Happy Happy Birthday Kookcity2000!!!
Ladycroft's Journal
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02/03/2007 16:39 #37983
happy birthday pete!Category: birthdays
02/02/2007 11:55 #37968
sinuitisCategory: sick
I finally went to the doctor yesterday and found out why I've had this reocurring battle with coughing and congestion over the last 3 weeks. I have a severe sinus infeciton. I got some meds last night so hopefully I'll be feeling much better by Sunday.
I got the results back from my comprehensive exams. PASS.
Cheers, with my big glass of water. Ciao.
I got the results back from my comprehensive exams. PASS.
Cheers, with my big glass of water. Ciao.
01/31/2007 18:08 #37940
my valentineCategory: potpourri
01/25/2007 11:30 #37861
woooohoooooooo!Category: potpourri
I'm finished. I took the written comprehensive last Saturday and today my partners and I preseneted our oral case. We did fantastic!!! I'm on the home stretch. Just two more classes to wrap up and I'm outa here! Joy, joy, joy!
P.S. I'm about to knock my co-worker's light out. She's a fucking pig, her desk is disgusting and she keeps pushing her shit into my space. I only have a corner to start with. If she'd put her shit in files and in the damn filing drawer where they belong she'd have enough room for fat self. Grrrrrrrrr. Maybe I'll take a photo tomorrow and show you what I'm talking about.
P.S. I'm about to knock my co-worker's light out. She's a fucking pig, her desk is disgusting and she keeps pushing her shit into my space. I only have a corner to start with. If she'd put her shit in files and in the damn filing drawer where they belong she'd have enough room for fat self. Grrrrrrrrr. Maybe I'll take a photo tomorrow and show you what I'm talking about.
enknot - 01/25/07 17:08
Are you serious dude?
Are you serious dude?
inspiraysean - 01/25/07 16:45
lol she said "oral"
lol she said "oral"
01/23/2007 14:30 #37836
this is your brain on speedCategory: potpourri
My new drugs give me lots more energy. Here are some of the things I did during my frenzied hours.
I finally tailored my winter coat. It was too long, to wide in the waist, and didn't cover my boobs. I've never tailored anything like that before but how else do you learn but through experimentation.
Step 1: make appropriate length

Step 2: trim edges, remove inner and outer breast pockets

Step 3: add 3rd button, trim waist

Then I scrubbed my fridge out and created some shelf railings out of duct tape and carboard. The third row down on the door was non-existent. Amazing how much more room you get out of something so simple as that.

I still had the need to keep my mind and hands busy so I took my entire DVD collection and placed them in little sleeves. Look how much room I saved!! Those stacks now fit in 2 little crates.

Care came over a few times and we played an old skool favorite: Castelvania, Simon's Quest Check out that hip scrolling screen technology.

Carey found a typo

There was no SAVE option back then. Remember passwords!? This one is so long it's crazy if you loose it.

The new international students arrived and orientation went smoothly. I almost forgot these incredible shots I took while freezing my eyeballs on the observation deck at Niagara Falls.

My sister and nephew came to visit me. I thought I'd start teaching him da skillz.

He thinks his auntie is pretty fly. Check out that smile.

I finally tailored my winter coat. It was too long, to wide in the waist, and didn't cover my boobs. I've never tailored anything like that before but how else do you learn but through experimentation.
Step 1: make appropriate length

Step 2: trim edges, remove inner and outer breast pockets

Step 3: add 3rd button, trim waist

Then I scrubbed my fridge out and created some shelf railings out of duct tape and carboard. The third row down on the door was non-existent. Amazing how much more room you get out of something so simple as that.

I still had the need to keep my mind and hands busy so I took my entire DVD collection and placed them in little sleeves. Look how much room I saved!! Those stacks now fit in 2 little crates.

Care came over a few times and we played an old skool favorite: Castelvania, Simon's Quest Check out that hip scrolling screen technology.

Carey found a typo

There was no SAVE option back then. Remember passwords!? This one is so long it's crazy if you loose it.

The new international students arrived and orientation went smoothly. I almost forgot these incredible shots I took while freezing my eyeballs on the observation deck at Niagara Falls.

My sister and nephew came to visit me. I thought I'd start teaching him da skillz.

He thinks his auntie is pretty fly. Check out that smile.

lilho - 01/23/07 22:42
cute baby, i want!
cute baby, i want!
metalpeter - 01/23/07 17:13
Great pictures of Niagara falls.
Great pictures of Niagara falls.
thanks yall
Happy bDay, Kook! Lots of peeps with birthdays lately. Kool! :O)
Happy day Kook!
didn't know it's your bday kook- have a good one!
Happy birthday pete! I hope you have fun.