Lilho's Journal
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02/28/2007 18:30 #38309
i heart perez hiltonCategory: perez
02/27/2007 01:46 #38295
this is rediculousCategory: insomnia
i have gotten like zero sleep in about four days. three overnight in a row and two doubles. i feel exhausted and wound up at the same time.
a few questions:
1. how do we all feel about internet dating?
2. how do we all feel about the weird tin-foil thing jennifer hudson wore over her dress to the oscar's?
3. why did that stupid little groundhog lie about an early spring? i think he needs to be killed/starved/sent away.
4. why am i thinking about work, and i left almost two hours ago?
5. why is my mom way better than yours?
6. who wants like all of my stuff when i move? who wants to have a giant (e:strip) yard sale?
7. why does every man ever always check me out, but i never get asked out on a date?
8. why do i spend so much godamn time on this website?
a few questions:
1. how do we all feel about internet dating?
2. how do we all feel about the weird tin-foil thing jennifer hudson wore over her dress to the oscar's?
3. why did that stupid little groundhog lie about an early spring? i think he needs to be killed/starved/sent away.
4. why am i thinking about work, and i left almost two hours ago?
5. why is my mom way better than yours?
6. who wants like all of my stuff when i move? who wants to have a giant (e:strip) yard sale?
7. why does every man ever always check me out, but i never get asked out on a date?
8. why do i spend so much godamn time on this website?
- i currently love, au revior simone!****
metalpeter - 02/27/07 18:55
1. Nothing wrong with meting someone on line first
3. The ground hog didn't lie the entire concept is stupid, there is no way to know if the groundhoug saw his shadow. You can watch what he does in reaction to what he sees but that dosn't mean he actualy saw it.
4. When you are at work that much your mind adjusts to being there so much. Then you think about how you don't want to be there any time soon. Either that or there was some isssue at work that needs to be resolved.
7. Well some guys check out everygirl they see and think things like "yum" Or "that dress would look good on my floor" and then keep walking it maybe is just a guy thing. Or maybe the people who know you and check you out think you are hot or cute or what ever word you want to use but don't think there is enough in common or there isn't that spark.
8. You like reading posts, chating, having your posts read, like being on line and don't visit any other blogs sites, ?
1. Nothing wrong with meting someone on line first
3. The ground hog didn't lie the entire concept is stupid, there is no way to know if the groundhoug saw his shadow. You can watch what he does in reaction to what he sees but that dosn't mean he actualy saw it.
4. When you are at work that much your mind adjusts to being there so much. Then you think about how you don't want to be there any time soon. Either that or there was some isssue at work that needs to be resolved.
7. Well some guys check out everygirl they see and think things like "yum" Or "that dress would look good on my floor" and then keep walking it maybe is just a guy thing. Or maybe the people who know you and check you out think you are hot or cute or what ever word you want to use but don't think there is enough in common or there isn't that spark.
8. You like reading posts, chating, having your posts read, like being on line and don't visit any other blogs sites, ?
mrmike - 02/27/07 10:18
1. how do we all feel about internet dating? Not sure, never dated the internet
2. how do we all feel about the weird tin-foil thing jennifer hudson wore over her dress to the oscar's?
Looked a little like a sandwich wrapper
3. why did that stupid little groundhog lie about an early spring? i think he needs to be killed/starved/sent away.
Never get your weather forcast from something that Elmer Fudd should be hunting
4. why am i thinking about work, and i left almost two hours ago? Because you give your all to the unforgiving man
5. why is my mom way better than yours? Not sure, perhaps the estrip Mom-off is a worthy experiment
6. who wants like all of my stuff when i move? who wants to have a giant (e:strip) yard sale?
I'd come but I think there should be a special estrip discount.
7. why does every man ever always check me out, but i never get asked out on a date? Because we frighten easy or some of us are too bloody old.....
8. why do i spend so much godamn time on this website? Because collectively we're a hoot.
1. how do we all feel about internet dating? Not sure, never dated the internet
2. how do we all feel about the weird tin-foil thing jennifer hudson wore over her dress to the oscar's?
Looked a little like a sandwich wrapper
3. why did that stupid little groundhog lie about an early spring? i think he needs to be killed/starved/sent away.
Never get your weather forcast from something that Elmer Fudd should be hunting
4. why am i thinking about work, and i left almost two hours ago? Because you give your all to the unforgiving man
5. why is my mom way better than yours? Not sure, perhaps the estrip Mom-off is a worthy experiment
6. who wants like all of my stuff when i move? who wants to have a giant (e:strip) yard sale?
I'd come but I think there should be a special estrip discount.
7. why does every man ever always check me out, but i never get asked out on a date? Because we frighten easy or some of us are too bloody old.....
8. why do i spend so much godamn time on this website? Because collectively we're a hoot.
enknot - 02/27/07 09:56
1. No one dates on the internet, they all date in the real world.
2. I didn't see the oscars
3. there's not going to be any punxtauney phill eating, don't be absurd.
4. cause you're dedicated
5. caure you're wrong
6. You're not going anywhere, where will I get my regular dose of fabulous? Don't be selfish.
7. You don't smile enough, but you were really hot pants. He thinks, she's hot... and mean, oh well.
8. Cause pauls the supa fantastic, and you're freind, and you're a mild celebrity withing the confines of this domain name.
9. Cause you miss tony since he's dropped of the face of the earth, so you'll probably go to lunch with him and (e:paul) sometime soon before you go crazy.
10. Because the Family Guy is the best show ever invinted and they already released a movie that was way funnier than the jokes in this ridculous simpsons farce could ever be, and yes the word farce makes everything less funny.
11. Who the hell is au revior simone?
12. Yeah I think I'd have more fun with you than (e:ingrid) any day, but that's cuase I know you're crazy and I enjoy it!
1. No one dates on the internet, they all date in the real world.
2. I didn't see the oscars
3. there's not going to be any punxtauney phill eating, don't be absurd.
4. cause you're dedicated
5. caure you're wrong
6. You're not going anywhere, where will I get my regular dose of fabulous? Don't be selfish.
7. You don't smile enough, but you were really hot pants. He thinks, she's hot... and mean, oh well.
8. Cause pauls the supa fantastic, and you're freind, and you're a mild celebrity withing the confines of this domain name.
9. Cause you miss tony since he's dropped of the face of the earth, so you'll probably go to lunch with him and (e:paul) sometime soon before you go crazy.
10. Because the Family Guy is the best show ever invinted and they already released a movie that was way funnier than the jokes in this ridculous simpsons farce could ever be, and yes the word farce makes everything less funny.
11. Who the hell is au revior simone?
12. Yeah I think I'd have more fun with you than (e:ingrid) any day, but that's cuase I know you're crazy and I enjoy it!
museumchick - 02/27/07 08:22
1. what kind of internet dating? Someone off the internet who lives in the area, or farther away?
2. I think it looked okay, a little wierd, I guess.
3. I'm not sure... good question.
4. Another good question.
5. I think my mom is pretty cool.
6. The yard sale sounds like a good idea.
7. Maybe they are shy? Maybe you attract sweet, shy guys.
8. Because its addictive.
1. what kind of internet dating? Someone off the internet who lives in the area, or farther away?
2. I think it looked okay, a little wierd, I guess.
3. I'm not sure... good question.
4. Another good question.
5. I think my mom is pretty cool.
6. The yard sale sounds like a good idea.
7. Maybe they are shy? Maybe you attract sweet, shy guys.
8. Because its addictive.
02/28/2007 01:14 #38289
i am officially a loserCategory: crush
i have an online crush. i know, i know. but it's fun, and who knows...
let me have my fun, i haven't had ANY in a long long time.
let me have my fun, i haven't had ANY in a long long time.
metalpeter - 02/28/07 17:22
Jenks does kinda point to the fact that you have to be carefull online cause sometimes people arn't really who they say they are. However that being said nothing wrong with have an internet crush dosn't make ya a loser. Oh an if for some reason it does then in the past I was a loser to. Ha have fun and see if anything happens with the main point of having fun.
Jenks does kinda point to the fact that you have to be carefull online cause sometimes people arn't really who they say they are. However that being said nothing wrong with have an internet crush dosn't make ya a loser. Oh an if for some reason it does then in the past I was a loser to. Ha have fun and see if anything happens with the main point of having fun.
jenks - 02/28/07 06:54
As long as he's not a super-hot neurosurgeon who says he's in iraq and is moving to Buffalo, I say go for it. ;)
As long as he's not a super-hot neurosurgeon who says he's in iraq and is moving to Buffalo, I say go for it. ;)
02/25/2007 17:35 #38278
leaving for goodCategory: moving
i have decided that im going to move to Arizona. I've really made up my mind this time, and its not changing. it will be the end of an era, and im really excited to start a whole new life out there.
i feel like i have put so much effort into living here, with little gain, if any. im tired of putting out so much to get so little in return. i don't want to have a broken heart anymore. i don't want to feel betrayed by anyone. i will dearly miss the (e:viscos) , and (e:matt) , and (e:terry) of course. other than that, there is nothing here for me. i have a dwindling supply of friendships, and ties to anyone in buffalo, and find myself becoming more and more lost and depressed here each day. i miss my mother, and the good advice that she gives(yet i never take). i miss feeling happy and being out in the sun, and being around family.
get it while you can, because im not going to be around much longer (e:peeps).
p.s. im so sick of working overnights.
i feel like i have put so much effort into living here, with little gain, if any. im tired of putting out so much to get so little in return. i don't want to have a broken heart anymore. i don't want to feel betrayed by anyone. i will dearly miss the (e:viscos) , and (e:matt) , and (e:terry) of course. other than that, there is nothing here for me. i have a dwindling supply of friendships, and ties to anyone in buffalo, and find myself becoming more and more lost and depressed here each day. i miss my mother, and the good advice that she gives(yet i never take). i miss feeling happy and being out in the sun, and being around family.
get it while you can, because im not going to be around much longer (e:peeps).
p.s. im so sick of working overnights.
metalpeter - 02/26/07 17:47
I wish you luck and hope everything works out the way you are hoping it will. It sounds like you are doing it for the right reasons so things should work out fine.
I wish you luck and hope everything works out the way you are hoping it will. It sounds like you are doing it for the right reasons so things should work out fine.
vincent - 02/26/07 00:35
On one level I'm sad to see you go since I guess I'll never get the chance to really know you.
Then in all I think you're making the right decision. You're doing the right thing and you may as well do it at your age. There's always the option to come back, but to be honest I have always looked at the people that have moved from here and returned as failures.
You're doing the right thing for the right reasons...
On one level I'm sad to see you go since I guess I'll never get the chance to really know you.
Then in all I think you're making the right decision. You're doing the right thing and you may as well do it at your age. There's always the option to come back, but to be honest I have always looked at the people that have moved from here and returned as failures.
You're doing the right thing for the right reasons...
ingrid - 02/25/07 20:58
PS. I feel your pain. That's why I can't wait to leave!
PS. I feel your pain. That's why I can't wait to leave!
02/22/2007 14:14 #38242
im a getting an awardCategory: work
thats right, something to feel good about.
im getting a "lifesaver award" from work for saving a client's life using the heimlich. isn't that swell!
now, if i could only stop coughing and sleeping. my mother has come to the rescuse and is sending anitbiotics stat. im sick of sitting here, but don't really want to venture out and hack up a lung in public, i don't really think that will make me any more popular.
my sister is really sick now too and has missed two days of work. i think it is fair to blame it on me. im really sorry (e:hodown). i think perhaps my new nickname "typhoid mary" might me appropriate.
p.s. i think i have decided to move to az...
im getting a "lifesaver award" from work for saving a client's life using the heimlich. isn't that swell!
now, if i could only stop coughing and sleeping. my mother has come to the rescuse and is sending anitbiotics stat. im sick of sitting here, but don't really want to venture out and hack up a lung in public, i don't really think that will make me any more popular.
my sister is really sick now too and has missed two days of work. i think it is fair to blame it on me. im really sorry (e:hodown). i think perhaps my new nickname "typhoid mary" might me appropriate.
p.s. i think i have decided to move to az...
jenks - 02/23/07 07:00
I know, I know... not trying to be a bitch... i'm sure you'll be ok too, it's just that the vast majority of winter colds etc are viruses and even though you get better with abx- you'd get better just the same without them too, and taking them just contributes to the spread of resistant bacteria etc etc.
Sorry, kind of a personal peeve.
I know, I know... not trying to be a bitch... i'm sure you'll be ok too, it's just that the vast majority of winter colds etc are viruses and even though you get better with abx- you'd get better just the same without them too, and taking them just contributes to the spread of resistant bacteria etc etc.
Sorry, kind of a personal peeve.
lilho - 02/22/07 22:09
well considering that this is the same sickness i get every winter and she is a nurse, i think im gonna be fine.
well considering that this is the same sickness i get every winter and she is a nurse, i think im gonna be fine.
mike - 02/22/07 21:52
congrats you little life saver you!
congrats you little life saver you!
jenks - 02/22/07 21:04
sigh... not to nag- but it's not really a good idea to just take random abx that are not prescribed for you by a doctor that has actually seen you. :(
But I hope you feel better and congrats on the award.
sigh... not to nag- but it's not really a good idea to just take random abx that are not prescribed for you by a doctor that has actually seen you. :(
But I hope you feel better and congrats on the award.
enknot - 02/22/07 17:59
That's great. You should come to NYC!
That's great. You should come to NYC!
theecarey - 02/22/07 16:59
you did an amazing thing helping someone out like that. so, right on-- its a good feeling!
careful though, not sure what it will do for your typhoid mary rep ;)
you did an amazing thing helping someone out like that. so, right on-- its a good feeling!
careful though, not sure what it will do for your typhoid mary rep ;)
haha his lips are so small. Yes cute, but his lips aren't even pursed.
He's such a cutie!