Ladycroft's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/16/2007 15:25 #39306
.....Category: work
05/14/2007 20:36 #39273
dvd masterCategory: potpourri
I am the QUEEN of dvd slideshows! Honk-honk. I just made the most spectacular show for my graduation ceremony. I wish I could have made it a short film of about 30 minutes but I was limited to 10. Hey, I have to tell myself I'm proud of my hard work, no one else will :)
T-minus 46 hours til graduation. Hallelujah!
T-minus 46 hours til graduation. Hallelujah!
metalpeter - 05/15/07 16:28
An early congratulations and I hope the slideshow and graduation is a great time.
An early congratulations and I hope the slideshow and graduation is a great time.
paul - 05/15/07 14:29
That would be great!
That would be great!
ladycroft - 05/15/07 13:17
Mike, you wanna be the queen? How about King? We could reign together as the almighty dvd slideshowers :) In fact, I think you and I should unite our powers and create a stellar estrip slideshow party!
Mike, you wanna be the queen? How about King? We could reign together as the almighty dvd slideshowers :) In fact, I think you and I should unite our powers and create a stellar estrip slideshow party!
carolinian - 05/14/07 23:18
Congrats! It's good to hear that there's still occasionally lights at the ends of tunnels.
Congrats! It's good to hear that there's still occasionally lights at the ends of tunnels.
mike - 05/14/07 22:19
yeah im' ready to fight it out for that title...or we can just share it and make lovely slideshow memories!
yeah im' ready to fight it out for that title...or we can just share it and make lovely slideshow memories!
jenks - 05/14/07 21:56
wow, I totally brain-farted on the fact that it's graduation season... congrats!!!! and i'm glad you got the DVD to work.
wow, I totally brain-farted on the fact that it's graduation season... congrats!!!! and i'm glad you got the DVD to work.
05/12/2007 15:29 #39251
journey to the middle eastCategory: travels
I drafted this great entry yesterday but as we have all experienced at one point, it went POOF. So...this is the short-short version.
My flight from Doha was delayed 1.5 hours. I had been awake 26 hours when it left. I arrived in Berlin late, obviously. They already closed check-in and the woman was accusing me of suspicious activity. She claimed I landed on time. After much fuss and interogation (not kidding) they allowed me to board.
My heart sank when I walked on a fucking 737-300! Basically, that's 3 seats, isle, 3 seats. The kind of plane you take domestically. I wanted to cry when the pilot said it would take us 9 hours to get to New York. U.S. immigration hassled me about being in the middle east. He felt almost hostile.
I suffered the most intense deep vein thrombosis I've ever experienced in my life. My legs were swollen from the knee down. I had no ankles and my toes looked like little vienna sausages. I'm glad to be home!
Without further ado, some photos of my adventure.

my hotel room was snazzy

their version of toilet paper
actually quite refreshing when you have to number 2

didn't even notice this until day 2, it points to mecca

potential supervisor, funny as hell this guy!

view from my window

preparing for my presentation

wearing this! proof of my incredible interview outfit

this is the bigger version of the lecture hall i was in

everything is under construction, this will be the new graduation and ceremonies center

traffic is a bear but not as bad as cairo

i did a double take at this sign

another potential supervisor

skyline at night

potential co-worker

another potential co-worker

doha recently hosted the asian games and built all these structures for it, now they are taking them down, what a waste

how very dr. seuss, apparently the largest 'crooked' buildings in the world

sailing is big there

met up with my aunt and uncle for dinner

the beaches are beautiful
My flight from Doha was delayed 1.5 hours. I had been awake 26 hours when it left. I arrived in Berlin late, obviously. They already closed check-in and the woman was accusing me of suspicious activity. She claimed I landed on time. After much fuss and interogation (not kidding) they allowed me to board.
My heart sank when I walked on a fucking 737-300! Basically, that's 3 seats, isle, 3 seats. The kind of plane you take domestically. I wanted to cry when the pilot said it would take us 9 hours to get to New York. U.S. immigration hassled me about being in the middle east. He felt almost hostile.
I suffered the most intense deep vein thrombosis I've ever experienced in my life. My legs were swollen from the knee down. I had no ankles and my toes looked like little vienna sausages. I'm glad to be home!
Without further ado, some photos of my adventure.

my hotel room was snazzy

their version of toilet paper
actually quite refreshing when you have to number 2

didn't even notice this until day 2, it points to mecca

potential supervisor, funny as hell this guy!

view from my window

preparing for my presentation

wearing this! proof of my incredible interview outfit

this is the bigger version of the lecture hall i was in

everything is under construction, this will be the new graduation and ceremonies center

traffic is a bear but not as bad as cairo

i did a double take at this sign

another potential supervisor

skyline at night

potential co-worker

another potential co-worker

doha recently hosted the asian games and built all these structures for it, now they are taking them down, what a waste

how very dr. seuss, apparently the largest 'crooked' buildings in the world

sailing is big there

met up with my aunt and uncle for dinner

the beaches are beautiful
fellyconnelly - 05/14/07 00:40
wow! nice pics!
wow! nice pics!
imk2 - 05/13/07 22:59
wow...thanks for all the pics. so when do you find out if you have the job? how many people interviewed for the position? that one coworker is waaaaay hot!!! keep us updated.
wow...thanks for all the pics. so when do you find out if you have the job? how many people interviewed for the position? that one coworker is waaaaay hot!!! keep us updated.
ajay - 05/13/07 02:27
Wow... In the last month, you are the second Buffalo person I know of who's planning a move to the mid-east.
Hope you get the job!
Wow... In the last month, you are the second Buffalo person I know of who's planning a move to the mid-east.
Hope you get the job!
metalpeter - 05/12/07 15:41
First of all thanks for posting those pictures. Secondly sorry about the bad times on the way back home. Thirdly glad you had a good time there.
First of all thanks for posting those pictures. Secondly sorry about the bad times on the way back home. Thirdly glad you had a good time there.
05/07/2007 16:36 #39193
happy birthday codypomeray!Category: potpourri
Yah, I said my happies to Jenks but it slipped my mind that cinco is also Codypomeray's b-day! You know I would have texted you if I was in the country :)
So I just reviewed my journal from this time last year. It's amazing. I remember being that shadow of a person, trapped within myself. I'm not all better, but I am much better. Look at me now for Pete's sake. I'm sitting in a posh hotel in freaking Doha, Qatar!
You really don't know what is around the next corner in your life. You shouldn't take people for granted, you should appreciate each day - shitty or grand, you should take the time to tell someone what they mean to you. It's not all sentimental feelings, I don't do that anymore. I just remember thinking as my plane took off from the Buffalo airport that if I am offered this job (I will take it) I will be away from the things I know here.
I don't get homesick. I adapt very easily to new environments and make friends easily. What I'm really thinking about here is what I will mean to you when I'm gone. Will you think of me at all? Will you forget about me because I'm not around? Will you miss me? Or will life simply carry on as if I had never been there at all? I will return. It will not be 'good-bye'. It will be 'till we meet again'.
Enough of that. Let me tell you my luggage finally arrived tonight! Safe and sound. They found it somewhere in the world and shipped it via Air-France. Qatar Airways says they will reimburse me $100 for the clothes I had to buy. I hope it's true! Tomorrow will be my last day for interviews, then it's time to explore more of Doha. I will also connect with my Aunt and Uncle that just moved here.
Oh! Remember last post how I talked about meeting 3 people that had gone to school in Buffalo? Today I had an interview with all of the RA's, and one of them actually attended Texas A&M Univ- Corpus Christi!!! My God this world really is small! Amazing.
Sleep well my fellow strippers, I shall see you in a few days. I think it is near time for a party. I think the 333 will be hosting one first week of June. Keep your calendars open!
Ciao- LC
So I just reviewed my journal from this time last year. It's amazing. I remember being that shadow of a person, trapped within myself. I'm not all better, but I am much better. Look at me now for Pete's sake. I'm sitting in a posh hotel in freaking Doha, Qatar!
You really don't know what is around the next corner in your life. You shouldn't take people for granted, you should appreciate each day - shitty or grand, you should take the time to tell someone what they mean to you. It's not all sentimental feelings, I don't do that anymore. I just remember thinking as my plane took off from the Buffalo airport that if I am offered this job (I will take it) I will be away from the things I know here.
I don't get homesick. I adapt very easily to new environments and make friends easily. What I'm really thinking about here is what I will mean to you when I'm gone. Will you think of me at all? Will you forget about me because I'm not around? Will you miss me? Or will life simply carry on as if I had never been there at all? I will return. It will not be 'good-bye'. It will be 'till we meet again'.
Enough of that. Let me tell you my luggage finally arrived tonight! Safe and sound. They found it somewhere in the world and shipped it via Air-France. Qatar Airways says they will reimburse me $100 for the clothes I had to buy. I hope it's true! Tomorrow will be my last day for interviews, then it's time to explore more of Doha. I will also connect with my Aunt and Uncle that just moved here.
Oh! Remember last post how I talked about meeting 3 people that had gone to school in Buffalo? Today I had an interview with all of the RA's, and one of them actually attended Texas A&M Univ- Corpus Christi!!! My God this world really is small! Amazing.
Sleep well my fellow strippers, I shall see you in a few days. I think it is near time for a party. I think the 333 will be hosting one first week of June. Keep your calendars open!
Ciao- LC
jenks - 05/08/07 09:24
Well, as the first peep I 'officially' met, I guess I HAVE to remember you. ;)
The thing about goodbyes is- just b/c you don't see someone every day doesn't mean they are any less of a friend, etc- just takes a little more effort to see each other. But staying in touch is awfully easy with all of our technology. I have friends I haven't actually SEEN in YEARS- but I know we could just pick up right where we left off. So yeah, leaving is always a little sad- but you're right. It's "see you later", not "good bye."
Ok, rambling. But good luck with the interviews. Opportunity of a lifetime, I'm sure.
And you have an aunt and uncle in Qatar?! How random!! [oh and the place i was thinking of the other day is Dubai. Is that nearby?]
Well, as the first peep I 'officially' met, I guess I HAVE to remember you. ;)
The thing about goodbyes is- just b/c you don't see someone every day doesn't mean they are any less of a friend, etc- just takes a little more effort to see each other. But staying in touch is awfully easy with all of our technology. I have friends I haven't actually SEEN in YEARS- but I know we could just pick up right where we left off. So yeah, leaving is always a little sad- but you're right. It's "see you later", not "good bye."
Ok, rambling. But good luck with the interviews. Opportunity of a lifetime, I'm sure.
And you have an aunt and uncle in Qatar?! How random!! [oh and the place i was thinking of the other day is Dubai. Is that nearby?]
ladycroft - 05/08/07 00:51
amen to no drama!
thanks peter :) you really made me smile. i'm glad i finally got you to come out of hiding and join the clan.
amen to no drama!
thanks peter :) you really made me smile. i'm glad i finally got you to come out of hiding and join the clan.
theecarey - 05/07/07 19:26
ladycroft who?
we's got a bottle of that A word to crack open. I'll do my homework and find da suga cubes, yeah!
ladycroft who?
we's got a bottle of that A word to crack open. I'll do my homework and find da suga cubes, yeah!
metalpeter - 05/07/07 18:26
First of all to answer your (I belive questions kinda to your self) questions. I will think of you, and will remember you. You are two much of an awesome chic (ok bad languge but not sure how else to say it) to forget. I will admit missing someone is a fealing that I don't really have or understand (Part of it is being a single child for so long and why else other then I'm a little fucked up not sure of). In terms of caring on as usaul I probalby keep living the same life and not much will change. That assumes that you wind up leaving. However you did change one thing and maybe two when I meet you. I was able to go to (e:strip) parties and to be honest I'm guessing with out going to the parties I may have wound up leaving the site but who knows.
Glad you finaly got you bags. It is hard to believe that they get lost so much. It would be interesting to have a percentage in terms of how many bags get lost or delayed getting to where they are supposed to.
I think the last thing I wanted to say was a party in june sounds like a great time. Hopefully I will be free and the Camera will be working and firing lot of shots and they will come out great and everyone will have a good time and there will be no drama. So hopefully the party will be great.
First of all to answer your (I belive questions kinda to your self) questions. I will think of you, and will remember you. You are two much of an awesome chic (ok bad languge but not sure how else to say it) to forget. I will admit missing someone is a fealing that I don't really have or understand (Part of it is being a single child for so long and why else other then I'm a little fucked up not sure of). In terms of caring on as usaul I probalby keep living the same life and not much will change. That assumes that you wind up leaving. However you did change one thing and maybe two when I meet you. I was able to go to (e:strip) parties and to be honest I'm guessing with out going to the parties I may have wound up leaving the site but who knows.
Glad you finaly got you bags. It is hard to believe that they get lost so much. It would be interesting to have a percentage in terms of how many bags get lost or delayed getting to where they are supposed to.
I think the last thing I wanted to say was a party in june sounds like a great time. Hopefully I will be free and the Camera will be working and firing lot of shots and they will come out great and everyone will have a good time and there will be no drama. So hopefully the party will be great.
05/06/2007 15:09 #39177
the doha sagaCategory: travels
I got up this morning, still no bath water. So I took a sponge bath out of the sink. Couldn't wash my hair but I still don't have a comb anyway...
I wrapped my stinky shirt around one of these scented soaps so that it would act as a perfume. It helped a little. I must say I was looking quite stylish in my black suit, grey shirt, white socks and blue crocs. Oh yes, I did.
We checked on my luggage and found out that Paris doesn't actually have it. In fact, it is 'missing' altogether. They can't seem to track it down, even though we live in the modern age of bar codes and scanners. It's entertaining really.
I've been able to make a great impression on everyone regardless of the threads. I made my power point presentation, 15 minutes on the nose! I didn't realize I would be presenting in a high-tech lecture hall, complete with an audience of 20! Yah, can't lie, I was nervous. Then they questioned me for an additional 30 minutes.
I had to take a tour of Education City, walking for many parts of it. Remember, I'm wearing a black polyester suit. It was 106 today. Mmhmm. I sweated like a prostitute in church.
In light of my dissapearing luggage act Kristin took me shopping to find replacements for tomorrow's interviews. She also gave me a pair of flip flops.
We went out to dinner at a place that reminded me so much of Sahara Grill. The instant they opened the door I smelled it. That delicious and sweet scent that only the hookah can produce. Oh yaaaah. I had a new drink, lemonade with mint. Refreshing.
I finally got back to my room around 9pm. The water was on! I'm all clean, have fresh clothes to wear tomorrow and am no longer nervous because that presentation is over. Woot!
The people here are so incredibly friendly!! And if you want to know just how small our world really is...I met not one, not two, but three....THREE people, not Americans, who attended school in Buffalo! :O
Ok, it's 10pm, I am thuroughly exhausted and I have another 8am breakfast meeting. In other words, I'm outie.
Ciao, timika
I wrapped my stinky shirt around one of these scented soaps so that it would act as a perfume. It helped a little. I must say I was looking quite stylish in my black suit, grey shirt, white socks and blue crocs. Oh yes, I did.
We checked on my luggage and found out that Paris doesn't actually have it. In fact, it is 'missing' altogether. They can't seem to track it down, even though we live in the modern age of bar codes and scanners. It's entertaining really.
I've been able to make a great impression on everyone regardless of the threads. I made my power point presentation, 15 minutes on the nose! I didn't realize I would be presenting in a high-tech lecture hall, complete with an audience of 20! Yah, can't lie, I was nervous. Then they questioned me for an additional 30 minutes.
I had to take a tour of Education City, walking for many parts of it. Remember, I'm wearing a black polyester suit. It was 106 today. Mmhmm. I sweated like a prostitute in church.
In light of my dissapearing luggage act Kristin took me shopping to find replacements for tomorrow's interviews. She also gave me a pair of flip flops.
We went out to dinner at a place that reminded me so much of Sahara Grill. The instant they opened the door I smelled it. That delicious and sweet scent that only the hookah can produce. Oh yaaaah. I had a new drink, lemonade with mint. Refreshing.
I finally got back to my room around 9pm. The water was on! I'm all clean, have fresh clothes to wear tomorrow and am no longer nervous because that presentation is over. Woot!
The people here are so incredibly friendly!! And if you want to know just how small our world really is...I met not one, not two, but three....THREE people, not Americans, who attended school in Buffalo! :O
Ok, it's 10pm, I am thuroughly exhausted and I have another 8am breakfast meeting. In other words, I'm outie.
Ciao, timika
jenks - 05/06/07 15:51
yeah, last time my luggage was lost, I was like 'well can't you just scan the barcode and know exactly where it is?" and they looked at me like I was crazy. I mean, it seems like they have the technology, why not use it?! So stupid.
yeah, last time my luggage was lost, I was like 'well can't you just scan the barcode and know exactly where it is?" and they looked at me like I was crazy. I mean, it seems like they have the technology, why not use it?! So stupid.
thank you everyone!
That's so wonderful! Congratulations to you...
Congratulations !!
OMG! That's huge! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are they going to give you a phat pad so we can all visit?
Congrats. When do you start?
holy shit bangles batman! that is soooo cool!!!! congratualtions!!
Awesome!! Congrats!! Here's to the power of clogs and white socks as part of the interview ensemble.
Good for you. Be proud. I can see a mother of a sendoff on the horizon.
Score one for the good guys
omg! hurray! when do you ship out?