01/09/2007 16:01 #37611
enknot picsCategory: photos
01/09/2007 09:54 #37602
therapyCategory: potpourri
Went great yesterday. She was mighty impressed with my changes over the last few months. My ability to write down the physical things I like about myself. It's hard to do. Partially because I never thought I had anything real stand outish about my shell, partially because I felt guilty announcing if I thought I did. The whole tooting your own horn thing comes easy for many but I suppose I was really brought up thinking that was bad. Really, it is to a degree. We all know the peron that won't shut up about themself. The one that turns everything around so that they are the center of the universe.
Extremes aside, I was able to really look at myself and be ok writing a few things down. Although it's a little awkward, I think it will help to put them out there, to really be ok with what I am saying.
1. I have a genuine smile. Nice teeth included.
2. I have great hair. Not in the sense that I have to style it, rather my actual hair. It's full and wavey.
3. Pretty eyes. I like my rings of green and blue, plus my eye lashes are really long. Apparently some people go to great lengths to create that look.
4. I'm strong. I've always been strong. Even covered in this layer of blubber I'm still strong. I kick ass.
5. Curves. I've got em. I like my boobs, I like my butt. Sometimes I think my butt is a little too big, but ultimately I'd rather have this butt than one of those flat ironing board butts that make your pants hang weird.
So there. I said what I like about me (and yes, this exercise was purely physical aspects) and I'm ok with it. Yeah!
Today's quote:
You should appreciate what is before you rather than admiring what you hope is down the road.
01/06/2007 12:17 #37554
toxic presentsCategory: potpourri
Ryan and I just discovered something wack. He got a mug full of candy for Christmas. A big mug that says Ho! Ho! Ho!. On the bottom of the lovely mug, ripe for hot chocolate, it reads 'by the way, there is lead in the paint used on this mug and it is not suitable for drinking out of'. :0
01/03/2007 21:50 #37529
knit knit knitCategory: potpourri
My friend is coming over to have a little girl talk knitting party tonight. Yay! I haven't been excited about home craft goods in so long. Parts of me are starting to come back, I love it. It's a new year, it's a new day, I'm not letting ANYTHING get in my way.
01/01/2007 14:54 #37497
happy new year sweeties daaaahling!Category: new year
Woke up with such energy this morning I'm not even sure I really went to bed. Took a long hot shower and 4 shampoos and a gallon of conditioner later, my hair has returned to normal. Had an absolutely fabulous time at the party, merci PMT. I loved the ball! I still think the hippo was a nice touch :)
So my lovelies. May the best of your past be the worst of your future in this beautiful year 2007! Wishing you joy that never ends.
p.s. to my secret santa des, i LOVE my guinness gear!!!!
Nice pictures thanks for sharing. Not sure what my favorite one is but the one that looks like Kook is about to get hit is funny at the end.