Jim's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/27/2007 20:45 #40272
Wedding07/21/2007 20:36 #40197
Boring Photos of my DogCategory: photos

I don't care if anyone else cares or not :)
07/20/2007 23:21 #40185
Harry PotterCategory: popculture
(e:James) came up with this brilliant plan. We are going to sneakily buy my copy of Harry Potter at Wegman's at midnight, instead of waiting in line until 3am at a book store.
boxerboi - 07/21/07 21:14
sweet. haha that is cool missed all of the screaming kids at barnes & noble. weird though, the text just showed up in the book post. before i thought it was just a picture of your book
sweet. haha that is cool missed all of the screaming kids at barnes & noble. weird though, the text just showed up in the book post. before i thought it was just a picture of your book
boxerboi - 07/21/07 21:06
did it work?
did it work?
tinypliny - 07/21/07 00:03
I didn't know Wegmans sold Harry Potters. Wait is that supposed to be a misdirection so you could divert away some of the crowds from the regular bookstores?!
I didn't know Wegmans sold Harry Potters. Wait is that supposed to be a misdirection so you could divert away some of the crowds from the regular bookstores?!
As I was there helping out.
Yes, Ladycroft wins the prize. It is just an isle runner to make things look more fancy.
and the structure is the Unitarian Church at Elmwood and W. Ferry. The beams in the ceiling are amazing. Please sneak in when you have the chance to gawk and take a look.
I think it's just the isle runner they roll out to make things look more fancy.
And, wow! Is the white strip what I think it is? Is the bridal train that long??
That is such a beautiful church interior. Is it in downtown Buffalo?