The Bandits wound up winning by one goal. I think it was the most exciting Game I have been to this year. Buffalo was up for a little bit and then where down near the end of the game and came back tied it and won and didn't lose it in the end or have to go to sunden death overtime, I had a great time.
The intro to the games is pretty bad ass I think.

Almost at the end of the game was a fight. I got it the best I could but it was tough with players in front and the fight being away from me.

They Lovely ladies dancing

Some more of the dance team/Cheerleaders

Some Game shots finaly

One funny thing there was this hot chick with what looked like great boobs sitting by me with her man(I assume) and she was yelling and all mad at The bandits Goalie she was saying fuck and that he sucks and the guy was all silent then later they where joined by friends and the other girl wasn't as loud. But I find it funny and kinda cool that they where all into it, even though I disagree with her, and the guys wheren't even cheering.
I have to admit that the Bandits really just dance. It isn't like Football where they can be on the field but not in the way. When I first saw that Carolina had a dance team I thought, what and Huh. But then I thought Hockey is new down there and it is kinda a good idea. It is no worse then having the Kiss Cam. Plus During the breaks I bet they make a great distraction.
If you like cheerleaders that much, try joining the dark side. Cheer babes and hockey are a great combination! :)