I took those picture today on my way to and from the bank. The strange part is that those two houses next to each other are next to the church on Richmond, what is going on there? One of them is boarded up from the outside and looks like a window is open and the other one looks like it is boarded from the inside. Why is that shop on Elmwood Boarded up? I looked in the window and it looked like there was stuff inside like they are still open and there are posters or signs in the windows, What is going on in this town? Boarded up places in my part of the "Hood" isn't so strange. The multiple porch house is verry close to me and I just noticed the boards yesterday. Is the boards a good sign that people arn't there or is it bad (I don't know enough to know)?
I mis spoke about Richmond a little bit This picture was from around the Oct. Storm near Utica I think.

peter, what is this new user pic i see? when did you go on a vacation? what beach is this?
Well it is a nice part of Buffalo where those 2 houses are on richmond. I wonder if both houses had there windows broken and arn't abondend. The reason is why would you leave a house and then someone only boards up one window? The second house looks boarded up from inside then the door from the outside. But the little windows next to the door arn't that is kinda strange. But I wonder what is going on with those houses. I wonder who Owns them. I wonder if the church owns them and I still find it kinda strange.
how sad is that? beautiful homes in a beautiful city gone to shit.... RESPECT, PEOPLE. RESPECT.
I just noticed something in the time I went to the bank and came back the same way that sign either fell down or was removed, odd verry odd.