So on Friday the Bandits Play the Toronto Rock at HSBC Arena. Early on in the season it is really an important game allready. The reason it is so important is that they Play Toronto on Saturday in Toronto. If Buffalo can somehow win both games then they will have two wins and The Rock will really be behind but if the opposite happens then Toronto hopes right back into things and the Bandits will be introuble. Then the big game is Sunday. In some ads you hear the Superbowl mentioned as the big game. The reason for this is that they don't have the rights to use the Term "superbowl" in an ad. If any one can have the rights to the use of there name then there name has no power and they lose a lot of money on advertisements and sponsers. It is kinda strange but I completely get it. If it wasn't for the superbowl I might have decided to go up to Toronto for the night and see the bandits play there and then maybe partake in some nightlife of the adult kind, but not bold enough or rich enough to find the illegal stuff but one night of the bandits will be good enough. I wonder if the Toronto Game will be on TV I have heard Vs. has some Lacrosse games on, on a delay I'll have to look into that.
Metalpeter's Journal
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01/30/2007 19:03 #37927
Big Sports WeekendCategory: sports
01/29/2007 19:52 #37912
X Beach First of all I put up a new user pic. It isn't a new picture really but I croped one from a couple years ago (maybe). The beach is in (if memory serves me correctly) San Juan, Puerto Rico. I should admit that it is the San Juan that cruise ships go to. I have heard there are two of them from someone I know. If they where pictures from a digital camera I would put up more from that area. I remember there wasn't much access to the beach and you could see it from an overlook.
Since Thursday I have been watching the Winter X Games. I like a lot of differant sports. Not sure what event I like the best. One sport that the added that is really cool to watch is freestyle snowmobile. It isn't just one trick they follow a course of jumps and have a time limit. The only downside is that they took out a sport that I really liked for it. That was freestyle motorcross. That was really insane they had these screws in the wheels so they could get tracksion but it was really fun to watch. But in all honestly snowmobiles makes more sense, oh yeah and they can and do backflip them. Ok now I'm off to watch Prision Break, and in just over an Hour 24 and hopefully burn Heroes (great show by the way)
Since Thursday I have been watching the Winter X Games. I like a lot of differant sports. Not sure what event I like the best. One sport that the added that is really cool to watch is freestyle snowmobile. It isn't just one trick they follow a course of jumps and have a time limit. The only downside is that they took out a sport that I really liked for it. That was freestyle motorcross. That was really insane they had these screws in the wheels so they could get tracksion but it was really fun to watch. But in all honestly snowmobiles makes more sense, oh yeah and they can and do backflip them. Ok now I'm off to watch Prision Break, and in just over an Hour 24 and hopefully burn Heroes (great show by the way)
01/27/2007 12:37 #37887
Boarded Buffalo?Category: photos
The pictures I'm putting up are from my "Hood". For those of you who may read this and don't know, I live on the west side of Buffalo. If you walked down Elmwood to Bryant and then down Bryant to Richmond that gets you to Conneticut(however it is spelled) st. Not that I ever do but if you went down conneticut a few blocks you would be about a block away from my house.

I took those picture today on my way to and from the bank. The strange part is that those two houses next to each other are next to the church on Richmond, what is going on there? One of them is boarded up from the outside and looks like a window is open and the other one looks like it is boarded from the inside. Why is that shop on Elmwood Boarded up? I looked in the window and it looked like there was stuff inside like they are still open and there are posters or signs in the windows, What is going on in this town? Boarded up places in my part of the "Hood" isn't so strange. The multiple porch house is verry close to me and I just noticed the boards yesterday. Is the boards a good sign that people arn't there or is it bad (I don't know enough to know)?
I mis spoke about Richmond a little bit This picture was from around the Oct. Storm near Utica I think.

I took those picture today on my way to and from the bank. The strange part is that those two houses next to each other are next to the church on Richmond, what is going on there? One of them is boarded up from the outside and looks like a window is open and the other one looks like it is boarded from the inside. Why is that shop on Elmwood Boarded up? I looked in the window and it looked like there was stuff inside like they are still open and there are posters or signs in the windows, What is going on in this town? Boarded up places in my part of the "Hood" isn't so strange. The multiple porch house is verry close to me and I just noticed the boards yesterday. Is the boards a good sign that people arn't there or is it bad (I don't know enough to know)?
I mis spoke about Richmond a little bit This picture was from around the Oct. Storm near Utica I think.

imk2 - 01/29/07 17:33
peter, what is this new user pic i see? when did you go on a vacation? what beach is this?
peter, what is this new user pic i see? when did you go on a vacation? what beach is this?
metalpeter - 01/28/07 10:41
Well it is a nice part of Buffalo where those 2 houses are on richmond. I wonder if both houses had there windows broken and arn't abondend. The reason is why would you leave a house and then someone only boards up one window? The second house looks boarded up from inside then the door from the outside. But the little windows next to the door arn't that is kinda strange. But I wonder what is going on with those houses. I wonder who Owns them. I wonder if the church owns them and I still find it kinda strange.
Well it is a nice part of Buffalo where those 2 houses are on richmond. I wonder if both houses had there windows broken and arn't abondend. The reason is why would you leave a house and then someone only boards up one window? The second house looks boarded up from inside then the door from the outside. But the little windows next to the door arn't that is kinda strange. But I wonder what is going on with those houses. I wonder who Owns them. I wonder if the church owns them and I still find it kinda strange.
deeglam - 01/27/07 22:28
how sad is that? beautiful homes in a beautiful city gone to shit.... RESPECT, PEOPLE. RESPECT.
how sad is that? beautiful homes in a beautiful city gone to shit.... RESPECT, PEOPLE. RESPECT.
metalpeter - 01/27/07 12:40
I just noticed something in the time I went to the bank and came back the same way that sign either fell down or was removed, odd verry odd.
I just noticed something in the time I went to the bank and came back the same way that sign either fell down or was removed, odd verry odd.
02/17/2007 18:27 #37880
Ghost RiderCategory: movies
Today I went to see the movie Ghost Rider. I have to admit that I do like comic books, but havn't read any in long time. I will also admit that I have never read Ghost Rider, it didn't seem like my thing. But that being said I wanted to see it cause it looks preaty good and stars Nicholas Cage, who I like, as Ghost Rider. I thought it was preaty good and looked preaty cool. If it follows the storyline of the comics I have no clue. One of the previews I saw was for the new Fantastic Four movie that looks like it will be great. Again I have to admit I didn't see the first one, I really should. The new one is called something along the lines of "Rise of the Silver Surfer". I will admit that I never read either of these comics. That being said Silver Surfer did Have a preaty cool cartoon show years and years ago. The other preview is for the 3rd Spiderman movie. Yes I have seen the preview a few times but I think the 3rd one will be the best cause we get to see spidy fight his own demons with that black suit I hope they go really heavy on that part we shall see. Below are a few pictures I taken this winter the snow banks one I took today. The ice crystals in the snow really look cool but I can't really see them in the picture.

01/25/2007 19:14 #37867
X travelingCategory: photos
So the winter X games are on TV just under 2 hours at 9pm and that got me thinking about photography. I thought it would be really cool to be someone who takes sports pictures. I don't mean where the camera does all the work but where you know about lighting and film speed and shutter speed and all that stuff. Granted unless you work for a specific mag or publication it might be tough to sell your photos. I wonder how that works. That got me to thinking another cool job would be to travel to differant cities and take pictures of the place or maybe even events. Say for example to fly out to San Fran for their gay pride perade or to somewhare to take pictures of one of the New Years day parades or even just the city itself. Granted I don't drive and don't really want all the hassles that come with a car. But it would be kinda cool to just say " I wonder what Phildelphia looks like" and then drive there and take photographs.
metalpeter - 01/26/07 17:19
I will admit that when there was kitesurfing I didn't yet know about the extreme games yet. Having them in your hometown must have been preaty cool. I'm not sure how many years I've been watching X games and I can't remember when X Games became there new name. But one thing that is cool about them is how the sports change over time. For example a couple years ago they Added surfing to the summer games and this Year they added Freestyle Snowmobile to the games. But on the other side of that is that then some people lose the sport they like watching the most.
Thanks for the compliement. I admit I can't imagine shoting sports as a profession you have to be verry fast and so does the camera. I have seen a few amazing Hockey pictures that I can't belive someone took. In terms of a tripod one can really help if you are taking pictures at night or with low light where your shutter has to stay open longer if the camera moves then it will make the picture blurry or streaky or atleast the light source. Of course if that is the effect you are going for then that is differant.
I will admit that when there was kitesurfing I didn't yet know about the extreme games yet. Having them in your hometown must have been preaty cool. I'm not sure how many years I've been watching X games and I can't remember when X Games became there new name. But one thing that is cool about them is how the sports change over time. For example a couple years ago they Added surfing to the summer games and this Year they added Freestyle Snowmobile to the games. But on the other side of that is that then some people lose the sport they like watching the most.
Thanks for the compliement. I admit I can't imagine shoting sports as a profession you have to be verry fast and so does the camera. I have seen a few amazing Hockey pictures that I can't belive someone took. In terms of a tripod one can really help if you are taking pictures at night or with low light where your shutter has to stay open longer if the camera moves then it will make the picture blurry or streaky or atleast the light source. Of course if that is the effect you are going for then that is differant.
libertad - 01/25/07 23:14
You are a great event photographer. It seems like it would be hard to do sports because of the speed. Especially with my cam. Which reminds me I need a tripod.
You are a great event photographer. It seems like it would be hard to do sports because of the speed. Especially with my cam. Which reminds me I need a tripod.
jenks - 01/25/07 19:30
the first summer x games (called the extreme games then) were in my hometown at the beach... i managed to get some cool pix of kitesurfing.
the first summer x games (called the extreme games then) were in my hometown at the beach... i managed to get some cool pix of kitesurfing.
Maybe they were talking about San Juan and 'Old San Juan'. Old is where the cruise ships dock. It's really the same city, but very different atmospheres.
it is a nice userpic