Jenks's Journal
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01/10/2007 16:17 #37628
GrossCategory: work
I was checking the OR schedule online, so I have an idea of what I might be doing at work tomorrow, and look what I found-
On a 21yo.
I've only heard about that. Never seen it done, never even been aware of it being done in any hospital I've been at. So here we go.
01/09/2007 13:04 #37608
live from macword...Category: geek
The iPhone
"This is a day I've been looking forward to for two and a half years," said Jobs. "Every once in a while a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything."
In 1984, said Jobs, Apple introduced the Macintosh, and changed the computer industry. In 2001, Apple introduced the iPod, and changed the entire music industry.
"Well, today, we're introducing three revolutionary products of this class," said Jobs. "The first one is a widescreen iPod with touch controls. The second is a revolutionary mobile phone. The third is a breakthrough Internet communications device."
"These are not three separate devices," said Jobs. "This is one device. And we are calling it iPhone. Today Apple is going to reinvent the phone."
Jobs explained that smartphones provide phone and e-mail and what he called "the baby Internet. They're not so smart and not so easy to use."
"We don't want to do these," he said. "We want to do a leapfrog product that's way smarter than these phones and much easier to use. So we're going to reinvent the phone."
The iPhone does not use a keyboard, nor does it use a stylus, as many smartphones do today. The device uses new technology called "Multitouch."
"We're going to use the best pointing device in our world," said Jobs. "We're born with 10 of them, our fingers."
Multitouch is far more accurate than any touch display, according to Jobs. It ignores unintended touches, supports multi-fingers gesture. "And boy, have we patented it," he added.
The iPhone runs Mac OS X, said Jobs. "We start with a solid foundation," he explained.
"Why would we run such a sophisticated operating system on a mobile device? It's got everything we need," he said. "It's got multitasking, networking, power management, awesome security and the right apps. It's got all the stuff we want. And it's built right in to iPhone. And has let us create desktop-class applications and networking.
iPhone also synchronizes through iTunes. It syncs media, contact information, calendars, photos, notes, bookmarks, e-mail accounts. "All that stuff can be moved over the iPhone completely automatically," said Jobs.
The iPhone features a 3.5-inch, 160 dot-per-inch color screen. There's a small "Home" button it. It's also remarkably thin -- 11.6 millimeters, thinner than any smartphone out there, according to Jobs.
On one side, the iPhone sports a ring/silent switch, volume up and down controls. On its silver back side is a 2 megapixel digital camera. The bottom features a speaker, microphone and iPod dock connector
And that's all they've said so far. Will have to check back later...
updated again: here's the official info from apple:

looks slick.
BUT- not available til June.
Cingular only (GPRS/EDGE- though Apple claims they will make 3G phones in the future)
$499/$599 (and that's WITH a 2yr contract) [!!!]
And it's only 4/8GB, so it can't totally replace my 80gb stolen ipod.
Nonetheless, the apple geek in me is drooling.
I want an iphone
I'm wondering when are they going to provide me with a modern replacement for my 12" (powerbook, that is).
01/08/2007 11:05 #37585
Mobile post! Yeah! (updated)look at this randomness. How do I always find all this crazy stuff...
Hmm nevermind. I can't figure out how to add pix. :(
Ok, now I'm home. Here's my pic.

Has anyone else never heard of a meat raffle?
isn't that kind of a skewed raffle?
I mean, of a group of people, what percentage looks at 340lbs of raw beef as a prize?
I know plenty of people with room in the old chest freezer that would love that but most people would be overwhelmed.
Compare that to like 340 gallons of gas or a TV or something and I bet they'd get a lot more raffle action.
Hmm. Meat raffle. No, haven't heard of this before, but am thinking of running my own. How much are you willing to bid, jenksy? ;-)
(OK that's gross I know but I couldn't resist.)
IT looks like it says "Cloned" over the beef. Maybe you win 175 of the real stuff and 175 of the genetic.
New one on me
Treo 680. It's cute and red.
Without having a palm it makes it virtually impossible for me to develop for it. Could I borrow your old palm device to test the site with for a couple days?
If it doesn't allow file uploads you will have to use the old pmobl mobile posting system, which also needs an upgrade.
and I can't seem to delete the double post. hmm will have to work on this.
01/01/2007 23:27 #37503
zapIt seems I have one outlet that has just died.
Circuit breaker is fine, but all of the sudden no power from that outlet.
yeah kind of.
I've done ok on my own and pretty much have always been able to fix stuff within a house.
My greatest talent though is knowing when its time to call in the Pros.
I can look at it and your rabbits for you if you want.
No. And it hasn't miraculously fixed itself, either. Am about to go see if Have fuses AND a circuit breaker to see if that explains it. Are you an amateur electrician?
anyone fix it yet?
01/01/2007 18:02 #37496
IMK is a naughty girl.Category: pix

Eddy and Patsy

Poor snowman didn't know what hit him.


The beginning of it all... (and Yvonne somehow I think you look like a vampire about to bite me here.) (But don't get a complex over it! ;))

Dirty girl!

Oh my.

Classic Party Mike.

The fireworks. Yeah, that came out well.

From dirty to sultry?

Aww... My favorite quote of the night "We're married so we're allowed to do that."

LOL. Keep all flame away.

What is that face (e:Soma) is making??

This was at about 5am. I figured when the hosts are starting to pass out on the living floor, that's my cue to leave.
Thanks again PMT!!
Nice pictures glad you had a great time.
where does the extra labia go
let me guess: breakfast sausage
Ya, careful with the beef curtains.
On the one hand, I can't imagine that someone would intentionally say to themselves: 'you know what I should have done?' On the other hand, I really really hope it's not medically necessary. Brr.
Thanks for the imagery. I'm going to go boil myself now.
- Z
eww imk that is gross! roast beef!
At first I thought that labia referred to lips the ones on your face and then i realized no it is the lips betweeen your legs.
Good luck with the lip-synching!
(from sex shows not being a doctor) My understanding is that it is done for one of two reasons. A. Function meaning that they interfear with sex or sensation or things along those lines. B. Cosmetic: the person just dosn't like how the look but them being over sized dosn't really effect anything. That is assuming I'm remembering correctly.
jesus jenks, i thought i told you to keep my roast beef to yourself!
Hope it's not a bust
Hey, by the way, I need to reschedule that. Errr..I mean......NOTHING!!! ;)