I had A nice time at the party. A couple quick notes the grape vodka was really cool. In the pictures somewhere this is a picture of (e:lilho)'s boots and the pictures I took don't really do her outfit justice, I'm sure if you compare my pictures to some that get posted you will see what I mean. Again I should have been a little more social but I had a good time. It was nice to see (e:liberated). I hope everyone likes there pictures, again I know these won't be in the exact order. Oh yeah that Pinata was Preaty interesting. It seemed people where more interested in breaiking it open then what was inside of it. So when I woke up this morning I saw the end of a cartoon called Viva Pinatas where the characters are pinatas of course not dirty ones with huge cocks or any sex shapes but I could be wrong I only saw the last five minutes of it, but kinda ironic.

Oh if anyone is looking for anything to do tonight I have a few sugestions. First of all I belive it is all sold out but maybe there are scaplers not sure for sheas or not but the band Supernova is there. I would love to have gone. I almost bought a ticket months ago but before I did I checked to see if the Bandits where playing that day and they are Tonight at HSBC Arena Vs. The Minosotta Swarm. The Sabres are also playing so you could go out to a bar or someonehouse and watch that. I was talking with (e:dragonlady) last night and it remindend me of an event tonight that looks like it might be preaty cool, I also saw a poster for it on Elmwood today. She didn't ask me to post it and neither did anyone else I just thought some of you might like it.

Well done Matthew! I was wondering why the pic was different than all the rest. Now that you say something I remember seeing it before in one of his posts or maybe the screen saver.
I Just Have to say Sorry for the confussion that fire house picture is amazing, but mat took it. I took two pictures of his screensaver on the computer upstairs one of them was the fire house picture and the other one was that sand but i was taking a differant one and then the picture turned to sand. I think Mat takes a lot of amazing photographs it would be cool to see them printed out or in another form. I have seen a few people who sell amazing photos at Allentown Artfestival and I'm sure if mat wanted to he could as well. But sometimes it is just better to keep something a hobby and do it for your own reasons instead of money, sometimes when you do things for money it changes things and makes things less fun.
I agree with Lib, firehouse pic is great!
WOW! It was good to see you too. Those pics are really fun, thanks for getting them on so quickly so we can see them. I really think that fire house pic is the best. You should submit it to the artvoice picture thing or at least put it in a frame. The other pic I really like is of (e:mike)'s crack as well as just (e:lilho)'s butt and legs. (e:ladycroft) if you see this your porñata was awesome