Hey this new multi-upload thing is great.
So... for your viewing (dis)pleasure, some pix from xmas in RI.

My mom's cookies put mine to shame. Check out those snowflakes!!

Christmas morning breakfast table- which mom said looks like a hotel. (?).

Mom made that gold thing- it's a bunch of walnuts. I think it looks neat.

The tree. Doesn't look so great in daylight, sorry. And that's a pineapple on the top- sign of hospitality. Not sure if it's a RI thing or a New England thing or what, but it's what we've always done.

Monster dogs. For some reason Gus (white) likes to lick Alice's (brown) ear.

Not sure Dad would like having this near crotch-shot online, but my brother gave him motorcycle gloves and so he was punching everything for a while.

One of the tiny helicopters in flight (you can see it in front of the windowshade).

My fake (and still nameless) puppy.
Oh and the new user pic is the bulldog-in-a-santa-hat that's on my new pajamas.
This year my parents had the fire company (or someone) come out to put lights on this huge (like 50ft) pine tree in the yard... it looks awesome, I need a pic.
Not a whole lot else to report. Flying back sat, unless I can convince my bro to drive me and avoid having to ship a bunch of xmas presents. Stupid of me not to drive. But I don't think he'll bite.
Went to Boston today to try on maid-of-honor dresses for my friend Betsy's wedding this summer. Oy. A bunch of Vera Wang monstrosities. Not good. And mom was grumpy and just kept telling me everything looked bad. Which it did, but she could have been nice about it. Brother pouting and whining the whole time about where to eat. Me cranky b/c I couldn't find a bathroom. And it was freezing out and I wasn't wearing a warm enough coat. So finally, the highlight of the day- Bodyworlds!!! So we get there... and it's sold out. Until after New Year's.
Dammit Dammit Dammit!!!
Ok, back to trauma center. I finally beat the stupid aneurysm level. [I like to think playing this game counts as studying/working.]
See you all soon!
isn't that kind of a skewed raffle?
I mean, of a group of people, what percentage looks at 340lbs of raw beef as a prize?
I know plenty of people with room in the old chest freezer that would love that but most people would be overwhelmed.
Compare that to like 340 gallons of gas or a TV or something and I bet they'd get a lot more raffle action.
Hmm. Meat raffle. No, haven't heard of this before, but am thinking of running my own. How much are you willing to bid, jenksy? ;-)
(OK that's gross I know but I couldn't resist.)
IT looks like it says "Cloned" over the beef. Maybe you win 175 of the real stuff and 175 of the genetic.
New one on me
Treo 680. It's cute and red.
Without having a palm it makes it virtually impossible for me to develop for it. Could I borrow your old palm device to test the site with for a couple days?
If it doesn't allow file uploads you will have to use the old pmobl mobile posting system, which also needs an upgrade.
what kinda phone did you get?
and I can't seem to delete the double post. hmm will have to work on this.