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07/06/2007 19:49 #39970
Missed One07/06/2007 18:22 #39969
Misc PhotosCategory: buffalo
07/05/2007 22:04 #39932
AstroturfingCategory: marketing
Today at work I was talking with (e:Paul) and (e:Tony)(?) about (WIKIPEDIA - astroturfing), which is when companies or organizations try to create the image of broad or spontaneous support from the general public but really it's all bought and paid for and basically just sleazy marketing (astroturf, as in fake grass - not really grassroots).
Paul was talking about how Sprite faked up rap concerts and paid cool kids to go and look cool and the broadcast it all on MTV as though everyone else was paying to be there, when really Sprite was footing the bill. So now Sprite is the face of of rap or something ridiculous.
Read through some of those examples on the linked wikipedia page - how cynical do you have to be to try something like this?
Paul was talking about how Sprite faked up rap concerts and paid cool kids to go and look cool and the broadcast it all on MTV as though everyone else was paying to be there, when really Sprite was footing the bill. So now Sprite is the face of of rap or something ridiculous.
Read through some of those examples on the linked wikipedia page - how cynical do you have to be to try something like this?
mike - 07/06/07 15:17
while prolly bad, it is like the best kind of advertising. That and stealth advertising which is what I kinda wanted to do in life but felt kinda bad about it. But that's like where you use people to pretend to be real people but really they are ads. For example, a couple on the street in NYC will ask you to take their picture and then you will be like "oh what a nice camera", they really working for the camera company. It is crazy!
while prolly bad, it is like the best kind of advertising. That and stealth advertising which is what I kinda wanted to do in life but felt kinda bad about it. But that's like where you use people to pretend to be real people but really they are ads. For example, a couple on the street in NYC will ask you to take their picture and then you will be like "oh what a nice camera", they really working for the camera company. It is crazy!
fellyconnelly - 07/06/07 14:20
that deserves yet another HA for my own ridiculousness. I have been sitting in a Sprint booth all day, and am fuddled in the brain.
that deserves yet another HA for my own ridiculousness. I have been sitting in a Sprint booth all day, and am fuddled in the brain.
jim - 07/06/07 13:27
Sprite, like the soda :)
Sprite, like the soda :)
fellyconnelly - 07/06/07 11:26
ha! sprint is the face of rap... that deserves another 'ha!'
ha! sprint is the face of rap... that deserves another 'ha!'
07/01/2007 21:49 #39882
The First of ManyCategory: apartment
Our neighbors have a scary porch. It's sagging, but looking at it I don't know where it is going to. The post looks like it's shrinking, not sinking or bowing out (although the face boards are popping off). The base looks fine but the top is way too low.

I am not sure how that can be. One night we'll be woken to the sound of it crashing in to our bedroom.

I am not sure how that can be. One night we'll be woken to the sound of it crashing in to our bedroom.
fellyconnelly - 07/02/07 00:35
um... that is highly disturbing!
um... that is highly disturbing!
This used to be a photo of tomatoes. I swear to god.
upside down with no dirt? What sorcery is this!
have you seen those open air tomato plants? they grow upside down with no dirt. i want one.