On the eve of each new year we often reflect on our lives. As I do this dear e-strippers, I wish you joy that never ends and happiness with all your family and friends.
Where were you when 2006 began?
Drunk in the ladies restroom of Regal theatre.
Who were you with?
Where will you be when 2006 ends?
Dressed as Patsy from Ab Fab at the PMT party!
Whom will you be with when 2006 ends?
Everyone at the party.
Was 2006 a good year for you?
Overall, yes. It has been a struggle but I learned so much about myself and who I am that it was worth all the hurt!
What was your favorite moment of the year?
Holding my nephew Ryan for the first time.
What was your least favorite moment of the year?
My Gramma's wake.
Did you keep your New Year resolutions of 2006?
I don't do resolutions.
Do you have any New Year resolutions for 2007?
Again, I don't do resolutions. Just see the list for my plans at the bottom.
Did you fall in love in 2006?
Did you breakup with anyone in 2006?
Friends, yes.
Did you make any new friends in 2006?
What was your favorite month of 2006?
Did you travel outside of the US in 2006?
Only Canada this year. Blah.
How many different states did you travel to in 2006?
Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, D.C., Pennsylvania
Did you lose anybody close to you in 2006?
My Gramma.
Did you miss anybody in the past year?
All my family and friends that live in other countries and states.
What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2006?
The Science of Sleep
What was your favorite song from 2006?
James Blunt - Goodbye My Lover
What was your favorite album from 2006?
30 Seconds to Mars - A Beautiful Lie
How many concerts did you see in 2006?
Did you have a favorite concert in 2006?
30STM at Edge Fest
Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2006?
Did you do drugs in 2006?
Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year?
I let others walk on me. No more.
What was the worst lie someone told you in 2006?
You're a very beautiful woman.
Did you treat somebody badly in 2006?
Questionable, but probably yes.
Did somebody treat you badly in 2006?
What was your proudest moment of 2006?
Getting two outstanding employee reviews by both of my bosses.
What was your most embarrassing moment of 2006?
My door opening while having sex.
If you could go back in time to any moment of 2006 and change something, what would it be?
Not drink 8 martinis at Cecilias. Oy.
What are your plans for 2007?
Visit family and friends around Europe
Fix my bike
Fix my trunk and put new wheels on it
Hang that damn spice rack before it's time to move
Write my structure for the text book I'm working on
Get much better at guitar
Land a job I love
Buy a car that's not a total piece of shit
Say what I mean and mean what I say
Don't make assumptions
Always do my best
And try not to take things personally!
Ladycroft's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/31/2006 12:11 #37477
as 2007 rings inCategory: new year
12/28/2006 11:43 #25457
sagerificCategory: potpourri
I'd like (e:theecarey)'s journal but i'm in a hurry. so just go look at hers for further readings on this adventure. meanwhile, here are some crayon renderdings we did while on our mental vaca.

the adventure begins in a dark red room by a cozy fire and a well packed vanilla 'enhanced' hookah

carey's fire depiction

my fire depiction
we decided to draw fruit baskets with our mouths



i saw little ghosts coming out of the smoke flying at my head

i have no idea what carey saw although she kept laughing and yelling 'chainsaws!'


then came my merry-go-round ride. my legs were kicking away because i thought i was running the opposite direction of all the horses on it. the music was wack, and i think i saw paul.


i began riding a horse complete with gallop motions

when i looked at carey she was wearing a huuuuuge yellow hat, like the 'man in the yellow hat' and her lips were covered in blood.

i did my party trick. write like davinci.
can't read it? print it out and hold it in a mirror.

carey and i will be attending the new year party as eddy and patsy!

the adventure begins in a dark red room by a cozy fire and a well packed vanilla 'enhanced' hookah

carey's fire depiction

my fire depiction
we decided to draw fruit baskets with our mouths



i saw little ghosts coming out of the smoke flying at my head

i have no idea what carey saw although she kept laughing and yelling 'chainsaws!'


then came my merry-go-round ride. my legs were kicking away because i thought i was running the opposite direction of all the horses on it. the music was wack, and i think i saw paul.


i began riding a horse complete with gallop motions

when i looked at carey she was wearing a huuuuuge yellow hat, like the 'man in the yellow hat' and her lips were covered in blood.

i did my party trick. write like davinci.
can't read it? print it out and hold it in a mirror.

carey and i will be attending the new year party as eddy and patsy!
12/25/2006 09:29 #25456
in memoriamCategory: christmas
Christmas Eve at Gramma's last night was hard. I cried a little bit in secret, but then I remembered this poem someone sent. I thought I would share it in memory of Irene, and to anyone else who lost a loved one this year. Happy Christmas peeps.
My First Christmas in Heaven
I see the countless trees around the world below
With tiny lights like Heaven's stars reflecting in the snow
The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away the tears
For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year
I hear many Christmas songs that people hold so dear
But the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here
I have no words to tell you the joy their voices bring
For it is beyond description to hear the angels sings
I know how much you miss me
I see the pain inside your heart
But I am not so far away, we really aren't apart
So be happy for me dear ones
You know I hold you dear
Be glad I'm spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year
- Unknown
My First Christmas in Heaven
I see the countless trees around the world below
With tiny lights like Heaven's stars reflecting in the snow
The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away the tears
For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year
I hear many Christmas songs that people hold so dear
But the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here
I have no words to tell you the joy their voices bring
For it is beyond description to hear the angels sings
I know how much you miss me
I see the pain inside your heart
But I am not so far away, we really aren't apart
So be happy for me dear ones
You know I hold you dear
Be glad I'm spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year
- Unknown
12/21/2006 16:58 #25455
drowning in my workCategory: working for the man
I shouldn't be at work. I should be off on vaca like all the others. But noooooooooooo, I had too much fucking work to do. This is what I felt like

mike - 12/22/06 11:00
haha that is hilarious. Ok prolly not for the man in the water but as long as he survived...hilarious and a perfect picture for the overworked feeling!
haha that is hilarious. Ok prolly not for the man in the water but as long as he survived...hilarious and a perfect picture for the overworked feeling!
12/20/2006 16:21 #25454
homosexual activismCategory: deep thoughts
Today's quote:
"Sleep. The death of each day, but a doorway to the map of humanity." - unknown
I'm helping my program director/professor/internship supervisor write a new textbook. It's about the function of Catholic colleges and universities. As we were discussing some things today during our meeting we checked in on the Cardinal Newman Society. If you're not familiar, it's a set of like minded individuals in the Cahtolic faith. You may also refer to them as the watch dogs of Catholocism in education, very conservative. Anyhoo, I came across this piece and thought, wow. That's something. Particularly look at numbers 5,7, and 8. I am in NO WAY saying all Catholics believe this for surely there are many that take a different approach. I'm just curious of other's opinions. If you have any. Ciao.

"Sleep. The death of each day, but a doorway to the map of humanity." - unknown
I'm helping my program director/professor/internship supervisor write a new textbook. It's about the function of Catholic colleges and universities. As we were discussing some things today during our meeting we checked in on the Cardinal Newman Society. If you're not familiar, it's a set of like minded individuals in the Cahtolic faith. You may also refer to them as the watch dogs of Catholocism in education, very conservative. Anyhoo, I came across this piece and thought, wow. That's something. Particularly look at numbers 5,7, and 8. I am in NO WAY saying all Catholics believe this for surely there are many that take a different approach. I'm just curious of other's opinions. If you have any. Ciao.

metalpeter - 12/21/06 17:43
Just to add a Little bit. If memory serves when I went to Canisius (seems so long ago like another life time) I think I do remember seeing a GLBT organisation room on campus someware it might have been past the bookstore and before the shop that was never open in the area where they had clubs and organisations. I think it is good that they allow it.
"There is no valid scientific evidence for a biological origin of same-sex attraction. However, there is evidence that persons with same-sex attraction can and do change." That statement is acutally incorrect as you pointed out. Firstly there is such a thing as gay animals. There are services and programs where some churchs try to get gays to turn stright but they don't really work they just might cause the person to stop having sex but they are still gay. I heard someone Priest explain that being gay isn't a sin. What is a sin is giving into temptation and having gay sex.
I belive that most forms of chistainty belive homosexualty is a sin or evil. Not that everyone belives that. My belief is that you can't condem anyone for sining. It seems everyone seems to forget about that "Let thee who is without sin cast the first stone" story. I think most people codem people and don't except them. There are some people who do both. Meaning they think their friend or family member is going to hell but they still acept them as a person who they love anyways.
Just to add a Little bit. If memory serves when I went to Canisius (seems so long ago like another life time) I think I do remember seeing a GLBT organisation room on campus someware it might have been past the bookstore and before the shop that was never open in the area where they had clubs and organisations. I think it is good that they allow it.
"There is no valid scientific evidence for a biological origin of same-sex attraction. However, there is evidence that persons with same-sex attraction can and do change." That statement is acutally incorrect as you pointed out. Firstly there is such a thing as gay animals. There are services and programs where some churchs try to get gays to turn stright but they don't really work they just might cause the person to stop having sex but they are still gay. I heard someone Priest explain that being gay isn't a sin. What is a sin is giving into temptation and having gay sex.
I belive that most forms of chistainty belive homosexualty is a sin or evil. Not that everyone belives that. My belief is that you can't condem anyone for sining. It seems everyone seems to forget about that "Let thee who is without sin cast the first stone" story. I think most people codem people and don't except them. There are some people who do both. Meaning they think their friend or family member is going to hell but they still acept them as a person who they love anyways.
ladycroft - 12/21/06 13:12
For the record, Canisius does support a large GLBT community. What I was really aiming at here was the interpretation of Vatican belief versus other's understanding of Catholic teaching. To be accepting of others versus condemning them.
I also found this line contradictory. "There is no valid scientific evidence for a biological origin of same-sex attraction. However, there is evidence that persons with same-sex attraction can and do change."
For the record, Canisius does support a large GLBT community. What I was really aiming at here was the interpretation of Vatican belief versus other's understanding of Catholic teaching. To be accepting of others versus condemning them.
I also found this line contradictory. "There is no valid scientific evidence for a biological origin of same-sex attraction. However, there is evidence that persons with same-sex attraction can and do change."
jason - 12/21/06 12:36
Sure, say, if Canisius College gets tax dollars, then I'm on board with you Ajay. Otherwise, they can approve/deny whatever kind of club they like, and it's their right.
Sure, say, if Canisius College gets tax dollars, then I'm on board with you Ajay. Otherwise, they can approve/deny whatever kind of club they like, and it's their right.
ajay - 12/21/06 10:44
Sure, eveyone has a right to their opinions.
But not everyone has a right to my tax dollars.
If there are people who believe in discrimination, they should not get any tax funding. Unfortunately, churches do get a LOT of tax benefits; that is a problem.
That page makes for entertaining reading, in light of the entire sexual abuse scandal. Latest deal: paying out $75M:
More news here: :::link:::
Sure, eveyone has a right to their opinions.
But not everyone has a right to my tax dollars.
If there are people who believe in discrimination, they should not get any tax funding. Unfortunately, churches do get a LOT of tax benefits; that is a problem.
That page makes for entertaining reading, in light of the entire sexual abuse scandal. Latest deal: paying out $75M:
More news here: :::link:::
jason - 12/21/06 07:36
I know guys, the First Amendment is really brutal, yeah?
I'm not a fan of the Catholic church in general but they can run their colleges pretty much however they see fit. I think a gay person would have to be extremely stupid to assume that a Catholic school would respect their sexuality, or even be obligated to do so.
Is it fair? Of course it isn't, but that's really not the point. Sure they're out of touch, and they have the right to be. There are out of touch assholes everywhere. If someone doesn't like the rules at a Catholic school they can always transfer.
I know guys, the First Amendment is really brutal, yeah?
I'm not a fan of the Catholic church in general but they can run their colleges pretty much however they see fit. I think a gay person would have to be extremely stupid to assume that a Catholic school would respect their sexuality, or even be obligated to do so.
Is it fair? Of course it isn't, but that's really not the point. Sure they're out of touch, and they have the right to be. There are out of touch assholes everywhere. If someone doesn't like the rules at a Catholic school they can always transfer.
metalpeter - 12/20/06 20:06
This document shows how out of touch they really are. The first example of that is that a signifagant percentage of people who go to Catholic Colleges arn't Catholic or at least arn't practicing. A local example if you want to be a nurse you go to D'yvoule if you want to be an accountant You go to Canisius if you are good at Basketball you get a schoolership at St. Bonaventure. Secondly College is a time when people are supposed to learn about them selves (hence all the girls gone wild videos and girls kissing girls who arn't really bi or gay but just experiment) College isn't supposed to be prison. Yes the point is that you go there to learn or get a degree. But that isn't the only thing it is about. The other problem is that they say that nothing can contradict the bible. Well if that is true by evolution if you start there then what else will they not let teachers teach. Besides the church has no right to preach at people when they have passed gay pedohpilic priest from parish to parish. I'm not saying that Catholic Schools should give up there catholic education. I think it should be there for anyone who wants it. But that dosn't mean you have to force people to what you belive is moraly correct. A little bit of encouragement through signs and on campus advertising is good and through school organisations. But to say that every minority on campus can have there own group but not the gay kids is just wrong. Debate is a verry good thing on College campuses, if no one ever learns how to debate this country is in a lot of toruble.
This document shows how out of touch they really are. The first example of that is that a signifagant percentage of people who go to Catholic Colleges arn't Catholic or at least arn't practicing. A local example if you want to be a nurse you go to D'yvoule if you want to be an accountant You go to Canisius if you are good at Basketball you get a schoolership at St. Bonaventure. Secondly College is a time when people are supposed to learn about them selves (hence all the girls gone wild videos and girls kissing girls who arn't really bi or gay but just experiment) College isn't supposed to be prison. Yes the point is that you go there to learn or get a degree. But that isn't the only thing it is about. The other problem is that they say that nothing can contradict the bible. Well if that is true by evolution if you start there then what else will they not let teachers teach. Besides the church has no right to preach at people when they have passed gay pedohpilic priest from parish to parish. I'm not saying that Catholic Schools should give up there catholic education. I think it should be there for anyone who wants it. But that dosn't mean you have to force people to what you belive is moraly correct. A little bit of encouragement through signs and on campus advertising is good and through school organisations. But to say that every minority on campus can have there own group but not the gay kids is just wrong. Debate is a verry good thing on College campuses, if no one ever learns how to debate this country is in a lot of toruble.
jenks - 12/20/06 17:52
My opinion- ugh.
I personally am not a big fan of (overly) religious education. I think the point of education is to learn about various viewpoints- not just to have one narrow one shoved down your throat, and all others condemned.
My opinion- ugh.
I personally am not a big fan of (overly) religious education. I think the point of education is to learn about various viewpoints- not just to have one narrow one shoved down your throat, and all others condemned.
i forgot about the drawings. Not too shabby for being done in the dark and under some botanical influence! no idea what I was doing with that eyeball/face drawing. How I managed to write/draw "adventures of TC and LC" impresses me; considering my illustious fruit basket! :( haha. I bit through the crayon!
Scary Carey- thats hilarious. I vaguely recall you freaking out when you looked at me- that musthave been when you saw the yellow hat.
ohhh weee....i dont know if i could handle that!
Nice drawings!