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02/22/2007 18:59 #38247

Sabres Weird OC Bandits
Well first of all I'm currently listening to the New Weird Al cd, it is not that loud so I will have to really listen to it and hear all the lyrics some of it is preaty good.

Lately I havn't had much of a voice so I wanted to share two things about tonight The sabres are on in about 10 minutes going to listen and then watch some of the game. At 9pm on fox is the Final Episode of The O.C. I will admit I thought it would stay on longer then it has. Not sure if it is going off because of ratings or if they don't know where to go with the series. It has been a good run maybe it is better that it wasn't on for like 7 years and you have stories that only take place during summer or Follow the kids in College or what ever.

Saturday Night the Bandits Play at home and I will be there pounding on the glass cheering them on Hopeing they can beat Philly.

I was only going to Keep the new user pic up for Valentines day. But Now I kinda like it and I think I'll keep it up for a little longer.

I did vote for (e:strip) as the best website from Buffalo and I don't know if it will count but I picked one of my favorite writers on here as the best buffalo blog and then added that they where at estrip not sure if that is the right way or not. I also thought estrip could be mentioned on one of the extra credit questions. I know I have to go back and see if I can answer a few more questions also, qucik update game in two minutes about.

02/16/2007 20:02 #38186

Cold wind
Category: weather
I will admit on my walk home today and at the bus stop I froze. It wasn't the cold but that artic wind, man it was cold. Hey Peeps becarefull out there don't want any of you to frezze. Oh for those of you who like political comedy I bellive Real Time with Bill Maher is back on tonight. Couple quick notes I hope Yvonne makes it to paris, and I'm glad Alex has picked up or post topics, oh and timika in my coments to you I forgot to say that you rock and if people don't want to hang out with you they are crazzy. I hope spring comes soon. I hope the wind goes away cause I got walking and a little trecking to do on sat. Sorry this was a boring post I really need to do something in my life so I can spice up the journal.

02/15/2007 21:46 #38172

Sabres and Family
Category: hate
Yeah so I just finished listing to the Sabres Win Awesome. Reason I did't watch it was cause it was the sis bday. One of the reasons why i don't tell her about the site. Well there are too many reasons. But a few of them is she has what I call a bunch of issues and the last thing I and the site need is more drama. (not to mention I like my privatcy, don't ask) But sometimes I really Hate my Mother and sister. Sometimes they act like 12yr Olds well that might be over stating it a little. But my sis has been spoiled and babied (if that is the right term) and she is really is preaty roten. And pulls that nobody loves me nobody cares about me crap but if that was the case she would me living out in a gutter somewhere. Oh then there is the "Its not Fair". "Hello Grow the fuck up". I know that what I'm writing if anyone is reading it may not be verry clear, but oh well. Do to the earlier expolsion plans where thrown off then a new getting pizza plan was put togather. Well I get here and it was not really a real plan. Ok who's got money ? You said you would order it so that means you do? that type of stuff it is enough to make me want to walk infront of a car. Hello can you two learn how to communicate, Sometimes they make me want to rip my own hair out. Ok I think I have vented enough and allready said way to much. Now I feal better. If I'm not on here on friday Hope everyone has a great weekend, and congratulations to everyone on the 5,000,000 views.

02/14/2007 19:59 #38157

have a good one or not
Category: vd
Hey for those that like V-day hope it was great. For those that don't and are going out Hope you have a great time and maybe get a little bit of or a lot of action tonight and for those of you who hate it have a fun time hating it. Oh I do like V-day story lines, ok gotta go so I don't mis bones.

02/19/2007 16:11 #38135

Boaring? Day Off
Category: holiday
So I had this plan of watching all these movies today. However when I woke up all congested this morning I took sinus stuff, granted I feal better but it kicked the shit out of me. At least I got to watch somestuff Like The o.c., The L word and airplane, before it knocked me out. Tonight Prison Break and 24 are on so that should be a good time. That being said I'm glad I have the day off. It is nice kinda to not do anything really. I'm not sure if I'm remebering correctly but I think when I was a kid we got school off for both Lincoln and Washington's birthdays as opposed to the one combined holiday. That reminds me the US mint is retrying the Dollar Coin. From what I have read Every few months they will realase a new president. From what I read it will be only dead ones. I havn't looked into the entire list to see how recent they will or what the order is. I'm not sure if the us is ready for the Dollar coin. The last few times it didn't work so well. But I think one of the problems was not enough circulation of the coins. When first minted they where supposed to replace papper dollars because coins last longer. It will be interesting to see what happens with this. I wish I had more exciting stuff to talk about, but that is about it today.
mrmike - 02/19/07 21:05
I wonder what (e:Vincent) was trying to say
vincent - 02/19/07 19:58
The $1 coins are a pain. The only way that it would ever work is to stop printing the $ bill and force everyone to adapt as they did in Canada 20 years ago.

They are a total pain if you work with money. Just think of the space and weight of all those coins. When I worked in the Casino Vault they were a total pain. We ended up rolling them but in the end there wasn't really a standard to go by so we rolled them as if they were half-dollars or something crazy like that [to be honest I can't remember] but in the end I think we put them in increments of 25.

Basically the accounting/handling is a pain in an economy that is set up for paper money and electroinic money. Just think the next time you are at a store where the cashier would put your $ coin in their drawer?

If you want to ruin someone's day just pay them in $2 bills, $1 coins and 1/2 dollars and bask in the freaked out looks you'll get in return. Then listen closely to your ears ring as you depart from their place of employment!!!
