I love my car , Frank, which was my uncle who I got it from's name but it was named more for Frank Sinatra because it tried to seduce (e:jill) the first time she got in it by the seat just falling back and landing her in a laying down position right away. It got the tank name because everytime I have been hit/hit something my car is like barely damaged and everything else is a wreck. Like when I once ripped of the sideview mirror and part of a person's car, Frank just had one little spot of black paint on the side mirror, otherwise you would never know it happened. I feel very secure in my tank. The other day a man in the car next to me in a parking lot just repeatedly bascially slammed his car door into mine. Any damage? Nope!
Anywho this post is not about who Frank was but who Frank is becoming. He is about to die I think. He has been heating up a lot, I think he is leaking oil, and now the check engine light is on. I don't relaly want to spend any more money getting him repaired because he has a ot of issues so I am better off at this point getting a newer car. I am so afraid of that though, I have always gotten my cars for like 500 dolars from old ladies we know who don't drive anymore or like someone getting a new car. I never actually had to like sit down and think about what I wanted and go and look for it. It is very terrifying and I have been postponing it as much as possible. I can't wait any longer I guess. .....I don't want Frank to go...
Mike's Journal
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06/16/2007 11:35 #39690
Frank The Tank06/13/2007 14:53 #39641
Blls, Bills, BillsIt's funny becasuse sometimes I complain that my parents don't really give me anything or pay for stuff for me. LIke I have to do it all myself. I realize this is kinda ludicrous because like I live at home for free and people like (e:pmt) point out to me that really so they pay for a lot. I was thinking about it, and it really depends on perspective I guess. To people who have always had to be out on their own and fend for themself it seems like my parents give me too much.
But...I am coming from a world where my three best firends have had everything paid for in their life by their parents basically. One's parents has paid for their schooling, cars, car insurance and even pumps their gas for them but she pays for her own cell phone bill. Another had to pay for most of her own schooling I believe but her parents always have paid for her car insurance and cell phone and insurance. And another her parents have paid for everything from schooling to car insurance to cell phone bill. Sooo i have had about $450 more in bills each month for the last few years than any of them and I guess I never really noticed. I always kinda lumped myslef in with us who are parents take care of everything but really my parents don't. If i wasn't already paying that much for the last few years, maybe I oculd get an apartment and feel more secure in my finances. I'm not relaly complaining that my parents don't give me enough, i'm just saying this is where I come from and it annoys me a little lately. Not that it is anyone's fault that their parents pay for stuff like I would totlaly let my parents if they offered , it just annoys me lately.
But...I am coming from a world where my three best firends have had everything paid for in their life by their parents basically. One's parents has paid for their schooling, cars, car insurance and even pumps their gas for them but she pays for her own cell phone bill. Another had to pay for most of her own schooling I believe but her parents always have paid for her car insurance and cell phone and insurance. And another her parents have paid for everything from schooling to car insurance to cell phone bill. Sooo i have had about $450 more in bills each month for the last few years than any of them and I guess I never really noticed. I always kinda lumped myslef in with us who are parents take care of everything but really my parents don't. If i wasn't already paying that much for the last few years, maybe I oculd get an apartment and feel more secure in my finances. I'm not relaly complaining that my parents don't give me enough, i'm just saying this is where I come from and it annoys me a little lately. Not that it is anyone's fault that their parents pay for stuff like I would totlaly let my parents if they offered , it just annoys me lately.
jason - 06/14/07 09:53
I read an article on the web yesterday that touched on the topic of girls being coddled by their parents, delaying the "growing up" process. Parents don't want anything bad to ever happen to their precious progeny!
Anyway, the way the author put it was pretty funny - someday the umbilical cord has to be cut. I can understand the pull to help your daughter out, but when it goes too far I would think you're really doing her a disservice.
I read an article on the web yesterday that touched on the topic of girls being coddled by their parents, delaying the "growing up" process. Parents don't want anything bad to ever happen to their precious progeny!
Anyway, the way the author put it was pretty funny - someday the umbilical cord has to be cut. I can understand the pull to help your daughter out, but when it goes too far I would think you're really doing her a disservice.
leetee - 06/13/07 19:00
Josh has some good points there, Mike. Besides, it's never good to think about what others have... why compare yourself to anyone?
Josh has some good points there, Mike. Besides, it's never good to think about what others have... why compare yourself to anyone?
lilho - 06/13/07 17:15
umm, now im doing the opposite ive been doing for the last three years. going back home after supporting myself for so long. do i feel bad?? noooo. should i??? maybe. anyway, my mother has no intention of paying for anything for me, and what she does, i always have to pay her back. what a peach!
umm, now im doing the opposite ive been doing for the last three years. going back home after supporting myself for so long. do i feel bad?? noooo. should i??? maybe. anyway, my mother has no intention of paying for anything for me, and what she does, i always have to pay her back. what a peach!
fellyconnelly - 06/13/07 15:57
josh says it best i think...
josh says it best i think...
mk - 06/13/07 15:32
ok ok i'm a spoiled brat...when you write it out like that i feel like such a jerk. well, a lucky spoiled jerk. at least i have to pay for rent and cable and internet now. my parents aren't helping me out for that at all. I KNOW, CRY ME A RIVER!!!!!!!!!!!
just think, after all your years of getting through pharmacy school, you will have lots of money. you'll probably make more in your first year of work than i will in my first 5!
ok ok i'm a spoiled brat...when you write it out like that i feel like such a jerk. well, a lucky spoiled jerk. at least i have to pay for rent and cable and internet now. my parents aren't helping me out for that at all. I KNOW, CRY ME A RIVER!!!!!!!!!!!
just think, after all your years of getting through pharmacy school, you will have lots of money. you'll probably make more in your first year of work than i will in my first 5!
joshua - 06/13/07 15:29
Your parents friends aren't doing their kids any favors, Mike. They are raising a generation who ultimately are stuttering their capability of taking care of themselves and are perpetuating a lifestyle that they will struggle to maintain when they are on their own, thus implanting unreasonable expectations. Anybody over 25 that isn't out of the house yet and have their parents coddle them are FAR less able to cope with the stresses and rigors of adult life. Besides not having a curfew, being legally able to drink and having jumped that amazing puberty hurdle, a coddled 25-year old is no different than a coddled 15-year old.
Don't be upset - you're doing fine and believe me, you are better off. When the other kids get cut loose you'll see what I mean - I promise!
Your parents friends aren't doing their kids any favors, Mike. They are raising a generation who ultimately are stuttering their capability of taking care of themselves and are perpetuating a lifestyle that they will struggle to maintain when they are on their own, thus implanting unreasonable expectations. Anybody over 25 that isn't out of the house yet and have their parents coddle them are FAR less able to cope with the stresses and rigors of adult life. Besides not having a curfew, being legally able to drink and having jumped that amazing puberty hurdle, a coddled 25-year old is no different than a coddled 15-year old.
Don't be upset - you're doing fine and believe me, you are better off. When the other kids get cut loose you'll see what I mean - I promise!
06/12/2007 17:55 #39630
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!HAPPY 27th BIRTHDAY (e:Libertad)!!!!! From me and one of my favorite ladies!

libertad - 06/13/07 09:45
thanks mikey. Your public displays mean more than you could imagine. ;) If anyone is interested Elmwood Heights has a corner apt available for front row seats. Its definitely worth whatever they are asking.
thanks mikey. Your public displays mean more than you could imagine. ;) If anyone is interested Elmwood Heights has a corner apt available for front row seats. Its definitely worth whatever they are asking.
lilho - 06/13/07 00:42
happy bdaY!
happy bdaY!
metalpeter - 06/12/07 20:13
I didn't know it was his Birthday so I'll Wish him a Happy Birthday also.
I didn't know it was his Birthday so I'll Wish him a Happy Birthday also.
fellyconnelly - 06/12/07 19:41
if bea arthur wishes you a happy birthday..
you damn sure better... or else...
if bea arthur wishes you a happy birthday..
you damn sure better... or else...
06/10/2007 14:24 #39596
Pop, Lock and DropSo an interesting night last night spent with (e:lilho) on her last weekend in the B-lo. Me, (e:lilho), (e:jll) and (e:beast) headed out and started with a martini and shots at Fugazi, where we began a starburst unwrapping ocntest. We were seeing who could unwrap a starburst in their mouth the fastest. (e:lilho) for her first time (yes me and (e:jill) have done it numerous times before) was very talented. We then headed on down to allen street hardware and the attack of the taint ticklers was resurrected. Oh (e:lilho) and (e:jill) and their tickles... I actually forget how everything else went down exactly but I do know, the starburst contest later included strangers which lead to bets and higher stakes which lead to (e:lilho) and an allentown art festival tent. Then of course a pop, lock and drop contest between (e:lilho) and (e:jill) commenced and the fun just went on from there. We got lots of randoms to do the pop, lock and drop but noone could master it like (e:jill) could...then it got a little sketchy when the police in te golf cart were coming twoard us....so that was our cue to go home....so long sarah, it won't be the same wihtout you!
mike - 06/12/07 17:55
exactly what you think it is...nowhere in buffalo is safe from the taint ticklers!
exactly what you think it is...nowhere in buffalo is safe from the taint ticklers!
fellyconnelly - 06/11/07 15:03
um.... taint ticklers? is this what i think it is?
um.... taint ticklers? is this what i think it is?
jenks - 06/11/07 00:08
last weekend in town?! Crap! Stupid working-all-the-time makes me always miss out. :(
last weekend in town?! Crap! Stupid working-all-the-time makes me always miss out. :(
lilho - 06/10/07 15:16
first of all, it wasn;t just any tent, it was the midget tent, and that dude stalked me down at the pink and i ran out. and, did you forget the "stripper-like" dance party at the pinik???? best night ever!
first of all, it wasn;t just any tent, it was the midget tent, and that dude stalked me down at the pink and i ran out. and, did you forget the "stripper-like" dance party at the pinik???? best night ever!
06/04/2007 15:49 #39524
Interesting WeekendAn interesting weekend indeed....lots of changes...lots of going back to old things...lots of interesting public displays....lots of broken hookahs (sp?), and most of all lots of fun...and now on to the next week of fun June events!!!
my parents had to actually drag me out to a car dealership and force me to purchase a new car. mind you they didn't buy it for me, just forced me another 15 grand in debt.
I assumed that this had something to do with Will Farell's character Frank in "old school" where he is running naked down the street and his wife drives by him there is a part in that where they chant "frank the tank" but it does kinda sound like your car and him do have something in common, ok maybe someone else will say something a lot more meaning full then i did.