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02/19/2007 16:11 #38135

Boaring? Day Off
Category: holiday
So I had this plan of watching all these movies today. However when I woke up all congested this morning I took sinus stuff, granted I feal better but it kicked the shit out of me. At least I got to watch somestuff Like The o.c., The L word and airplane, before it knocked me out. Tonight Prison Break and 24 are on so that should be a good time. That being said I'm glad I have the day off. It is nice kinda to not do anything really. I'm not sure if I'm remebering correctly but I think when I was a kid we got school off for both Lincoln and Washington's birthdays as opposed to the one combined holiday. That reminds me the US mint is retrying the Dollar Coin. From what I have read Every few months they will realase a new president. From what I read it will be only dead ones. I havn't looked into the entire list to see how recent they will or what the order is. I'm not sure if the us is ready for the Dollar coin. The last few times it didn't work so well. But I think one of the problems was not enough circulation of the coins. When first minted they where supposed to replace papper dollars because coins last longer. It will be interesting to see what happens with this. I wish I had more exciting stuff to talk about, but that is about it today.
mrmike - 02/19/07 21:05
I wonder what (e:Vincent) was trying to say
vincent - 02/19/07 19:58
The $1 coins are a pain. The only way that it would ever work is to stop printing the $ bill and force everyone to adapt as they did in Canada 20 years ago.

They are a total pain if you work with money. Just think of the space and weight of all those coins. When I worked in the Casino Vault they were a total pain. We ended up rolling them but in the end there wasn't really a standard to go by so we rolled them as if they were half-dollars or something crazy like that [to be honest I can't remember] but in the end I think we put them in increments of 25.

Basically the accounting/handling is a pain in an economy that is set up for paper money and electroinic money. Just think the next time you are at a store where the cashier would put your $ coin in their drawer?

If you want to ruin someone's day just pay them in $2 bills, $1 coins and 1/2 dollars and bask in the freaked out looks you'll get in return. Then listen closely to your ears ring as you depart from their place of employment!!!


02/12/2007 18:09 #38110

Can most actors act? updated
Category: acting
I wanted to find an awesome picture of a Black Rose or some cool gothic like valentine image to change to my user picture For V-day but I didn't find one that i like. Ok but onto the reason why I'm posting. Well I borowed this off another serch I did it isn't exactly what I want but it is good enough.

I will admit I love 24 and have to watch it every monday (today 8-10pm) , however I wonder how many of those actors can really act. I think Kieffer can pull it off but he is the only one possibly. Take hugh Laurie (from House) as an example. He has a strong accent but yet when he plays house he plays him where you don't even know he isn't american no matter what he says and he makes him sound like a jerk on top of that. So few actors ever do that anymore. Most actors in major movies play there character in the way that they speak wether it be Sam Jackson, Hugh Jackmen, The Rock, Jude Law, Kevin Spacey or who ever. Yes they do play differant characters in differant movies or even TV sometimes but they never change there voice. Hence when you see an actor you don't see the character you see the actor. But I wonder if this is the actors fault or the writers fault. If someone is just writen words and not a manner of speaking then you will always here the actor. This is true in animation sometimes as well. Sometimes after the people read there lines the mouths are redrawn to fit the voice person. But shouldn't it be the other way around sot that the actor fits with the character. Maybe I'm spliting straws here. But to hear actors in differant voices and manners of speaking would give films more creditablity and make characters move belivable. Or maybe I just have to see a wider range of movies where acents and manner of speaking is more important.

02/11/2007 11:58 #38105

few thoughts

That says Paul said why dosnt any one use this . As you may be able to tell I need to get a new mouse it really makes writing tough on the draw tool. I think that sometimes people forget about features on here like that and the inlink and spellchecker other things.

Last night the concert I went to was very good. The Opening band was called Leo I thought they where verry good and bought there CD and they signed it for me. I also Enjoyed Burden Brothers and got there CD also. Breaking Benjimen was fun to watch to and the crowd went nuts they where really awesome I thought. I had a good time.

On a side note: If you arn't happy with your life Change it. If you hate your job go find a new one. If your parents babied you or coddled you or did something else to screw you up, don't complain, don't be complacant change who you are. Often we as people arn't happy about where we are in our lives so we do things that don't help us. To relax we do drugs or alcohol to forget. We get angry and upset and take it out on other people. If you arn't happy with where you are strive to change it. I'm not saying it is easy but instead of complaining and fealing sorry for your self use that anger and hate to propel your self in a positive direction. This isn't aimed at anyone specificly but just kinda a rant that I can't really say anything more about on here.
libertad - 02/12/07 20:16
woah cowboy! I think you have good advice. It is hard to change and be a better person. Surely we all can work on it. I'm trying and should try even harder.

02/09/2007 19:26 #38092

Hearing blogs as reading them
Category: blogs
Just sord of a question am I the only one that hears some blogs as I read them?

I'm not talking about video blogs or listening to comments I mean when I read some blogs I hear them in the writers spoken voice. So far it only happens that I can think of on a couple blogs that I can think of. The first is on My Space I admit it is the blog Of Kevin Smith (Mallrats, chasing amy, dogma and other movies). I have heard him speak on commentaries and on and evening with kevin smith. So since I've heard his voice so much it kinda makes sense that I would read his blog and hear it in the way that he speaks. It may happen in a couple journals here but the one that comes right to mind is (e:Enknot)'s blog. I think that might be bacause even though I did read his blog before I met him he never had a picture up where you could tell what he looked like. Everyone has their own voice and maner of speaking and some of those combo are verry distinct maybe that is also part of the reason I hear those to a voices when I read there blogs. I'm going to have to pay more attention to other blogs and see if this happens with any one else. I kinda think it might also tie into how much you read proportionaly to how much you hear of someone. Then I also think that the time factor may have and effect. Or maybe I'm just losing my mind a little bit.
metalpeter - 02/10/07 13:03
I'm glad that I'm not the only one who reads in the writers actual voice. Granted it isn't on everyones blog who i have met in person in fact it so far that I have noticed only happens with a few writers. I wonder if over time if it will happen with more people, I kinda think that it will I will have to pay closer attention to it.

I just wanted to ad that even though Fran Drescher can get on me nerves a little bit sometime she is hot. But I know what you mean about people being differant of the web then they are. One example of that was (e:Paul) I had read a few of his posts where he soundend not sure if angry was the right word. But when I met him (never seen him mad, luckily) he speaks mildly and verry calmly and has a good way of explaining things. I didn't expect that at all from the way he wrote. I know that isn't the best example because it seems like so long ago that I met paul. But at the time I had been part of (e:strip) for a long time without going to any of the parties or get togathers.
carolinian - 02/09/07 23:03
I know exactly what you mean. One of the most fascinating thing about folks on the web is the picture of what they're like in your mind and then what they're like when you finally meet them in real life.

I'd really love to share with the on-line people I've met those original mental pictures I had of them, but some of the time those differences between perception and reality can be slightly offensive. There's just no good way of saying "I imagined you taller" or "I imagined you having a sexy voice but you're a dead ringer for Fran Drescher".
ladycroft - 02/09/07 21:15
yes peter, just as i am reading your journal right now in 'your' voice.

02/08/2007 19:54 #38075

24 Ozzfest and more
First of all if anyone wants to watch 24 but thinks they are to far behind to catch up on the story that isn't true. At the begining of every episode they a short couple minute catch up. You can also watch 24 on line at I'm not sure how but I belive they have all the episodes that have aired on the site. Also on Monday 24 starts at 8pm and is on for 2 hours that should be awesome.

Saturday is as I'm sure some of you know The Hugs and Kisses event at Rainbow rink. I will be at The Edge's misfit Christmas with Breaking Benjimen and Burden Brothers. It should be a good time.

I know it isn't finalised Yet but the big ozzfest anoucement is that it will be free this year. I guess you will get tickets through companies that sponser ozzfest. I doubt they will come to Buffalo and I'm guessing I won't wind up going, but going to an ozzfest would be cool.

I know I don't talk about Boston Legal verry often but I think it is a great show. How can you not like a show with Candice Bergmen, William Shatner, Kal from Kenan and Kal, and James Spader. Yes it is kinda wacky some times but it is so fun to watch. I burned it last night and watched it today. There where multiple court cases but one was about a judge that paid to go to church couseling to be turned stright the church even had a name for it like it was a diasee. It is kinda ironic that, that topic came up in that show with the post I wrote yesterday about the snickers ad.

Van Halen are getting back togather for a tour But Micheal Anthony is having nothing to do with it, and Van Helan's 15 year old son will play bass and David Lee Roth will be singing, wonder how long that will last.

The Police are getting back togather for the Grammies. I wonder if they will try to make a comeback if things work out well on the show.

Where is Metallica, I miss Metallica.

I heard that the Goo Goo Dolls performed on QVC and then you could buy the DVD of there performance, that sounds interesting. I think there are other bands that are doing or did that to. I think that is a neat idea I just wish I knew about it.

The O.C. is winding down with only a few more episodes to watch. I for somereason really like that show.

Oh by the way MTV does still play Music videos. If you watch (i don't) TRL you will see part of the video. I forget what the exact name of the show is something like nocturnal nightmare or something about not sleeping VH1 has a simalur late night early morning show. MTV2 is the place to see Videos or one of there other specialty MTV stations like MTV hits or what ever it is called. I also do like some of there reality shows but don't always stay up on them. The Real world is good. Last night I saw Mauai Fever and it reminded me of Laguna Beach. My question is where were the ugly or normal looking girls they didn't have any they where all hoties. After the show they had A Good Charlote video on that was kinda cool. I havn't seen Bam's unholy union yet but I bet it is funny. from what I understand MTV2 is going to have New episodes of Crank Yankers and Celebirty Death match.

I guess that is enough of my yamering if I know it is early but I hope everyone has a great weekend.