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01/17/2007 19:39 #37749

Work Better and stuff
First of all I can't say to much about work. But that being said it has gotton better. The reason is that our former boss is back to being our boss again. It should stay that way and hopefully his boses don't get any ideas about changing things up.

On a side note Sabres just took the lead. I know a few people at the game tonight.

Oh the other day in chat I mentioned I wanted to get Paul something for his Birthday well my plan went up in smoke verry quickly. The place that I saw it on sale a couple weeks ago only had a verry (to me) at least expesive version of it and the other place I saw something simalur but not as good didn't have it anymore. So for that I'm sorry. Now why would I post this.... Well I was talking about maybe getting him something in chat when he was online so I thought I should mention it in a post. So I know it isn't as good but I gave a donation to the site so maybe it will help. The part that makes me feal bad is that when I first saw what a saw I should have just bought it (even though then I didn't know a birthday was coming up). Well I guess I learned that when you see something you should just buy it at the time.
libertad - 01/18/07 09:09
hmmm i wonder what it is?

01/15/2007 19:48 #37707

Curse of Ice
Category: photos
Pictures I took of the ice storm hope you (e:peeps) like them. I think one of them might be oreinted the wrong way, yeah oops. I also went to see "Curse of the Golden Flower". It was verry good but it wasn't really a "Kung Fu" movie. Yes there where battles but they where more like war battles not one on one like in say a Jet Li movie. Also if you are looking for a happy ending type of movie it isn't that either. I guess it would be a period piece or maybe a tradgy. There is a good review of it in artvoice. I liked it but it wasn't what I thought it would be. It has to be one of the most visualy stunning movies I have seen. I'm not just talking about all the hot ladies in the film. Look below the ice pictures for pictures from the movie. Oh yeah 24 was awesome last night and should be just as great tonight.


I don't think the few pictures I found on Yahoo really do the movie Justice. Clothes wise yes but the sets are so colorfull they allmost look tiedyed inspired I know that dosn't sound good but I mean it in a positive way.

One kitten picture (sis's not mine) well ok two and that it.


01/14/2007 11:41 #37680

Bandits Pictures
Category: photos
I admit that if you arn't into Lacrosse then this post will bore you. I admit some of the pictures are kinda strange since I shoot through glass. I used to have a camera that had a glass setting so you wouldn't get any distortion or anything oh yeah plus players move around. Oh and for you guys and maybe even some of the girls here there are pictures of the Bandetes (how ever you spell it). When you use the mutliple upload tool and do more then one picture at a time by using the control key for some reason the pictures get out of order but for these pictures and most of mine I guess order dosn't matter so here goes, by the way the Bandits won. On a side note I did have a good time last night (friends of the family) but was kinda upset cause I was the only one who wanted to see football or even the sabres so it didn't get watched oh well.


--fixed pictures
Ok so I did see that what a picture is called looks a little differant but I didn't think anything about it but liberated said there is a problem up loading pics so lets see if any of these are pics or writing, if it works maybe more pictures today some time of the kitten.
metalpeter - 01/15/07 11:32
Awesome everything is fixed. In terms of the intro it started with someone playing drums on screen so I thought maybe it was a new intro for the team, and was a little down, but then he started playing it is a preaty bad ass intro a couple guys came out on motorcycles also.
jenks - 01/14/07 14:23
glad to see david's still piping for them. :)

01/13/2007 14:00 #37670

Bandits Valentines
Ok so last Night I went to the first Home game for the Buffalo Bandits. The Bandits won in what would up in the end a close game. In the begining the Bandits scored quick but the tittans changed goalies. I think at one point the bandits might have but up like 6 or 7 to 1 I lost track I was having so much fun. I sit next to a bunch of cool guys right up on the glass. That is one thing that is nice about sports. You may have only the love for the team in common but that is enough and someone the entire (ok some of or most of) the crowd can bond. It dosn't matter what you think sexauly or politicaly or soicaly but you have that common bond that you are pulling for your team. I'm doing sometihing tonight where I may take pics so hopefully I will put game pictures up on monday I hope. Hopefully I will still get to see most of the NFL games on today and tonight. Even though they arn't teams that I care about to much they shoud still all be great games. So today I'm at Right Aide looking for snacks and video tapes and before I even walk in I can see these huge Valentines day hearts, oh great now i'm fealling crappy. But for those of you who are all romantic and love the holiday you should check out M&M's website. If I understand it correctly you can order them in what ever color you want or even in packs that match the theme of your party or event or whatever. But if the add I saw was correct you can get little sayings on them kinda like those candy hearts. I had something else I wanted to mention Oh yeah I'm taking a vacation day on monday. I just hope I can stay awake for the new Adult Swim lineup I missed it last sunday and there was some new cartoon on called Smoking Gun, along with Assy McGahee, Robot Chicken, Moral Orel and not sure what the other one is. Tonight is Bleach and Trinity Blood both of wich I really enjoy.

01/09/2007 20:33 #37619

out early for me
Category: work
Today it was so nice to leave work around the time I'm supposed to a little bit after 3. We are usaly busy enough that I stay till 4 or sometimes 5. There where still things to do it is just that others where doing them and there wasn't much I could really do that would help them. It was nice to get home and then go see the family and eat togather for a few minutes (usaly I could care less). I usaly eat as I watch TV at home. I had time to go on line both here and myspace and WWE and read mail. I also had fun playing with my sisters kitten. Every once in wheile you need to chase him around the house. If you walk into another room he will often follow you. The one thing though is it is often a losing battle he is more mobile and quick then you are, plus he can hide under a bed or other small places. I will admit that I hardly ever run anymore but it was kinda fun, plus it is good for him to. It was nice just to relax. Now I'm off to watch the House M.D. and tape Boston Legal (both are great shows). I think some award show is on also and I think Miami Ink is on tonight also. There is no way I can see them all. Not to Mention Wrestling is on at the same time as Miami-Ink and Boston Legal so it should be a nice relaxed night.