I have not heard from ABC about my Holly Hunter video (posted in journal below)! Does that mean they are not going to put me on the air. Who deserves to be on a Holly Hunter special more than me? NOONE! The show is wednesday so I would think I would have to hear soon!
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/16/2007 23:58 #40142
Haven't Heard07/16/2007 01:35 #40121
Holly Hunter Video I Made for ABCThis is the video I submitted to ABC for a Holly Hunter special they e-mailed me about. I made liek 10 videos and it was so hard to pick my favorite but it is 2am and I Have to work in 6 hours and I decided htis was the best...wish me luck on getting on air...I LOVE HOLLY HUNTER!!!
I don't think I did that right so you can go here to see it utnil I figure it out...

I don't think I did that right so you can go here to see it utnil I figure it out...

07/14/2007 12:12 #40103
I HEART HOLLY HUNTERSo some of you may have read my last post about her new show. But after some new information has come to light I have found that I love Holly Hunter!She's really grown on me in the last few days! I know if she is involved in this new show it has to be good. And hasn't TNT always done only quality programming? I mean it used to stand for The Nashville Network, that has to be good right? Holly is beautiful. Holly is graceful. Holly is a modern day Sophia Loren basically. If she is gonna be involved in something on tv instead of her flourishing movie career , I mean it must be something good as far as I'm concerned. I love her! I love the show! I love the line in the commercial where they see the cow with jesus spots and say "holy cow". I just love it all!! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT!!!
brit - 07/14/07 18:12
who's holly hunter?
who's holly hunter?
jim - 07/14/07 15:01
SpikeTV is the one that used to be TNN, sadly.
SpikeTV is the one that used to be TNN, sadly.
paul - 07/14/07 14:18
Ya seriously, you should be on a TV show about Holly Hunter. I mean who else loves her quite as much as you do?! Is the Holly Hunter fan club party still on for next friday?
Ya seriously, you should be on a TV show about Holly Hunter. I mean who else loves her quite as much as you do?! Is the Holly Hunter fan club party still on for next friday?
07/13/2007 20:34 #40100
Oh, To Wear Prada like the DevilFor some reason all day today all I could tihnk about was the Devil Wears Prada. I busted out the soundtrack this afternoon and enjoyed it and then lo and behold I am switching through the channels and what is on...but ...you guessed it...the Devil Wears Prada....oh the gods of fashion movies work in mysterious ways
07/09/2007 23:13 #40027
Holly Hunter is DangerousIn the commercials for the new TNT commercials for the new show like Saving Grace or somehitng starring HOlly Hunter...everything about these commercials is ridiculous. It tries to seem so impotnat and ground breaking. First the part about how it is Academy award winning Holly Hunter's first small screen role...um I think that says more about the sad state of Holly Hutner's career than the goodness of the show.
And then the clincher in the commercial she calls the show "DANGEROUS"...i'm thinking nothing on tv, starring holly hunter and the nerdy daughter on Just Shoot Me ...that contains the line "Holy Cow" after seeing a cow with spots that look like jesus....is dangerous...but maybe I am very wrong...maybe it is very dangerous indeed
And then the clincher in the commercial she calls the show "DANGEROUS"...i'm thinking nothing on tv, starring holly hunter and the nerdy daughter on Just Shoot Me ...that contains the line "Holy Cow" after seeing a cow with spots that look like jesus....is dangerous...but maybe I am very wrong...maybe it is very dangerous indeed
anne - 07/13/07 22:07
what i enjoy most about the commercials is she runs over some poor kid and then goes "God help me!". um excuse me, maybe your #1 concern shouldn't be yourself but should instead be the kid you just turned into road kill. And then God is some creepy grizzly old man standing by her car. quality programming.
what i enjoy most about the commercials is she runs over some poor kid and then goes "God help me!". um excuse me, maybe your #1 concern shouldn't be yourself but should instead be the kid you just turned into road kill. And then God is some creepy grizzly old man standing by her car. quality programming.
james - 07/10/07 19:33
Well, it looks like a crappy show (as most TNT is) but I am glad for Holly. She needs the cash and hasn't been in anything recently. It was either this or softcore porn with one of the Olson twins.
Well, it looks like a crappy show (as most TNT is) but I am glad for Holly. She needs the cash and hasn't been in anything recently. It was either this or softcore porn with one of the Olson twins.
lilho - 07/09/07 23:20
i always thought there was little something "off" about her face. she's kinda forgetable, and i don't think i have watched tnt in ten years...
i always thought there was little something "off" about her face. she's kinda forgetable, and i don't think i have watched tnt in ten years...
I am not sure anyone could be more obsessed about Holly Hunter than you are at present. So, good luck. :)