder how many of his acquaintances are wishing they'd had the opportunity first.
- Z
jason - 09/19/07 12:01
I don't agree, I think the cops crossed a line they should not have crossed by tazing the guy. He was already downed by many officers.
Also - if the guy was cuffed (and this is a bone of contention that the lawyers and other professionals will hash out) I think it is possibly a legal (if not policy) no-no. Cops aren't supposed to taze people who are cuffed. Tut tut!
I don't agree, I think the cops crossed a line they should not have crossed by tazing the guy. He was already downed by many officers.
Also - if the guy was cuffed (and this is a bone of contention that the lawyers and other professionals will hash out) I think it is possibly a legal (if not policy) no-no. Cops aren't supposed to taze people who are cuffed. Tut tut!
leetee - 09/19/07 11:17
hm. really? of course, i didn't see every video shot of this, but it looked like he was surrounded by cops, they were holding him down, one of the cops smiled while looking into the camera, and then he was zapped.
hm. really? of course, i didn't see every video shot of this, but it looked like he was surrounded by cops, they were holding him down, one of the cops smiled while looking into the camera, and then he was zapped.
09/11/2007 13:27 #41050
HmmI just took a call from a company in Oregon that is interested in having an audit done. Now my goal of possibly going to San Fran for a few days while getting paid to be out there (at least somewhat) may come into shape. If I can talk my boss into letting me go to Portland to work, maybe he'll be okay with sending me home out of SFO or Oakland. I can save the company $250 on my flight, I can see my friend Jonas in San Fran (and any (e:strip)pers if you are interested in meeting up for a drink), I can make a little money... whats not to love? Now, if I can only pin down my boss for five minutes to talk to him about it. Seriously - if I didn't have it in me to work autonomously I'd put my boss on a milk carton!
I hate wanting to do something but not being able to.
Anyway here is me today "keeping it real" (real suburban, anyway) in the parking lot. Daddy needs to shave.

I hate wanting to do something but not being able to.
Anyway here is me today "keeping it real" (real suburban, anyway) in the parking lot. Daddy needs to shave.

james - 09/12/07 15:07
sounds like a good time. I hope you don't go to SanFran to pay a visit to Michael Savage. ^_^
sounds like a good time. I hope you don't go to SanFran to pay a visit to Michael Savage. ^_^
09/06/2007 19:58 #40976
iPhone price updateApple, if you don't already know, lowered the price of their $600 iPhone to $400. For those of you who already own an iPhone, Steve-o is offering you a $100 store credit, so go find out how you can claim what is yours!
I know I haven't done a beer review in a while (shame on me) - but now is the time, ladies and gents, to go seek out an Oktoberfest. Not just any, though - go find one from Munich. These are the authentic Oktoberfests - there are only six brewers allowed to serve beer during Oktoberfest and those are Paulaner (which I'm drinking right now), Spaten, Augustiner, Lowenbrau, Hofbrau and Hacker-Pschorr. Paulaner and Spaten is available at Consumers - although Spaten is only available as a 12-pack this is ok... they serve this stuff in liter mugs in Europe!
Oktoberfest's 200th Anniversary in 2010, or the World Cup in South Africa in 2010. Ugh... I dunno.
I know I haven't done a beer review in a while (shame on me) - but now is the time, ladies and gents, to go seek out an Oktoberfest. Not just any, though - go find one from Munich. These are the authentic Oktoberfests - there are only six brewers allowed to serve beer during Oktoberfest and those are Paulaner (which I'm drinking right now), Spaten, Augustiner, Lowenbrau, Hofbrau and Hacker-Pschorr. Paulaner and Spaten is available at Consumers - although Spaten is only available as a 12-pack this is ok... they serve this stuff in liter mugs in Europe!
Oktoberfest's 200th Anniversary in 2010, or the World Cup in South Africa in 2010. Ugh... I dunno.
jbeatty - 09/07/07 00:08
mmmm Spaten Oktoberfest is probably my favorite beer on earth. Rumor has it we are getting it on tap soon!
mmmm Spaten Oktoberfest is probably my favorite beer on earth. Rumor has it we are getting it on tap soon!
Though I haven't a clue as to most of where your topics originated, I was laughing the whole way through-- thanks! hahahahaha....
Jim explained his setup to me several times and I still have no idea why all this space is needed. But, should our computers blow up, a meteor decimate north America, and versions of ourselves from an alternate dimension kill us and take our place we will loose no data.
I am not joking to be funny but it is funny that at first I could not figure out how NT (pronounced North Tonawanda) set (e:janelle) free from whatever the OT was. I finally figures it out a couple minuets later after reviewing the other comments.
My wife is not down with theology the way that I am. I think she meant to say that early church councils, as described in Chistian scriptures, felt that the law of the Hebrew Bible had been fulfilled, and is no longer binding.
And it took me a while to figure out what spicy meat you were referring to, which is sad, since I like to make jokes about her having Polish Sausage for dinner.
(e:carolinian), lol, lucky for me the NT has set me free from the OT rules so that I might enjoy all the cheese and spicy meat I can get ;)
(e:janelle), eating cheese with spicy meat is not kosher. ;)
(e:joshua), rumor has it that (e:ktmuffin) has moved to N. Buffalo with her mom, her brother, and some weird sketchy computer guy. They probably don't have Internet service yet, which is probably why she hasn't posted recently.
Sabres start tonight. I doubt with being sick I will see the entire game. I can't wait to see what happens this year. I won't mention that team but during that brawl I have to admit I had to respect Emery. Why you may ask cause he and Biron both decided to fight and he won, they Peters couldn't handle it that two guys fought each other and that his goalie lost so he tried to goon it up, and Emery kicked his ass two. That reminds me I need to see if I can find a DVD (newer the beter) of NHL Hockey fights there has to be a good one out there somewhere.
That party sounds familur, but the story you mentioned I don't remember. Would I be correct that Jason went as a monk or some kind of religious man and (e:terry) took his cross and slide it down his pants and then he didn't want it back. If that is the same one (e:drchlorine) was "The Gunslinger" from some Stephen King book. It would be nice to see you and if you can convince Jason also.
Ok I feel a lot better about bringing cheese into the wooing process! I'm not the only one :)
Yes, romance in our relationship usually involves cheeses from mild to stinky and olives of all types.
Sexy, huh?
This is so weird - my coworker that just came back from Wisconsin just came into the office. What do you suppose he had with him?
3-year old cheddar and a block of fontago! OMG fontago is delicious! I am told its a cross of parmesan and provolone. He also brought back with him 12-year old cheddar - he didn't have it with him though. :( In Wisconsin it was $17 a pound - imagine what Weg would try to charge.
Right now I have the tangy sharp cheddar aftertaste in my mouth.
(e:janelle) has wooed me with Cheese. It was a good move.
Ok my rebuttals:
1. Im obsessed with cheese so it is in fact the correct gift to give me at any time. That being said don't try the "cheese assortment" on just any girl. It's bound to backfire.
2. Jeffrey: He was trying to pull my sister's skirt up and she kept being like "leave me alone" finally he really offended her and that's when I was like "get the fuck out". I got the ok from PMT before I did it. Everyone was sick of him. That kid is seriously annoying.
3. I miss Cindy too.
4. Even though Josh is a republician I still like him.
I love cheese assortments.
Actually I just love cheese. Perhaps I too should make a cheese assortment a requirement for a second date.
I can sympathize - I once lost my entire MP3 collection.
Just a little more explanation about my backups: there's one backup drive each for (e:james) and my computers. But, additionally, there are so many photos that they won't all fit on my laptop drive, so I had to get an external drive to store them all on, and another to backup the external drive. I hate that I need so many but I've learned to be really paranoid about losing anything. Despite all these drives, I've only got two copies of any one thing.