so.... any electricians in the house?
It seems I have one outlet that has just died.
Circuit breaker is fine, but all of the sudden no power from that outlet.
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/01/2007 23:27 #37503
zap01/01/2007 18:02 #37496
IMK is a naughty girl.Category: pix
Wow. So I think the fog in my head has finally lifted. So without further ado, here are even more pix of the debauchery.

Eddy and Patsy

Poor snowman didn't know what hit him.


The beginning of it all... (and Yvonne somehow I think you look like a vampire about to bite me here.) (But don't get a complex over it! ;))

Dirty girl!

Oh my.

Classic Party Mike.

The fireworks. Yeah, that came out well.

From dirty to sultry?

Aww... My favorite quote of the night "We're married so we're allowed to do that."

LOL. Keep all flame away.

What is that face (e:Soma) is making??

This was at about 5am. I figured when the hosts are starting to pass out on the living floor, that's my cue to leave.
Thanks again PMT!!

Eddy and Patsy

Poor snowman didn't know what hit him.


The beginning of it all... (and Yvonne somehow I think you look like a vampire about to bite me here.) (But don't get a complex over it! ;))

Dirty girl!

Oh my.

Classic Party Mike.

The fireworks. Yeah, that came out well.

From dirty to sultry?

Aww... My favorite quote of the night "We're married so we're allowed to do that."

LOL. Keep all flame away.

What is that face (e:Soma) is making??

This was at about 5am. I figured when the hosts are starting to pass out on the living floor, that's my cue to leave.
Thanks again PMT!!
metalpeter - 01/02/07 19:58
Nice pictures glad you had a great time.
Nice pictures glad you had a great time.
01/01/2007 11:35 #37490
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!Happy 2007!
And thanks PMT for another fun party. My New Years' are usually lame, but I had a blast last night. (Probably would have had even more fun if I could overcome my WASP inhibitions/sense of propriety/age hangups/fear of what people think/who's looking... In other words if I could overcome myself... But ah well, 'twas a blast nonetheless.) Though I'm a little afraid to see what's going to come out of Peter's camera. And my own for that matter.
Nice finally saying more than two words to a few peeps. :)
Ok, time to go fight my hangover for a few more hours. Bleh...
Maybe I will have something more profound to say later. Or pictures.
One or the other.
Oh, and thanks Secret Santa!!
And thanks PMT for another fun party. My New Years' are usually lame, but I had a blast last night. (Probably would have had even more fun if I could overcome my WASP inhibitions/sense of propriety/age hangups/fear of what people think/who's looking... In other words if I could overcome myself... But ah well, 'twas a blast nonetheless.) Though I'm a little afraid to see what's going to come out of Peter's camera. And my own for that matter.
Nice finally saying more than two words to a few peeps. :)
Ok, time to go fight my hangover for a few more hours. Bleh...
Maybe I will have something more profound to say later. Or pictures.
One or the other.
Oh, and thanks Secret Santa!!
mrmike - 01/01/07 13:02
"(Probably would have had even more fun if I could overcome my WASP inhibitions/sense of propriety/age hangups/fear of what people think/who's looking... In other words if I could overcome myself..."
I think I probably suffer from all of that to a degree....Okay, I invented it, but that accurately summarizes last night for me as well.
A good time inspite of my anal retentive self
"(Probably would have had even more fun if I could overcome my WASP inhibitions/sense of propriety/age hangups/fear of what people think/who's looking... In other words if I could overcome myself..."
I think I probably suffer from all of that to a degree....Okay, I invented it, but that accurately summarizes last night for me as well.
A good time inspite of my anal retentive self
12/28/2006 21:39 #24014
Christmas pixCategory: pix
Hey this new multi-upload thing is great.
So... for your viewing (dis)pleasure, some pix from xmas in RI.

My mom's cookies put mine to shame. Check out those snowflakes!!

Christmas morning breakfast table- which mom said looks like a hotel. (?).

Mom made that gold thing- it's a bunch of walnuts. I think it looks neat.

The tree. Doesn't look so great in daylight, sorry. And that's a pineapple on the top- sign of hospitality. Not sure if it's a RI thing or a New England thing or what, but it's what we've always done.

Monster dogs. For some reason Gus (white) likes to lick Alice's (brown) ear.

Not sure Dad would like having this near crotch-shot online, but my brother gave him motorcycle gloves and so he was punching everything for a while.

One of the tiny helicopters in flight (you can see it in front of the windowshade).

My fake (and still nameless) puppy.
Oh and the new user pic is the bulldog-in-a-santa-hat that's on my new pajamas.
This year my parents had the fire company (or someone) come out to put lights on this huge (like 50ft) pine tree in the yard... it looks awesome, I need a pic.
Not a whole lot else to report. Flying back sat, unless I can convince my bro to drive me and avoid having to ship a bunch of xmas presents. Stupid of me not to drive. But I don't think he'll bite.
Went to Boston today to try on maid-of-honor dresses for my friend Betsy's wedding this summer. Oy. A bunch of Vera Wang monstrosities. Not good. And mom was grumpy and just kept telling me everything looked bad. Which it did, but she could have been nice about it. Brother pouting and whining the whole time about where to eat. Me cranky b/c I couldn't find a bathroom. And it was freezing out and I wasn't wearing a warm enough coat. So finally, the highlight of the day- Bodyworlds!!! So we get there... and it's sold out. Until after New Year's.
Dammit Dammit Dammit!!!
Ok, back to trauma center. I finally beat the stupid aneurysm level. [I like to think playing this game counts as studying/working.]
See you all soon!
So... for your viewing (dis)pleasure, some pix from xmas in RI.

My mom's cookies put mine to shame. Check out those snowflakes!!

Christmas morning breakfast table- which mom said looks like a hotel. (?).

Mom made that gold thing- it's a bunch of walnuts. I think it looks neat.

The tree. Doesn't look so great in daylight, sorry. And that's a pineapple on the top- sign of hospitality. Not sure if it's a RI thing or a New England thing or what, but it's what we've always done.

Monster dogs. For some reason Gus (white) likes to lick Alice's (brown) ear.

Not sure Dad would like having this near crotch-shot online, but my brother gave him motorcycle gloves and so he was punching everything for a while.

One of the tiny helicopters in flight (you can see it in front of the windowshade).

My fake (and still nameless) puppy.
Oh and the new user pic is the bulldog-in-a-santa-hat that's on my new pajamas.
This year my parents had the fire company (or someone) come out to put lights on this huge (like 50ft) pine tree in the yard... it looks awesome, I need a pic.
Not a whole lot else to report. Flying back sat, unless I can convince my bro to drive me and avoid having to ship a bunch of xmas presents. Stupid of me not to drive. But I don't think he'll bite.
Went to Boston today to try on maid-of-honor dresses for my friend Betsy's wedding this summer. Oy. A bunch of Vera Wang monstrosities. Not good. And mom was grumpy and just kept telling me everything looked bad. Which it did, but she could have been nice about it. Brother pouting and whining the whole time about where to eat. Me cranky b/c I couldn't find a bathroom. And it was freezing out and I wasn't wearing a warm enough coat. So finally, the highlight of the day- Bodyworlds!!! So we get there... and it's sold out. Until after New Year's.
Dammit Dammit Dammit!!!
Ok, back to trauma center. I finally beat the stupid aneurysm level. [I like to think playing this game counts as studying/working.]
See you all soon!
deeglam - 12/28/06 22:59
macaroons and bulldogs....can a christmas get any better?!?!
macaroons and bulldogs....can a christmas get any better?!?!
12/27/2006 23:19 #24013
BOOTIE!To continue the trend (e:ajay) started last year- here's a link to the Best of Bootie 2006 mashup CD. Haven't heard it all yet, but so far so good. This stuff really amazes me.

And while looking for that picture, I found this-

Which is the original of this:

Ahh, photobooth.
So I told Mom I wanted to take her out, or do something, and she laughed at me and said don't be silly. She insisted. So I at least TOLD her that I was proud of her.
My brother invited me to go out with him tonight. Which is probably a momentous occasion. I have never drank with my brother. I probably should have gone. But he's 7yr younger than me, and I just couldn't imagine drinking with those kids I remember from grade school. Besides, I'm already in my (awesome) bulldogs-in-santa-hats pajamas.
Whenever I come home I have all these grand plans to see all my high school friends etc- but then find I would rather sit home with my parents.
Right now Paul Simon's Rhythm of the Saints is playing- I haven't heard this album in years- yet I find that I still know every single word to every single song. It reminds me of family vacations.
Off to Boston tomorrow. Going to see Bodyworks! I think I already posted that, oops. (I'm excited.)
But I just realized that it will make me miss my daily chat with Iraq...
Peeps I need you to keep from going off the deep end over this guy... I am trying to keep it all in check... I haven't even MET him... I don't know if I ever even WILL... But we've been 'talking' for at least an hour or two a day... I can't say it's flirty, I get no inkling that it's anything more than someone for him to chat with while stuck in the desert... And I have to not get ahead of myself... Ok? So don't let me be a freak and fuck this all up. Promise!!
Ok, time to get back to Trauma Center. (no, I did not get a Wii, but my dad got a DS.)

And while looking for that picture, I found this-

Which is the original of this:

Ahh, photobooth.
So I told Mom I wanted to take her out, or do something, and she laughed at me and said don't be silly. She insisted. So I at least TOLD her that I was proud of her.
My brother invited me to go out with him tonight. Which is probably a momentous occasion. I have never drank with my brother. I probably should have gone. But he's 7yr younger than me, and I just couldn't imagine drinking with those kids I remember from grade school. Besides, I'm already in my (awesome) bulldogs-in-santa-hats pajamas.
Whenever I come home I have all these grand plans to see all my high school friends etc- but then find I would rather sit home with my parents.
Right now Paul Simon's Rhythm of the Saints is playing- I haven't heard this album in years- yet I find that I still know every single word to every single song. It reminds me of family vacations.
Off to Boston tomorrow. Going to see Bodyworks! I think I already posted that, oops. (I'm excited.)
But I just realized that it will make me miss my daily chat with Iraq...
Peeps I need you to keep from going off the deep end over this guy... I am trying to keep it all in check... I haven't even MET him... I don't know if I ever even WILL... But we've been 'talking' for at least an hour or two a day... I can't say it's flirty, I get no inkling that it's anything more than someone for him to chat with while stuck in the desert... And I have to not get ahead of myself... Ok? So don't let me be a freak and fuck this all up. Promise!!
Ok, time to get back to Trauma Center. (no, I did not get a Wii, but my dad got a DS.)
metalpeter - 12/28/06 19:17
Yeah she does look preaty nice in that first pic, but there is one odd thing she kind looks like (blanks on the characters name) Dr. House's boss on House (great show by the way). On the guy note all I can say is just relax and don't overthink things if it turns into something then it does and if not don't worry about it.
Yeah she does look preaty nice in that first pic, but there is one odd thing she kind looks like (blanks on the characters name) Dr. House's boss on House (great show by the way). On the guy note all I can say is just relax and don't overthink things if it turns into something then it does and if not don't worry about it.
imk2 - 12/28/06 10:17
wow, you look so pretty in that picture!
wow, you look so pretty in that picture!
chico - 12/28/06 00:56
Good call on the Bootie mashups, jenks... some personal favorites:
3. DJ M.I.F. â€" Tricky Sandman (Run-DMC vs. Metallica) - Mikkel, Denmark
10. Max Entropy â€" Short Skirt, London Bridge (Fergie vs. Cake) - Philadelphia, USA
14. Go Home Productions â€" Don't Hold Back, Sweet Jane (Chemical Brothers vs. Velvet Underground vs. U2 vs. Sugababes vs. MARRS) - Watford, UK
15. DJ Topcat â€" Dec. 4th, Oh What A Night (Jay-Z vs. Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons) - Seattle, USA
Good call on the Bootie mashups, jenks... some personal favorites:
3. DJ M.I.F. â€" Tricky Sandman (Run-DMC vs. Metallica) - Mikkel, Denmark
10. Max Entropy â€" Short Skirt, London Bridge (Fergie vs. Cake) - Philadelphia, USA
14. Go Home Productions â€" Don't Hold Back, Sweet Jane (Chemical Brothers vs. Velvet Underground vs. U2 vs. Sugababes vs. MARRS) - Watford, UK
15. DJ Topcat â€" Dec. 4th, Oh What A Night (Jay-Z vs. Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons) - Seattle, USA
yeah kind of.
I've done ok on my own and pretty much have always been able to fix stuff within a house.
My greatest talent though is knowing when its time to call in the Pros.
I can look at it and your rabbits for you if you want.
No. And it hasn't miraculously fixed itself, either. Am about to go see if Have fuses AND a circuit breaker to see if that explains it. Are you an amateur electrician?
anyone fix it yet?