i think i'm addicted to food. i seriously can't stop eating. i mean i eat fairly healthy things but i just eat a lot of it. if anyone notices me start to double in size please let me know.
i'm also watching my american idol tape from tonight (the new york auditions). taping this show is definitely the best way to go, because you can tell when a person is going to get all emotional and angry or upset and you can choose to fast forward if you don't want to subject yourself to it. otherwise i do find this show so entertaining, and i think i might actually watch it through till the end this time.
ok i probably won't. but it's a nice thought.
i'm running in the penguin race for cradle beach camp on sunday. come join me or cheer me on!!!
happy belated birthday (e:paul) !
Mk's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/24/2007 23:07 #37855
I LOVE EATING01/19/2007 14:27 #37778
I made a kid cryWe were in the middle, well, the end, of High School Chorus rehearsal. It was already kind of a shitty day - girls were talking and getting annoyed with each other - and then I heard a cell phone. I ignored it for like, 10 seconds, and I really mean 10 seconds, which is a LONG time to ignore a phone ring. And it just kept going and going and then I actually saw kids laughing. So I stopped playing. And I yelled. And I took the phone away. And it wouldn't stop ringing which was somewhat amusing but made me even more frustrated. And the kids were dead silent, and terrified. I mean, I don't get angry. But for some reason, that phone pushed me over the edge. The bell rang right after that, thank God. And the girl whose phone it was, who is usually a loudmouth - a nice kid, decent singer, but an ego/attitude problem - came up to me and said she was sorry. Her voice started to crack and I could see tears forming in her eyes. I couldn't believe it! She said "I don't want to be in trouble, well I know I'm in trouble, but I don't want you to be mad at me." So I gave her a hug and told her I had to keep her phone until the end of the day and she still looked so upset, and scared, so I hugged her again. And then I walked very quickly to the faculty bathroom and burst into tears.
I know this is a big step as a teacher - letting the kids see me get very angry. And I'm sure it means something that I made her cry. It would be one thing if they saw me getting upset as a joke, but obviously that wasn't the case. This is not a girl that cries at anything!! But regardless of how big of a step this is, it still makes me feel awful. I'm sick of blaming everything on myself. I blame EVERY classroom issue on myself and the way I teach. I can't admit to myself that kids can just be plain old bad sometimes. I hate being angry. I hate that I am not a great teacher yet. I hate it. I know I'm a perfectionist and I'm too hard on myself but I hate not knowing everything. I mean that sounds ridiculous but it's true. I hate it. When will it all be easier?!?!
I know this is a big step as a teacher - letting the kids see me get very angry. And I'm sure it means something that I made her cry. It would be one thing if they saw me getting upset as a joke, but obviously that wasn't the case. This is not a girl that cries at anything!! But regardless of how big of a step this is, it still makes me feel awful. I'm sick of blaming everything on myself. I blame EVERY classroom issue on myself and the way I teach. I can't admit to myself that kids can just be plain old bad sometimes. I hate being angry. I hate that I am not a great teacher yet. I hate it. I know I'm a perfectionist and I'm too hard on myself but I hate not knowing everything. I mean that sounds ridiculous but it's true. I hate it. When will it all be easier?!?!
01/12/2007 18:25 #37663
woo01/10/2007 22:17 #37634
ex's and o'si hate ex-boyfriends.
particularly mine.
i need a distraction.
something other than teaching or running.
or someone.
particularly mine.
i need a distraction.
something other than teaching or running.
or someone.
imk2 - 01/11/07 15:07
i looooove that game!
i looooove that game!
jason - 01/11/07 08:30
Dammit MK! SLAP SLAP! The best way to get over someone is to get under someone!
Dammit MK! SLAP SLAP! The best way to get over someone is to get under someone!
kookcity2000 - 01/11/07 03:48
dang, I keep shooting my fish when that alien comes around
dang, I keep shooting my fish when that alien comes around
chico - 01/11/07 02:33
One distraction, coming right up:
There's also a version from PopCapGames but that one requires that you download a plug-in, which maybe you don't want to do.
Object: maintain your fishtank. Add fish, feed fish, collect coins and other treasures, and protect your fish from alien invaders.
Starts slow and boring but becomes more complex (hence, "Insaniquarium").
Hint: Buying egg pieces will eventually add special, beneficial characters to your fishtank.
One distraction, coming right up:
There's also a version from PopCapGames but that one requires that you download a plug-in, which maybe you don't want to do.
Object: maintain your fishtank. Add fish, feed fish, collect coins and other treasures, and protect your fish from alien invaders.
Starts slow and boring but becomes more complex (hence, "Insaniquarium").
Hint: Buying egg pieces will eventually add special, beneficial characters to your fishtank.
01/07/2007 12:31 #37571
a milestoneYesterday, I reached a running milestone. I ran 10 miles without stopping. Although it took a long time, I'm super proud of myself! And the marathon I'm working for is in September, so I have lots of time to add on the miles and take away the minutes! Wooooo!!!

mike - 01/08/07 22:03
wow! That is crazy! I don't believe I've ran 10 miles in my entire life , let alone at once!
wow! That is crazy! I don't believe I've ran 10 miles in my entire life , let alone at once!
metalpeter - 01/08/07 18:30
I wish you the best of luck with making it up to 26 miles. I am on my feet a lot but my feet could never take it. I remember walking Walk America when it used to be a lot longer and my feet is what got me. I don't know if it is true or not but I have heard that a marathon can be more about the mental aspect then the running its self. I think the training for it both mentaly and physicaly will have a lot of great effects on you.
I wish you the best of luck with making it up to 26 miles. I am on my feet a lot but my feet could never take it. I remember walking Walk America when it used to be a lot longer and my feet is what got me. I don't know if it is true or not but I have heard that a marathon can be more about the mental aspect then the running its self. I think the training for it both mentaly and physicaly will have a lot of great effects on you.
chicoschica - 01/07/07 20:09
mk - that is awesome!! i applaud your endurance - whew!
hey -i have been running for a while and am hoping to get through a half marathon this year - where do you train/run?? any good tips??
mk - that is awesome!! i applaud your endurance - whew!
hey -i have been running for a while and am hoping to get through a half marathon this year - where do you train/run?? any good tips??
mk - 01/07/07 19:10
thanks everyone!!
thanks everyone!!
ladycroft - 01/07/07 17:48
one day i will complete my triathlon, but i still think that's easier than running 26.2 miles! bleh. running always was my weakest link. i'm glad you can do it, and enjoy it. at least from one (former but not forever) athlete to another - bravo!
one day i will complete my triathlon, but i still think that's easier than running 26.2 miles! bleh. running always was my weakest link. i'm glad you can do it, and enjoy it. at least from one (former but not forever) athlete to another - bravo!
enknot - 01/07/07 14:18
I am amazed. I think that 10 miles it summarily unattainable. I remember hitting 2 miles and thinking that I was a superhuman... who was just about to superdie... I gotta get back on that horse again... he's a tough one...
I am amazed. I think that 10 miles it summarily unattainable. I remember hitting 2 miles and thinking that I was a superhuman... who was just about to superdie... I gotta get back on that horse again... he's a tough one...
mrmike - 01/07/07 12:50
Good for you. Be loud and proud. That is something great
Good for you. Be loud and proud. That is something great
I think the hug thing is cute, but I also wondered if you are still allowed to do that. It is so sad that teachers have to worry about every little thing they do. My sister teaches in a highschool and has had a couple problems before like this one kid insisted that she was flirting with him and that is so ridiculous. She doesn't flirt with 16 year olds. Another problem she had was with her myspace account. A parent mailed her myspace page to the school principal. What a bitch right? There wasn't anything on it that was even scandalous. My sister ended up deleting it even though she didn't have to, just so she wouldn't have to deal with it.
First of all I assume that CellPhones arn't allowed in school. I also assume that kids bring them in anyways. Those that are smart enough to keep them on vibrate most likely don't get caught. The worst thing she could do was let it ring at least she should have answerd it so you did what you should have done. You maybe shouldn't have yelled. You can talk in a stern manner with out yelling, as you get more experince the better you will get. Dealing with people is a skill that you can learn and get better at but it is important to still be you. Um i don't think that hug was a good idea from a teacher to a student. I'm not saying it is wrong to hug give a student a hug but it could make the student uncoftable or even if other students saw it them. It is one of those things that isn't really bad but looks like it is.
Eh, as a teacher you were bound to encounter this sooner or later. I think you handled it very well. You did the right thing.