the adventure begins in a dark red room by a cozy fire and a well packed vanilla 'enhanced' hookah

carey's fire depiction

my fire depiction
we decided to draw fruit baskets with our mouths



i saw little ghosts coming out of the smoke flying at my head

i have no idea what carey saw although she kept laughing and yelling 'chainsaws!'


then came my merry-go-round ride. my legs were kicking away because i thought i was running the opposite direction of all the horses on it. the music was wack, and i think i saw paul.


i began riding a horse complete with gallop motions

when i looked at carey she was wearing a huuuuuge yellow hat, like the 'man in the yellow hat' and her lips were covered in blood.

i did my party trick. write like davinci.
can't read it? print it out and hold it in a mirror.

carey and i will be attending the new year party as eddy and patsy!
i forgot about the drawings. Not too shabby for being done in the dark and under some botanical influence! no idea what I was doing with that eyeball/face drawing. How I managed to write/draw "adventures of TC and LC" impresses me; considering my illustious fruit basket! :( haha. I bit through the crayon!
Scary Carey- thats hilarious. I vaguely recall you freaking out when you looked at me- that musthave been when you saw the yellow hat.
ohhh weee....i dont know if i could handle that!
Nice drawings!