I love these things...
Where were you when 2006 began?
Drunk in downtown Fredonia, standing outside a bar because my sister was only 20.
Who were you with?
My sister and two good friends from Fredonia
Where will you be when 2006 ends?
either at the PMT's or downtown at the ball drop (I would prefer the first choice!!)
Whom will you be with when 2006 ends?
either everyone at the party or my friends nicole and laura
Was 2006 a good year for you?
It was way too weird. I wouldn't say it was bad but I definitely wouldn't say it was good, either.
What was your favorite moment of the year?
I suppose getting my first teaching job.
What was your least favorite moment of the year?
Bursting into tears in the Jet Blue Terminal in November in front of everyone there
Did you keep your New Year resolutions of 2006?
I don't remember, but probably.
Do you have any New Year resolutions for 2007?
Just to run a marathon, and be happy with myself of course.
Did you fall in love in 2006?
Did you breakup with anyone in 2006?
Did you make any new friends in 2006?
What was your favorite month of 2006?
Actually despite its craziness, I've enjoyed December a lot.
Did you travel outside of the US in 2006?
awww, no! just to Canada. I NEED to go to Europe next year!!!
How many different states did you travel to in 2006?
Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Colorado, New Jersey
Did you lose anybody close to you in 2006?
a friend of the family
Did you miss anybody in the past year?
yeah...it was a rough year...most of my school friends are far away from me now.
What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2006?
probably Bobby. I liked Confetti too.
What was your favorite song from 2006?
Hmmmm...I don't listen to the radio. But I do have a little crush on "Hips Don't Lie" by Shakira
What was your favorite album from 2006?
I have no idea.
How many concerts did you see in 2006?
Oh wow I have no idea. As far as "cool" concerts...uhhh...0??? Wow what has happened to me?!
Did you have a favorite concert in 2006?
Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2006?
not really.
Did you do drugs in 2006?
well yes i sort of did. how exciting!
Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year?
Nothing that immediately comes to my mind. Even if I did some things that I look back now and feel stupid about, I know that anything I did or felt was probably for a good reason.
What was the worst lie someone told you in 2006?
Did you treat somebody badly in 2006?
No way jose!
Did somebody treat you badly in 2006?
What was your proudest moment of 2006?
Doing my first concert with the high school kids :)
What was your most embarrassing moment of 2006?
hmm I'm not sure.
If you could go back in time to any moment of 2006 and change something, what would it be?
I woudln't have eaten so much this past week! Damn holidays!!!!
What are your plans for 2007?
Give a recital
Figure out where I want to go to grad school
Get a full time job or at least something very close to it!
Go to Europe
Run the Yonkers Marathon
Visit my cousin and his new baby in Colorado
Save some money
Run away to the South Pole and live among the penguins!
happy new year everyone!
Mk's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/31/2006 13:21 #37478
it's gonna be a happy new year12/25/2006 22:14 #29343
christmas images
i just love the sight of the living room floor covered in christmas paper

and i also love presents...

a mouse for my laptop with a retractable cord. ooooooh.

a set of shower and bath stuff. i will probably end up giving it away. i swear i get at least 5 of these a year!

told you i like penguins...

this is pretty much how we all felt by about 7:15.
Merry Christmas!!!
12/23/2006 22:47 #29342
here i go again on my ownSo here I am, a Saturday night at 10:30, sitting on my bed wearing pajama pants. Sometimes I think I should be depressed when these kind of nights occur. After all, I could be downtown with Mike at a Naughty by Nature show (which I thought he was joking about when I texted him earlier). But since I already spent oodles of money this evening on dinner and bowling with a couple other friends, let alone the past 2 months, I thought I would save a few bucks tonight.
It's wierd how much I look forward to having time off, but then when I actually have it, I don't know what to do with it. I have soooo many things I could think about for school but, ehh, it's supposed to be free time! I don't know.
Maybe I'm a little depressed...I know it's not the end of the world to be by yourself on a weekend night. And I could probably call other people but we always all call Mike to see what's going on; the rest of us hardly ever call each other. It has been this way for years; why stop now? However, it usually results in nights like these.
Never mind the fact that I'm one of like, two single friends that I have.
Well I'm babbling. These entries always feel like they are more appropriate for livejournal rather than here, but I don't have a livejournal. And I don't really want one.
Can't wait for Christmas, and I REALLY can't wait for New Years at my favorite Linwood mansion.
And hey, if you're free tonight, let me know. The pajama pants haven't completely killed my urge to party tonight... :)
It's wierd how much I look forward to having time off, but then when I actually have it, I don't know what to do with it. I have soooo many things I could think about for school but, ehh, it's supposed to be free time! I don't know.
Maybe I'm a little depressed...I know it's not the end of the world to be by yourself on a weekend night. And I could probably call other people but we always all call Mike to see what's going on; the rest of us hardly ever call each other. It has been this way for years; why stop now? However, it usually results in nights like these.
Never mind the fact that I'm one of like, two single friends that I have.
Well I'm babbling. These entries always feel like they are more appropriate for livejournal rather than here, but I don't have a livejournal. And I don't really want one.
Can't wait for Christmas, and I REALLY can't wait for New Years at my favorite Linwood mansion.
And hey, if you're free tonight, let me know. The pajama pants haven't completely killed my urge to party tonight... :)
12/19/2006 22:29 #29340
massage needed...STATWell actually I'm looking for a spa/massage place so I can get a gift card or gift package for my mom for Christmas/birthday. Does anyone know of any good ones???
joshua - 12/20/06 20:45
I keep hearing an ad for a place called Toscano but I can't vouch for how good they are.
I keep hearing an ad for a place called Toscano but I can't vouch for how good they are.
enknot - 12/20/06 10:42
there's also that Message Studio on Allen next to what used to be Drool, that raver place, near Quaker Bonnet Bakery. I know some people who work there, I think they're all from NYIM, and they've been there for quite a while.
there's also that Message Studio on Allen next to what used to be Drool, that raver place, near Quaker Bonnet Bakery. I know some people who work there, I think they're all from NYIM, and they've been there for quite a while.
vincent - 12/19/06 23:33
There's always the NY Institute of Massage on Transit. It's a student clinic and they're really cheap $35 for an hour. They do have gift certificates. The # is 633-0355
There's always the NY Institute of Massage on Transit. It's a student clinic and they're really cheap $35 for an hour. They do have gift certificates. The # is 633-0355
mike - 12/19/06 22:31
yeah, it's called I tihnk it is called like Pete's Happy Endings or something. It is on Fillmore somewhere. I hear they are good.
yeah, it's called I tihnk it is called like Pete's Happy Endings or something. It is on Fillmore somewhere. I hear they are good.
12/22/2006 00:32 #29341
randomness as usuala) I am the worst gift wrapper ever. Period. I am awful. I always manage to cut just slightly less than is needed to make the folds on the ends of the box, causing me to either cut out more paper and awkwardly attach it somehow, or leave a little bit showing so that the person opening the gift gets a sneak peek before they've even taken off the bow.
b) Thanks to everyone for suggestions about the spa. I ended up getting my mommy a gift card to Euphoria at the Galleria. Convenience. And they had some nice stuff it looked like, so I'm sure she will be happy.
c) I'm very excited because I decided that I'm going to take both of my classes on a rockin field trip to................the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!!!! I think they will be so excited. Almost as excited as their dorky teacher (me).
d) I would like a White Christmas. Just for like, 4 days. Stupid global warming.
e) This is the second time I'm writing this post because it got erased before. I remember that my list at least went to F, but I have no idea right now what E and F were. So I guess I will say that I'm super excited about Secret Santa and New Years at PMT's on Linwood!!!! A party thrown for the estrippers has yet to disappoint, and I hope to see everyone there ... !!! :D
f) Bye!!!
b) Thanks to everyone for suggestions about the spa. I ended up getting my mommy a gift card to Euphoria at the Galleria. Convenience. And they had some nice stuff it looked like, so I'm sure she will be happy.
c) I'm very excited because I decided that I'm going to take both of my classes on a rockin field trip to................the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!!!! I think they will be so excited. Almost as excited as their dorky teacher (me).
d) I would like a White Christmas. Just for like, 4 days. Stupid global warming.
e) This is the second time I'm writing this post because it got erased before. I remember that my list at least went to F, but I have no idea right now what E and F were. So I guess I will say that I'm super excited about Secret Santa and New Years at PMT's on Linwood!!!! A party thrown for the estrippers has yet to disappoint, and I hope to see everyone there ... !!! :D
f) Bye!!!
jenks - 12/22/06 01:39
I was going to suggest euphoria- I get my hair cut there and I like it- but I didn't know if they did spa stuff. I guess they do! cool.
I was going to suggest euphoria- I get my hair cut there and I like it- but I didn't know if they did spa stuff. I guess they do! cool.
Nothing is inappropriate for your estrip journal. It is your journal after all, ;)
yah. it can be hard when you're used to having people, or a particular someone around, then suddenly you find yourself home alone on a weekend night. it's cool though. we need that. maybe you didn't plan for a night alone, but use it to pamper yourself, or sit on your ass doing nothing. i usually end up cleaning like a maniac when i don't know what to do with myself. paint your nails, soak in a bath, do some yoga, eat cheese, paint, cook, read...whatever floats your boat. that is the bonus of being single. you can do whatever YOU like!
Naughty By Nature the band? Or is that the type of party it was? sometimes it is better to sit home and just relax and be away from all the crazzyness.