Today at work I was talking with
(e:Paul) and
(e:Tony)(?) about
(WIKIPEDIA - astroturfing), which is when companies or organizations try to create the image of broad or spontaneous support from the general public but really it's all bought and paid for and basically just sleazy marketing (astroturf, as in fake grass - not really grassroots).
Paul was talking about how Sprite faked up rap concerts and paid cool kids to go and look cool and the broadcast it all on MTV as though everyone else was paying to be there, when really Sprite was footing the bill. So now Sprite is the face of of rap or something ridiculous.
Read through some of those examples on the linked wikipedia page - how cynical do you have to be to try something like this?
I see you all the time too thanks to all those hidden cameras.
I saw you guys sitting outside. I see you guys all the time. Wow that makes me sound creepy and stalkerish and I really barely am haha, but I do seem to see you guys everywhere!