Ok, to continue the youtube trend-
this one isn't synced so well, but it amuses me nonetheless. The original song is this bad disco thing... Prodigy is much funnier.
Watch long enough for the 'indian maidens' to come out. They're the best part. Well aside from mustache-man.
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/16/2007 23:31 #37731
more youtube nonsense01/16/2007 22:35 #37720
Nice web, Mr. Crack Spider01/16/2007 10:01 #37714
Holy shit! My virgin ears!Just got around to opening this cartoon that a friend forwarded around for MLK day...
Who ever knew Charlie Brown had such a dirty mouth.
(not at all safe for work)

Who ever knew Charlie Brown had such a dirty mouth.
(not at all safe for work)

chico - 01/16/07 22:59
Well that's 8 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
Although the first time Marcy says "f you" it is pretty funny.
Well that's 8 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
Although the first time Marcy says "f you" it is pretty funny.
01/14/2007 21:36 #37689
random recapSo, I braved the mall today. Got my hair cut. Feel like I just got it cut last week, but am trying to keep up with the 6-wk thing. They have some new curly shampoo, and the guy said it's great. I asked if it's expensive, and he said no. My ass! I think $20 for a small bottle of shampoo is expensive.
And I went to New World to pick up my special order. First physical CD I've bought in ages. I got the "Verve//Remixed" box set. Cool stuff. It's like old jazz stuff (Nina Simone, Billie Holiday, Dinah Washington, Astrud Gilberto) remixed by house DJs (Tricky, Felix da Housecat, Danger Mouse, Postal Service (!)). So far so good. A lot of it's pretty slow, almost trip-hop/ slow groove type of stuff. Stuff you might hear in a swanky lounge. Strikes me as excellent slow dance and/or make-out music. Too bad I have no one to slow dance and/or make out with.
But my user song is now Astrud Gilberto's "Who needs Forever" remixed by the Thievery Corporation. Give it a listen.
And, I got my new ipod. Yay. Gotta get that puppy loaded up. :) Now I have no excuse not to exercise. :/
On that note- around christmas time I realized my jeans were getting tight. So I decided to do something about it. And I am happy to say, I've lost 6lb since New Year's. And I say that not to brag, but to say that if I can do it- anyone can. To those of you that are wondering how to go about it- I heartily recommend weight watchers. I lost 25lb with them last year. Then I stopped paying attention, and some of it creeped back up. So 1/1 I started working on it again. And it works. It's not magic. I think the biggest thing about it is that it just makes you pay attention to what you eat, and be accountable for it. That in itself is huge. Anyway. Don't mean to be preachy. But that's my advice.
Now to get some music into my shiny new ipod. :)
And I went to New World to pick up my special order. First physical CD I've bought in ages. I got the "Verve//Remixed" box set. Cool stuff. It's like old jazz stuff (Nina Simone, Billie Holiday, Dinah Washington, Astrud Gilberto) remixed by house DJs (Tricky, Felix da Housecat, Danger Mouse, Postal Service (!)). So far so good. A lot of it's pretty slow, almost trip-hop/ slow groove type of stuff. Stuff you might hear in a swanky lounge. Strikes me as excellent slow dance and/or make-out music. Too bad I have no one to slow dance and/or make out with.
But my user song is now Astrud Gilberto's "Who needs Forever" remixed by the Thievery Corporation. Give it a listen.
And, I got my new ipod. Yay. Gotta get that puppy loaded up. :) Now I have no excuse not to exercise. :/
On that note- around christmas time I realized my jeans were getting tight. So I decided to do something about it. And I am happy to say, I've lost 6lb since New Year's. And I say that not to brag, but to say that if I can do it- anyone can. To those of you that are wondering how to go about it- I heartily recommend weight watchers. I lost 25lb with them last year. Then I stopped paying attention, and some of it creeped back up. So 1/1 I started working on it again. And it works. It's not magic. I think the biggest thing about it is that it just makes you pay attention to what you eat, and be accountable for it. That in itself is huge. Anyway. Don't mean to be preachy. But that's my advice.
Now to get some music into my shiny new ipod. :)
chicoschica - 01/16/07 18:49
hey chick -
You should totally check out the Thievery Corporation Verve Remix album! That has been one of our faves for a couple years - and it turned me on to other ThieveryCorp albums, which are pretty cool. You like the box set? I don't think I knew that existed? How many discs is it?
Ah, the iPod nation...of which I am not a member. I have an iRiver mp3 player and I totally love it. I've dropped that thing about 2.3 million times and it still works great. I'm thinking of getting a new one with more capacity soon. I know there are benefits from using the iPod - you can use iTunes directly for example. (I have to buy iTunes, burn them and then rip them to mp3s to be able to listen to them on a non-iPod player. Anyone else have a good suggestion on how to NOT do this?)
Also, major kudos on your renewed commitment to exercise! It *IS* really hard to get out there ((e:chico) and I are going through a real lazy patch right now - both swamped at work (no excuse I know) and tired!!zzzzz). Hmmm - I hope Ethiopian food is good for Weight Watchers? ;-)
hey chick -
You should totally check out the Thievery Corporation Verve Remix album! That has been one of our faves for a couple years - and it turned me on to other ThieveryCorp albums, which are pretty cool. You like the box set? I don't think I knew that existed? How many discs is it?
Ah, the iPod nation...of which I am not a member. I have an iRiver mp3 player and I totally love it. I've dropped that thing about 2.3 million times and it still works great. I'm thinking of getting a new one with more capacity soon. I know there are benefits from using the iPod - you can use iTunes directly for example. (I have to buy iTunes, burn them and then rip them to mp3s to be able to listen to them on a non-iPod player. Anyone else have a good suggestion on how to NOT do this?)
Also, major kudos on your renewed commitment to exercise! It *IS* really hard to get out there ((e:chico) and I are going through a real lazy patch right now - both swamped at work (no excuse I know) and tired!!zzzzz). Hmmm - I hope Ethiopian food is good for Weight Watchers? ;-)
ladycroft - 01/15/07 16:16
i lost 6lb too. i think because i switched to diet pop.
i lost 6lb too. i think because i switched to diet pop.
metalpeter - 01/15/07 11:55
Yeah not that I have ever tried to lose or gain weight. But for most people what you said is true you have to watch what you eat and cut down some. If there is a type of exercise that someone enjoys they can add that to (the key is not to say I ran a mile now I can have a bowl of icecream and wind up eating more calories then you just burned) then that is help. The key thing is not to over do the exercise (it has to be fun or you will stop); and not to over do the cutting back. If you strave yourself you body goes into shutdown mode and that isn't good.
Yeah not that I have ever tried to lose or gain weight. But for most people what you said is true you have to watch what you eat and cut down some. If there is a type of exercise that someone enjoys they can add that to (the key is not to say I ran a mile now I can have a bowl of icecream and wind up eating more calories then you just burned) then that is help. The key thing is not to over do the exercise (it has to be fun or you will stop); and not to over do the cutting back. If you strave yourself you body goes into shutdown mode and that isn't good.
mrmike - 01/14/07 22:28
Yeah, shiny ipod. I'm two weeks into my ipod and it's a good thing
Yeah, shiny ipod. I'm two weeks into my ipod and it's a good thing
01/13/2007 20:11 #37675
my dad is too cuteSo I got a cute little care package from my mom today... and she told me the other day she was sending it, and said "oh yeah, and dad says wait til you see what he put in it."
So I opened it-
and here's what Dad sent me: (sorry, picture is fuzzy)-

Yes, that's right, it's Snakes on a Plane.
I don't really care about the movie. I just like the little picture he drew that looks like it was done by a 5 year old.
I don't know why I think that's so cute it's worth posting. Probably because I am the definition of Daddy's Little Girl.
I am super-tired. Work was insane last night. BGH got all worked up in a tizzy because they heard there was a 'gunshot wound to the chest' coming in- turns out it was a SHOCK to the chest (like for cardiac arrhythmias), not a SHOT. Thank god. I did not feel like dealing with a GSW last night.
We also took 25lb of fat off one one lady's belly. She'd lost 100lb, and had extra skin/fat hanging down to her knees- so bad she couldn't walk. So we fixed that. It was very bloody.
I am on vacation now. I should be excited, but I'm not really, since I can't afford to spend my time doing anything but studying. And I know I won't study enough.
The guy in Iraq is supposedly leaving Iraq I think tomorrow, but he hasn't been online at all since I talked to him last saturday. Bummer. I hope everything is ok.
I think I got booty-called last night. At least, what else could a voicemail from 1am saying "i'm on my way to the bar between our houses, wondering what you're up to" mean? I don't think that's ever happened to me before. Too bad I was at work. Or maybe, thank god I was at work.
Have not heard any good news on the interview front yet.
3 rejections. 49 places yet to respond. I'm starting to get nervous. :(
I am cold and tired and a little sick. I feel like I "have to" go out tonight, since it's saturday night, but I kind of feel like just cuddling up on the couch with season 2 of grey's anatomy, popcorn, and a cozy blanket. Fortunately Brad The Landlord fixed my broken outlet today. It required sawing through the floor of the attic and all sorts of craziness.
I think I will go iPod shopping tomorrow. That's sure to make me feel better, right??
Ok, enough random shit for now.
Have a good weekend peeps!
p.s. Tony! Wii Party!!
So I opened it-
and here's what Dad sent me: (sorry, picture is fuzzy)-

Yes, that's right, it's Snakes on a Plane.
I don't really care about the movie. I just like the little picture he drew that looks like it was done by a 5 year old.
I don't know why I think that's so cute it's worth posting. Probably because I am the definition of Daddy's Little Girl.
I am super-tired. Work was insane last night. BGH got all worked up in a tizzy because they heard there was a 'gunshot wound to the chest' coming in- turns out it was a SHOCK to the chest (like for cardiac arrhythmias), not a SHOT. Thank god. I did not feel like dealing with a GSW last night.
We also took 25lb of fat off one one lady's belly. She'd lost 100lb, and had extra skin/fat hanging down to her knees- so bad she couldn't walk. So we fixed that. It was very bloody.
I am on vacation now. I should be excited, but I'm not really, since I can't afford to spend my time doing anything but studying. And I know I won't study enough.
The guy in Iraq is supposedly leaving Iraq I think tomorrow, but he hasn't been online at all since I talked to him last saturday. Bummer. I hope everything is ok.
I think I got booty-called last night. At least, what else could a voicemail from 1am saying "i'm on my way to the bar between our houses, wondering what you're up to" mean? I don't think that's ever happened to me before. Too bad I was at work. Or maybe, thank god I was at work.
Have not heard any good news on the interview front yet.
3 rejections. 49 places yet to respond. I'm starting to get nervous. :(
I am cold and tired and a little sick. I feel like I "have to" go out tonight, since it's saturday night, but I kind of feel like just cuddling up on the couch with season 2 of grey's anatomy, popcorn, and a cozy blanket. Fortunately Brad The Landlord fixed my broken outlet today. It required sawing through the floor of the attic and all sorts of craziness.
I think I will go iPod shopping tomorrow. That's sure to make me feel better, right??
Ok, enough random shit for now.
Have a good weekend peeps!
p.s. Tony! Wii Party!!
jenks - 01/13/07 21:39
ok, "care package" is an overly romantic term. It was a scarf that I forgot at home, and a christmas ornament that mom wanted to get rid of. And snakes on a plane, of course.
ok, "care package" is an overly romantic term. It was a scarf that I forgot at home, and a christmas ornament that mom wanted to get rid of. And snakes on a plane, of course.
imk2 - 01/13/07 21:00
i never got one of those :(
i never got one of those :(
ladycroft - 01/13/07 20:19
actually, that is hysterical. i'd love to get some random crap like that. especially that you still get care packages! holy crap i haven't gotten one of those since sophmore year.
actually, that is hysterical. i'd love to get some random crap like that. especially that you still get care packages! holy crap i haven't gotten one of those since sophmore year.
yeah, and it sucks b/c the links can break then the journal is meaningless.
Actually that reminds me- I just noticed that some of my early journals are gone. The title is there, and the comments, but no text. Hmmm.
[I decided I would read my journal from the beginning. But I quickly got bored. How do you peeps put up with me?? But I thank you!]
So I have been thinking about this youtube madness some more. It really pains me that the site exists as an entity on its own, containing all media accept these youtube videos. I like to think that someday it could stand alone as an archive running off a machine in a museum like the historical society were people can see what blogging was like at the beginning.
The youtube content is not included because it is the only media not directly eaten by the server, it is just a link and requires both a live internet connection and the existence of youtube for it to work. In order to get around this I am thinking about building an estrip web tv station where each user can pick youtube videos and embed them into the estrip web tv channel, where other peeps and viewers can watch them but in a separate place from the journals so that they stay pure. That way it will say suggested by "insert peep name here" and the other peeps can still comment.
I need another weekend to get that going.