For some reason whenever I hear that song Party Like A Rock Star, you know the rap one that just goes Party like a Rock, Party like a rock star over and over. Anyway for some reason whenever I hear it I think Party Like Iraq Star for some reason and i am thouroughly entertained every time....just thought you'd like that tad bit from my crazy mind.
P.S. my stupid ho coworker who slept with her fiancee, ex b/f and his brother all this weekend and now thinks she is pregnant because they didn't use condoms cuz the guys all said they are allergic to them...she quit today! It feels so good to never have to hear her whiny voice again.
Mike's Journal
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07/23/2007 21:53 #40224
Iraq Star07/22/2007 01:18 #40204
Craziest Man At SpotSo me and (e:jill) are sitting enjoying our teas outside of spot tonight when (e:diana) and her b/f matt come and join us and we are all chatting and catching up just lovely when this dirtiesh man in a basketball uniform comes and sits down next to me and starts being crazy....first he just looks at Jill and is like WHERE DID YOU COME FROM? from a 1960's catalog. He then proceded to tell her she is Jane Fonda's worst nightmare, that everyone that looks like her is dead,....oh wait and then he said how in 2000 he rode his bike to LA for the democratic convention and hillary clinton wasn't there....but Jill was cuz she is just like her. I believe he ended it by telling her she also slept with Mrs. Bush (though he didn't speicfy if he meant Laura or Barbara). He then started screaming at diana's boyfriend that he is some football players brother Rotherberger or something. This guy was seriosly crazy but seriosly funny , like alughing hysterically out loud the whole time but eventually decided we had to leave cuz it was weird... then we meet up with (e:libertad) and he tells us this story about a guy who came up to him on the porch and was like "you look like captain morgan" and just kept staring and goin on.....SAME GUY!!!
So be on the lookout , he is tall, dirty, in his 20's and in a basketball unifrom, i say try and be around him for a little whlie cuz he is hilar but it is prolly better if you are not alone in a dark alley with him! then we meet up with (e:libertad) and he tells us this story about a guy who came up to him on the porch and was like "you look like captain morgan" and just kept staring and goin on.....SAME GUY!!!
So be on the lookout , he is tall, dirty, in his 20's and in a basketball unifrom, i say try and be around him for a little whlie cuz he is hilar but it is prolly better if you are not alone in a dark alley with him!
lilho - 07/22/07 15:11
i wish i had been there. i dont why, but the comment avbout dave looking like captrain morgan kida makes sense. he doesnt look like captain morgan at all, so i guess it really doesnt make sense. dave is so cute, i wish he was my bf. anyway, the point of this comment, is that i miss the buffalo crazys.
i wish i had been there. i dont why, but the comment avbout dave looking like captrain morgan kida makes sense. he doesnt look like captain morgan at all, so i guess it really doesnt make sense. dave is so cute, i wish he was my bf. anyway, the point of this comment, is that i miss the buffalo crazys.
ladycroft - 07/22/07 05:39
ha! that's great. that was part of my love for Spot, the entertainment. the only thing crazy round here is the driving :)
ha! that's great. that was part of my love for Spot, the entertainment. the only thing crazy round here is the driving :)
07/21/2007 17:13 #40196
Time For More FireworksI love fireworks. I think tomorow I want to go to Canal Fest at night and then watch the Grand Finale fireworks. I seriously can never get enough fireworks. I think everyone else is tiring of them...but NOT ME!!!
07/20/2007 13:13 #40176
DinoSaucers and It's A LivingI LOVED THESE SHOWS AND NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE REMEMBER IT!!! I was starting to not be able to picture it perfectly anymore....thank you YOUTUBE!!!
and the dinosaucers linnk:

and the dinosaucers linnk:

james - 07/21/07 21:27
I don't know, if I saw a giant space ship with a bunch of bipedal alien dinosaurs out, I wouldn't run towards them. No, I would run away, weeping about nasal implants and anal probes.
I don't know, if I saw a giant space ship with a bunch of bipedal alien dinosaurs out, I wouldn't run towards them. No, I would run away, weeping about nasal implants and anal probes.
07/20/2007 12:42 #40175
I love to shopI haven't done a lot of shopping lately and that makes me sad....the mall is like a drug for me. and i need my fix.....
LOL @ (e:metalpeter)'s "why not party like a pimp or party like The lead singer or party like tommy lee or something or why not like a Rap Star"
This whole post reminds me of the song by Wolf's Evil Star. :) Ah. Good times.
That is what I'm wondering or was it a combo. Maybe she did the two brothers togather and then the fiancee. But the real question is did she video tape it? And if she did is it timed and dated anywhere? Actully you can be allergic to latex But there are condoms that aren't latex that you can buy but not sure if all stores that carry Condems sell them or not. But the Bigger question is why isn't she on Birthcontrol?
Just one other point. I admit I used to listen to rap a lot. But one thing that shows how maybe it has changed and got bad is that you are a rapper but you wanna party like a rock star. I know it is just a saying but to be used in a rap song is just awefull why not party like a pimp or party like The lead singer or party like tommy lee or something or why not like a Rap Star. Ok maybe I just don't get it.
Three guys in one weekend? Was she juggling or was it a gang bang with all of them together?
allergic to condoms, eh? that's a good one.
FIANCEE, ex b/f and his brother?? I'll bet a grand she actually thinks she's a decent chick, too. Remind me to strictly employ the fuck 'n chuck.
WHAT>??????????? that is so trash-tastic!!!!!!! again, why do i miss all of the trashy stuff???