I finally tailored my winter coat. It was too long, to wide in the waist, and didn't cover my boobs. I've never tailored anything like that before but how else do you learn but through experimentation.
Step 1: make appropriate length

Step 2: trim edges, remove inner and outer breast pockets

Step 3: add 3rd button, trim waist

Then I scrubbed my fridge out and created some shelf railings out of duct tape and carboard. The third row down on the door was non-existent. Amazing how much more room you get out of something so simple as that.

I still had the need to keep my mind and hands busy so I took my entire DVD collection and placed them in little sleeves. Look how much room I saved!! Those stacks now fit in 2 little crates.

Care came over a few times and we played an old skool favorite: Castelvania, Simon's Quest Check out that hip scrolling screen technology.

Carey found a typo

There was no SAVE option back then. Remember passwords!? This one is so long it's crazy if you loose it.

The new international students arrived and orientation went smoothly. I almost forgot these incredible shots I took while freezing my eyeballs on the observation deck at Niagara Falls.

My sister and nephew came to visit me. I thought I'd start teaching him da skillz.

He thinks his auntie is pretty fly. Check out that smile.

cute baby, i want!
Great pictures of Niagara falls.