No I'm not talking about a new cell phone plan. I'm talking about how great my friends and family are. First I got a bottle of Captain from (e:amanda) when we went out to lunch on Thrusday which I love!! Then I woke up and got a wonderful surprise from (e:libertad) (check his hjournal) which is gonna be amazing! The nLast night (e:paul), (e:terry), (e:matt) (e:mom) and (e:dad) went to the Viking Lobster Company on Austin and Tonawanda Street for dinner. I recommend it, it was pretty good. Especilaly if you like lobster. I got steak and shrimp and ate some dabbles from other people's plates. Not a huge menu but I tihnk it definetley has something for eveyrone, oh and it doesn't have its own liquor liscence so you can bring your own wine/beer whatever.
Then we came back to my house and had oreo cookie cheese cake which was really really good. Then I got some awesome gifts like a shaker set with martini glasses that all go in this carrying case so you can take it with you. It is pretty freakin awesome! I also got a digital camera which I love so be ready for me taking way too many pictures tonight! Oh and I got this picture of a baby elephant under its mother like on a plaque thing. It is pretty cool because a friend of the family runs a charity that gives macro loans in Africa to women to start little buisinnesses and it was an actual pcitrue she took. OOH and chocolate maritini mix which we will all have to tyr tonight! Then I go outside and there are balloons from (e:beast) outside. I love balloons!
Then it was off to (e:jill) house for some drinks and to open my gifts from my friends! All I can say is WOW! My friends really went crazy awesomely amazingly this year. You see I like a lot of little different things and wowser it was excellently chosen stuff. Its like they know me perfectly. I got so many good tihngs , here are just a few,
an ACTUAL QUEEN ELIZABETH II CORONATION TEA CUP AND SAUCER! HOw frieakin awesome is that?!?!? And a DVD of the two Saved by the Bell movies (you know the Hawaiin Adventure and Las Vegas Wedding, the two finest pieces of cinematic work ever perhaps!!!!EVER), and I got High School Musical: The Dating Game which is gonna be so fun, I can't wait to play it! and Adult MadLibs which we had once bought a book of it for (e:mk) and let me tell you it is so fun and can lead to nights of glorious enjoyment!! OH AND A BLOW UP LIMBO STICK WHICH I WILL BRING TO THE PARTY TONIGHT!!
OH AND a Golden Girls tshirt that says Stay Golden and has their picture on it. I wore it out last night! IT is pretyy darn cool. LIke seirouly it is even in guys size cuz before I only had seen it in girls! I really love it!
hmm what else, a shot glass from Milan, which is tres chic, Full House Seaosn 3 on DVD and OMG A BOOK THAT TELLS YOU WHAT YOUR TV PERSONALITY IS, like all these quizzes and it tells you what person you are ion different shows ! I CANNOT WAIT TO DO IT! Oh and a supre cool elephant cnadle holder thing! AND GUESS WHAT ELSE!!! A SET OF SIX FAYS DRUGS GLASSES!
Fays is the drugstore that was around here and then was bought out y Ekcred. I loved Fays and have kept some memoribilia I have found over the years but this was a full set of SIX FAYS GLASSES!! So freakin awesome!!
OMG I almost forogt I also got SUPER SWEET SIXTEEN THE MOVIE!! YEs it is a movie based on the show sweet 16 about these girls who were friends til their plans for a super sweet 16 ruined their firendship!!! And all these magazines about princess diana and the queen of englad which are cool and have this cool poster centerfold of the royal family!
and that's not even it there was so much more I can't remember right now and it is all still at (e:jill) cuz I was relaly drunk and so left it all there in a paper warppy mess all over their kitchen. I hope they don't mind.
and yes it sounds much like th egifts a 13 year old girl would get and I love that!
and then we went out and had a good ol time at good old Frizzy's , even though our normal bartenders weren't there. And then got serenaded at Staple by two men who each sang a song on their guitar at (e:jill) request. THANKS EVERYONE FOR AN AWESOME B-DAY!!!
oh and garage sale stickers which are always handy and I was gonna take them out last night and price people while we were out but we forgot , so maybe I'll do that at theh party?!?
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/01/2007 11:25 #40877
My Superly Awesome Friends and Family08/31/2007 14:16 #40859
nothing starts a day out right...after a night of winning (ok $8 but that is still winning) at the casino and then on a lotto ticket this morning, and then finding a wonderful suprise from (e:libertad,40851)'s journal then.........
I had a major self in front of mirror dance party after I showered today. I love those times when you just get the urge to dance your heart out cuz a good song comes on which in this case was something by Blu Cantrell followed by danicng to my eclectic mix of music on my itunes including selections from moulin rouge, starlight express, a little bright eyes, a little ataris, a little p. diddy and a little bit of lots of stuff oh and singing my heart out to the graduation song from SBTB (which i know so perfectly that i went downstaris in the basement to get pants and when i cam back up my singing was still matching the exact spot in the music, that always impresses me) anywho, what a way tio start a bday!!hopefully more dancing all day long
I had a major self in front of mirror dance party after I showered today. I love those times when you just get the urge to dance your heart out cuz a good song comes on which in this case was something by Blu Cantrell followed by danicng to my eclectic mix of music on my itunes including selections from moulin rouge, starlight express, a little bright eyes, a little ataris, a little p. diddy and a little bit of lots of stuff oh and singing my heart out to the graduation song from SBTB (which i know so perfectly that i went downstaris in the basement to get pants and when i cam back up my singing was still matching the exact spot in the music, that always impresses me) anywho, what a way tio start a bday!!hopefully more dancing all day long
leetee - 08/31/07 20:41
Happy Birthday, Mike. I hope it rocks... in that clubby disco-y dancing sorta way. :)
Happy Birthday, Mike. I hope it rocks... in that clubby disco-y dancing sorta way. :)
james - 08/31/07 15:13
May your birthday be filled with fluffy winged puppied bringing you presents.
May your birthday be filled with fluffy winged puppied bringing you presents.
tinypliny - 08/31/07 14:54
I love it when you don't go out of sync with the music - unfortunately that's a rare occurrence with me. I am rotten in the arts department.
I love it when you don't go out of sync with the music - unfortunately that's a rare occurrence with me. I am rotten in the arts department.
mrmike - 08/31/07 14:45
That's always a good omen. Happy Birthday!!
That's always a good omen. Happy Birthday!!
jim - 08/31/07 14:20
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
jenks - 08/31/07 14:18
08/28/2007 00:01 #40772
Happy Birthday Mr. Mickelson!
Happy Birthday Terry!!! I hope it is filled with beer and chemistry. (those are your two favorite things right?) Thanks (e:jim) for reminding me about the drawing feature. I had forgotten about it. Don't forget everyone , this saturday, big celebration for me and (e:terry) birthday!
jenks - 08/28/07 15:55
Ok... don't get too excited guys, b/c I've missed like the last ten parties... but I just might make it out on saturday! I'm on call, so I'll probably get called in to the hospital given my recent luck... but I suddenly find myself without weekend plans, soooo......!!
Ok... don't get too excited guys, b/c I've missed like the last ten parties... but I just might make it out on saturday! I'm on call, so I'll probably get called in to the hospital given my recent luck... but I suddenly find myself without weekend plans, soooo......!!
08/30/2007 20:20 #40840
Prayiing Mantis: Good Luck?So i got to school a little early to see if my stuff from two days ago had a.) really printed and b.) was still there. They are having major printing issues in the UB library right now. Anywho I luckily found my stuff from Tuesday and printed out some more stuff which I will try and get in a few days cuz it was a 3 hour delay at this point. So i went outside to do my favorite thing in the world which is USA today crossword puzzles and people watching. So i am innocently enough spying on people and doing my puzzle (and getting stumped like heck on this puzzle for some reason ,usa todya usually isn't super hard) and then I look down and what is crawling up by leg! A HUGE FREAKIN' PRAYING MANTIS!!! Now i bet you all envision me screaming and jumping and freaking out, but you would be INCORRECT!!! Ok i jumped around and freaked out and ran for my life, but I did not scream, and that my friends is quite an accmplishment as I am terrified of bugs of all degress , espeically foot long praying mantises.
But i do vaguely remember it is supposed to be good luck to see a praying mantis (which why was it like in a complete concrete playground like the area I was in at UB). So hopefully that is true and i get me some luck, that would be a good ting to come from such a traumatic experience.
P.S. You know what I was thiking, if i dind't have my glasses I rplly never would have realized and just thought it was like a mark on my pants or something, how many bugs were crawling all over/around me before i had glasses?
P.P.S. I will be 24 in like 3 hours and 40 minutes!
But i do vaguely remember it is supposed to be good luck to see a praying mantis (which why was it like in a complete concrete playground like the area I was in at UB). So hopefully that is true and i get me some luck, that would be a good ting to come from such a traumatic experience.
P.S. You know what I was thiking, if i dind't have my glasses I rplly never would have realized and just thought it was like a mark on my pants or something, how many bugs were crawling all over/around me before i had glasses?
P.P.S. I will be 24 in like 3 hours and 40 minutes!
jenks - 08/31/07 13:44
This post is also awesome.
This post is also awesome.
fellyconnelly - 08/30/07 22:40
i love people watching...
but seriously - this just means that your birthday will be super great and lucky!
i love people watching...
but seriously - this just means that your birthday will be super great and lucky!
museumchick - 08/30/07 21:09
Happy Birthday! I hope it will be a great day for you:).
Happy Birthday! I hope it will be a great day for you:).
08/29/2007 18:20 #40811
Beginning of the Birthday ExtravaganzaSo today is the unofficial/official beginning of my birthday celebration. At work they got my a tasty carvel cake and then when I got home my mom made my favorite dinner (chicken parm) as my birthday dinner becasue on Friday we are going out to dinner for my birhtday so today was a minor favorite food kinda birthday dinner.
I also got my first birthday mail from my great aunt though this week has been lacking in bday mail. I feel like stores and stuff used to send stuff for my bday, I tihnk they do it on e-mail now which is not even half as enjobalbe. I love getting mail and my birthday week was always fulfilling in that regard but we'll see, there are still a few more days.
Then comes tomrorwo lunch with (e:amanda) which has been way to long since we have went to lunch, then school and then maybe some post-square activities (stupid school right smack dab in the middle of thursday at the square time).
Then FRIDAY celebrations and dinner with my fam and then Frizzy's with eveyrone. and then the party on Saturday. I LOVE MY BIRTHDAY!
P.S. Thanks (e:ladycroft) for the early birthday wishes!
I also got my first birthday mail from my great aunt though this week has been lacking in bday mail. I feel like stores and stuff used to send stuff for my bday, I tihnk they do it on e-mail now which is not even half as enjobalbe. I love getting mail and my birthday week was always fulfilling in that regard but we'll see, there are still a few more days.
Then comes tomrorwo lunch with (e:amanda) which has been way to long since we have went to lunch, then school and then maybe some post-square activities (stupid school right smack dab in the middle of thursday at the square time).
Then FRIDAY celebrations and dinner with my fam and then Frizzy's with eveyrone. and then the party on Saturday. I LOVE MY BIRTHDAY!
P.S. Thanks (e:ladycroft) for the early birthday wishes!
metalpeter - 08/30/07 17:40
Happy Birthday and have a great time.
Happy Birthday and have a great time.
tinypliny - 08/29/07 21:11
Anyway, don't let my cluelessness cramp your style.
Happy birthday long weekend, Mike! :)
Anyway, don't let my cluelessness cramp your style.
Happy birthday long weekend, Mike! :)
tinypliny - 08/29/07 21:10
I really feel I should get clued into this birthday craze... but I feel like I am missing something. What is it with this country and birthdays?
I really feel I should get clued into this birthday craze... but I feel like I am missing something. What is it with this country and birthdays?
james - 08/29/07 20:40
May your birthday be filled with mixed drinks and presents.
May your birthday be filled with mixed drinks and presents.
fellyconnelly - 08/29/07 19:33
happy birthday mike!!! celebrate till ya can't celebrate no mo!
happy birthday mike!!! celebrate till ya can't celebrate no mo!
mrmike - 08/29/07 18:52
Happy Mikestock, Mike!
Happy Mikestock, Mike!
bring the stickers tonight. it can only lead to great things. AND the limbo stick. but leave the grape gum at home. that is not something that should be tampered with.