Transformers was awesome. Sorry for doubting you (e:enknot) and (e:mrdeadlier).
Jim's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/07/2007 20:53 #39996
TransformersCategory: movies
07/06/2007 22:49 #39977
Gelato at Dolce'sCategory: apple
I've been trying to email this photo up, but it disappears in to the aether. So I will post it like a normal person and then sign off for the night :)

We walked down the block to Dolce's with the dog. Our new place is so close to everything, there is so much more to walk to and see then at our old place near Hodge.

We walked down the block to Dolce's with the dog. Our new place is so close to everything, there is so much more to walk to and see then at our old place near Hodge.
07/06/2007 18:22 #39969
Misc PhotosCategory: buffalo
07/06/2007 09:45 #39961
TomatoesCategory: gardening
Porch farming:

jim - 07/06/07 19:51
This used to be a photo of tomatoes. I swear to god.
This used to be a photo of tomatoes. I swear to god.
james - 07/06/07 15:01
upside down with no dirt? What sorcery is this!
upside down with no dirt? What sorcery is this!
fellyconnelly - 07/06/07 11:25
have you seen those open air tomato plants? they grow upside down with no dirt. i want one.
have you seen those open air tomato plants? they grow upside down with no dirt. i want one.
No harm done. Glad you saw the light! :)