so I am not for a casino in Buffalo though I am seiruosly addicted to slot machines lately (at the Niagara Falls one), particularly the Emerald Hot Hot Penny, Penny machine. Anywho, we went to see what the Buffalo casino is like, they have a temporary one up. IT IS THE SADDEST THING EVER! It is like a 10 by 10 foot room with like 40 slot machines and a tiny snack bar. And eveyrone is smoking and it reaks. And eveyrone is waiting in line for machines. Now you can like or dislike casinos but this one is just sad. At least at other casinos it is like a big place and there are bands and bars and restuarants and lot of lights and sounds and colors. No here it seems like just sad sad people, waiting in like to bet away what little money they have. Seriosly sadness people, seiruosly!
P.S. Don't forget mine and
(e:terry) 's bday party on Saturday!
P.P.S. There will be plenty of jello shots hopefully!
Ok... don't get too excited guys, b/c I've missed like the last ten parties... but I just might make it out on saturday! I'm on call, so I'll probably get called in to the hospital given my recent luck... but I suddenly find myself without weekend plans, soooo......!!