Two funny things I heard on Jay Leno some random comedians tonight:
"I'm not an alcoholic, I'm a shopaholic who likes liquor stores"
this is not anything about me, haha, well maybe a little, but I just thought it was funny
and a friends asked me "if you had the chance to sleep with any celebrity dead or alive who would it be" and I said "hmm I guess it would have to be Britney Spears and um I guess i'd choose dead" that one I think you have to hear to make it funnier, I'm not sure I quoted it right
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/23/2007 23:57 #40701
If you could sleep...08/21/2007 19:01 #40664
My GlassesSo if you wanna see pictures of me in my glasses , check out (e:libertad) or (e:paul) 's journal. They are really starting to grow on me. I especially like how thye look in pictures more than in real life!!
08/20/2007 00:09 #40632
Michelle Pfeiffer part 2I just learned a ne fact about Michelle Pfeiffer. Did you know she turned down the lead role in Basic Instinct, Silence of the Lambs and Thelma and Louise. I wonder if we would even know the name Sharon Stone today if Michelle would have said yes to that role instead of no!
tinypliny - 09/08/07 04:10
I think you might love this one --> "I could never be your woman"
Looks like a fun movie. I am planning on watching it at some point in time.
I think you might love this one --> "I could never be your woman"
Looks like a fun movie. I am planning on watching it at some point in time.
boxerboi - 08/20/07 17:20
Have you seen Hairspray?! She was great in it. I hate musicals, but actually enjoyed myself.
Have you seen Hairspray?! She was great in it. I hate musicals, but actually enjoyed myself.
lilho - 08/20/07 04:05
mike, boys here are trying to claim me. come out and rescue me, and tell all those dumb bitches to back off.
mike, boys here are trying to claim me. come out and rescue me, and tell all those dumb bitches to back off.
08/18/2007 20:08 #40610
Bedazzical is mineI described Michelle Pfeiffer (in an amazing journal 
that you should check out) as bedazzical. I just coined the term on wictionary too. Use it all you want but remember where you learned it. It describes someone so fabulous it is as if they are covered in magical jewels. i.e. Michelle Pfeiffer
here is the link

that you should check out) as bedazzical. I just coined the term on wictionary too. Use it all you want but remember where you learned it. It describes someone so fabulous it is as if they are covered in magical jewels. i.e. Michelle Pfeiffer
here is the link

jenks - 08/19/07 18:15
well crap... it's been deleted already!
well crap... it's been deleted already!
james - 08/18/07 21:51
Just the other day I was in an arts and crafts store and they had a palate of Beadazlers there.
Just the other day I was in an arts and crafts store and they had a palate of Beadazlers there.
tinypliny - 08/18/07 21:10
And just because I want to be pesky and annoying, I think you should perhaps reconsider this phrase: "as if they are bedazzled in magical jewels" and change it to either: "as if they are bedecked in magical jewels" or to "as if they are capable of bedazzling anyone with their magical jewels".
Once you make this small alteration...
Congratulations on the newest entry in 2009 into The Concise Oxford English Dictionary!
And just because I want to be pesky and annoying, I think you should perhaps reconsider this phrase: "as if they are bedazzled in magical jewels" and change it to either: "as if they are bedecked in magical jewels" or to "as if they are capable of bedazzling anyone with their magical jewels".
Once you make this small alteration...
Congratulations on the newest entry in 2009 into The Concise Oxford English Dictionary!
museumchick - 08/18/07 20:39
I agree with you about Michelle Pfeiffer. She's been great in most of the movies I've seen her in. I loved her acting in Stardust!
PS. I've always liked Holly Hunter, too.
I agree with you about Michelle Pfeiffer. She's been great in most of the movies I've seen her in. I loved her acting in Stardust!
PS. I've always liked Holly Hunter, too.
08/18/2007 11:00 #40607
Oh Pfeiffer, I love ya!We saw Hairspray and Stardust recently and I realized I really love Michelle Pfeiffer. I also saw her on Jay Leno the other day. She is just awesomely amzingly beautifully sexy! And fun! And bedazzical! (not really sure bedazzical is a word but it should be cuz it is exactly the word I want to use!) I know (e:libertad) feels the same way.
Without further ado, here she is:



P.S. This is for reals, not in a I love Holly Hunter kinda way, I really do love Michelle. Like I wanted her ugly witch to eat out Claire Danes heart so she could be pretty again even if that would have been bad for everyone else in Stardust!
Without further ado, here she is:



P.S. This is for reals, not in a I love Holly Hunter kinda way, I really do love Michelle. Like I wanted her ugly witch to eat out Claire Danes heart so she could be pretty again even if that would have been bad for everyone else in Stardust!
libertad - 08/18/07 20:10
I love this post. My favorite quote of hers comes from Scarface when she says "It looks like somebody's nightmare. (in reference to the car Tony Montana comes to pick her up in) It is so great! Perfect to use when you think something is hideous.
I love this post. My favorite quote of hers comes from Scarface when she says "It looks like somebody's nightmare. (in reference to the car Tony Montana comes to pick her up in) It is so great! Perfect to use when you think something is hideous.
lilho - 08/18/07 15:41
i miss you.
i miss you.
LOL @ the BS dead joke. :E
haha shopaholic