So today was supposed to be a really exciting day, I was gonna get my glasses, leaving work a half hour early to go get them, then clean out my old car and go get my new car!!! Well first my glasses...I don't really like them as much as I thought I did before. Now I kinda don't like them...maybe I have to get used to them. I have never had glasses or anything but still, I don't know, I wished I liked them more. I will post pictures soon!
Then as I am getting ready to go get my car I get a call from the dealer and it won't be ready to pick up today because the one part for the brakes that they are fixing, the wrong part came in. So it won't be ready til tomorow. See but I had the wake for my old car with (e:jill) and (e:mk) last night and I had cleaned him out alreayd. I don't like prolonging the goodbye. It is already hard enough without this extra wait time where he is an empty mere shell of his old self...I was so ready to have my sexy new glasses and go riding in my fancy new car....and now nothing....but it gets worse.
I have taken like no vacation time this summer and so this week I wanted to take Monday off and only work until 5 on tues-thurs. Because I work a heavily hour packed four day schedule that actually ends up being taking 20 hours off which is half my week. Wel lno I ended up having to work on Monday because this girl was moving and blah blah blah (but she bougth my lunch today and it was relaly yummy so maybe it was worth it) and then on wednesday we have like a pretty not goo dpharmacist so I agreed to work until 9 as long as Bonnie the intern also agreed to work til nine. well no she is only there til 6:30 and I am stuck there til nine with blehness. Whihc also means I can't pick up my car tomorrow cuz I am at work all day which means I won't get my car til tursday. This good week went down the crapper....though I am sure it will bget better soon. and I can debut my new car soon. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I HATE ECKERD RIGHT NOW!!! Ooops sorry i mean RiteAid. Like everyone else just says I am taking vacation and just does it and doesn't care if eveyrone lese gets screwed, I have been screwed soooo many times this summer cuz everyone asked off and so like noone was working except me. But i always give in, no more. I hate it!!!
Mike's Journal
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08/14/2007 21:56 #40546
No Car For Me...08/13/2007 17:03 #40518
My New CarSo I did it. I didn't look at as nearly as many cars as I had planned on and I went with a sorta luxury car instead of new small car but anywho as of 6pm tomorow night I am the proud owner of a 2003 Mitsubishi Diamante. I like it a lot I think. We got it at Paul Herman Cars on Hinman. We know at least like 10 people who have bought cars there and super recommended it. So far so good in my opinion too. We'll see how it works out. Here it is...

It seems to have lots of amenities, definetely a step up from all my old cars from people who were gettting rid of them. The mileage is kidna high but those cars seem to last pretyt long from my research. I'm gonna miss Frank though, I am trading him in. Good ol' Frank the Tank , he had me at hello. But now just like Taur and Sades before him, its time to pass him on.

It seems to have lots of amenities, definetely a step up from all my old cars from people who were gettting rid of them. The mileage is kidna high but those cars seem to last pretyt long from my research. I'm gonna miss Frank though, I am trading him in. Good ol' Frank the Tank , he had me at hello. But now just like Taur and Sades before him, its time to pass him on.
08/12/2007 16:21 #40495
PARTY PARTY PARTYJust wanted to say mine and (e:terry) annual b-day party (hmm i guess all bday parties are annual) is going to be Saturday September first at the (e:pmt) house. Everyone best be there or I will never talk to you that! ok maybe i will but I still think you should all mark it down now and come
fellyconnelly - 08/13/07 10:33
oops i went click happy
but thanks, (e:libertad), for the clarification. it makes sense now, but i was confused for a while!
oops i went click happy
but thanks, (e:libertad), for the clarification. it makes sense now, but i was confused for a while!
fellyconnelly - 08/13/07 10:32
ladycroft - 08/13/07 08:29
um. i'd like to apply for a waiver on this one? :)
um. i'd like to apply for a waiver on this one? :)
libertad - 08/12/07 23:23
(e:pmt) is the union of (e:paul), matthew and terry. I can't wait for your birthday mike!
(e:pmt) is the union of (e:paul), matthew and terry. I can't wait for your birthday mike!
fellyconnelly - 08/12/07 22:08
though I'm unsure as to who (e:pmt) is and where their house is... i'll write the date on my calandar!
though I'm unsure as to who (e:pmt) is and where their house is... i'll write the date on my calandar!
tinypliny - 08/12/07 17:24
I have no idea how I with cope with life if you stop talking, I can't make it to this party. :(
My brother is flying in and we are going to Rochester to bring back the rest of my junk.
Sorry! :(
I have no idea how I with cope with life if you stop talking, I can't make it to this party. :(
- wrings hands in stress*
My brother is flying in and we are going to Rochester to bring back the rest of my junk.
Sorry! :(
08/11/2007 20:31 #40489
Saving the Environment one a time. I use a lot of straws. I just like drinking out of straws a lot instead of out of glasses. But that leads to a lot of trashy plastic in waste dumps so now I have come p with a solution, I have been using twizzlers as straws instead. I can eat them and even if i don't htye are biodegradable...score one! oh and they are tasty too!
tinypliny - 08/12/07 17:22
Yay for a smaller carbon footprint!
Yay for a smaller carbon footprint!
paul - 08/12/07 01:20
That's great. Maybe you should get a fancy reusable metal one.
That's great. Maybe you should get a fancy reusable metal one.
amanda - 08/11/07 21:36
Did you hear of the new cereal straws? They are made out of cereal in the shape of a straw. I have been wanting to get some.
Did you hear of the new cereal straws? They are made out of cereal in the shape of a straw. I have been wanting to get some.
mrdeadlier - 08/11/07 21:19
Twizzlers are one of my favorite things about being alive.
Twizzlers are one of my favorite things about being alive.
I'm glad you like the glasses. I think all of us are looking forward to the pics:).
I have 3 pair of glasses. I am sorry to admit it but I hate them all in some way or the other - mainly because they make it seem as if the ground is coming up at me. :/
im sure the new glasses just add to your smoldering sex appeal. makes me horny just thinking about it. lets make out.
I wore glasses for the first time two years ago and I still have the same frames. I never wore them at first, but now I always have them on. Just had to get used to the idea that I wear them, and it no longer looked like I was putting on a silly costume.
Good luck with it and enjoy the car tomorrow.